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Declined Ban shoot or dont shoot

Should we ban it

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festive god

Is it this? im old i don't understandddddddd
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2021
I also mention your other points you are just glazing over them. Also the game has several upsides such as getting it down to one red for Lr, it makes the rebelling harder for the reds, I have mention in that post how is it easily abused yet you ignore answering that question shows you didn't even read my entire post and bias? we are both bias in this argument you dislike this game while I clearly love it and that's fine you hate the game than you go ahead. But do not lie to the people reading these posts and please do try to understand that I'm arguing for this game not just because I love it and thats an OG game but that's also a great minigame in itself its hard to argue that its freekills because agian the warden only pulls the trigger when any red says so. It may not be a perfect game but no game is and as such shouldn't be banned because people say its not fun for them or thats it abused because all games can be abused one way or another if one looks for it.


Jan 10, 2021
But a more serious reply here its a mini game like Russian roulette its by chance. Its really fun because you don't know if you could kill yourself or kill the person next to you. Not really freekill because its via chance like the game.
russian roulette is trash also but so many maps have it already


Jan 20, 2021
I'd say to generally keep the mini game. It sure isn't fun for everybody and I'm sure we all understand that, but I've witnessed a lot of reds clearly enjoying the game. I once heard multiple reds cheer the game once announced that it's going to be played. I've also heard reds cheer the warden, complimenting him how they really loved the way he was playing the mini game, in this case that woukd be festive god. Best way to proceed here is to keep the game but make some restrictions on it. For example let it be played only once per map, or upon there's a certain number of inmates.


Jan 24, 2021
I once heard multiple reds cheer the game once announced that it's going to be played.
If some dummy force freedays and everyone cheers that doesn’t necessarily make it a good thing. Reds will often cheer for stuff that are against the rules because reds are reds.


Staff Member
Jul 12, 2020
I'm not against the minigame.


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
I think the minigame is fine, the only problem I see with it is when warden restricts how many times a red can say "no shoot," because that in turn just gives warden a free kill for absolutely nothing pretty much. That's why I want the game removed.


Scarcely Lethal
Feb 8, 2021
I feel the minigame with some changes would be perfect if not removed, restrictions could be added like "Only can be played with x amount of reds"
or after a minigame has been played, it would overall be more fair for the reds

festive god

Is it this? im old i don't understandddddddd
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2021
The thing about trying to place restrictions the reds will be very difficult such as when ginger said that he has problem with warden saying reds can't say don't shoot after this many times would just break the game, the point of the limiter is so that it makes the game work and its also a motivator in its own as it is meant to keep the reds from just spamming don't shoot, now trying to place restrictions is a bit tricky here, because the game is more fun with more reds present, the less the reds the less the fun the game is because its less of a thrill and more of just there's only a 1 in three I will get killed type of scenario if you say the restriction must be placed on after a mini game. After all the rule for sex day/meat grinder is now hardly use after a mini. I've barley see any one do it now because most reds die before the mini game is completed. And there are much easier ways to get the last lr via last reaction/first reaction/rps/jump first for lr and ect. People will just play those than actually do shoot or dont shoot

festive god

Is it this? im old i don't understandddddddd
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2021
Also I would like to say this is the most fun debate ever and I'm loving every moment of this no matter the out come just know that this was great and I love this community for actually let us talk it out rather than just banning it out right. Shoot or don't shoot will live on forever and if not in this community than in my heart


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
The thing about trying to place restrictions the reds will be very difficult such as when ginger said that he has problem with warden saying reds can't say don't shoot after this many times would just break the game
That's why I think the game should be removed, if you need to force reds to say "shoot" then the game is flawed and should be removed. It's not like nine square where the person who dies is chosen randomly, it's chosen by the warden. So if you do place the restrictions the warden literally just kills who ever he wants at that time. It actually makes the game worse than an rng based game.
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Scarcely Lethal
Feb 8, 2021
If this minigame should be banned, I don't see why games like Nine square and Russian Roulette are allowed.
It's just RNG (to an extent)

The issue with the game is that its not completely randomised and is based off who at that exact time the warden wants to shoot,
contrary to how how 9square picks a random square and is thus completely randomised.


Mildly Menacing
Jan 3, 2021
The issue with the game is that its not completely randomised and is based off who at that exact time the warden wants to shoot,
contrary to how how 9square picks a random square and is thus completely randomised.

Good point, while Shoot or don't shoot can be more fun than Nine Square and Russian Roulette, those two minigames are done better as it will be very difficult to ensure there's no bias in who gets shot.

festive god

Is it this? im old i don't understandddddddd
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2021
Can you tell who you are shooting? I never actually see the names of the people I'm shooting unless I'm in close distance and when you do shoot or don't shoot you are at a father distance when I do it I just read it off the team names on the tab bar. Also Not all maps have Russian roulette such as Bk I haven't see Russian roulette on it once and if its there no one ever plays it. Also why doesn't the warden play those games because those are just completely hands off with shoot or don't shoot you at least have a lot more interactions with the warden and compare to just locking them up in a room the reds don't even have a chance to rebel in that area they have to rebel before it, at least in shoot or don't shoot you can try to rebel during the game and it can work I have died while trying to do shoot or don't shoot
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