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Declined Oli's 2nd application

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Osome Oli

Truly Feared
Sep 15, 2017
User name: Osome Oli


Your Age

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

United Kingdom

Your SteamID

Your DiscordID
Osome Oli#1201

Have you managed servers previously?

If Yes, which ones?
Back in Summer 2018 I was a moderator on kat.tf, a community formed when a group of players quit elysium.tf shortly after it rebranded from festive.tf. Embarrassingly, I made a few mistakes on day 1, but I learned from them and I was eventually promoted to administrator. I do not remember the exact time period when I was staff due to the community no longer existing.

Are you familiar with admin commands?
I am very familiar with all punishment-related commands. I am also familiar with several SourceMod and jailbreak-exclusive commands.

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.

Why would you like to become an admin?
My main reason for applying is because I usually play at a rather unusual time (1-4 AM BST) when there are almost never any admins online. The server tends to be quite lawless and as a result freekillers, micspammers, people not knowing rules etc are very common. I know all the rules and there is almost nothing in the ruleset that I dislike, besides a few things needing to be patched up. I also get along with staff members I encounter when playing, so I feel becoming staff would be an enjoyable team experience. Lastly, I am extremely active on the jailbreak server.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us the their names.

When are you usually available to play?
I am available from 14:00-04:00 BST.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate

Note: All times are given in minutes


Micspam (Bad mic quality, unintelligible noises, music on mic): Warn, mute 30, mute 60, mute 360, mute 1440
Micspam (Constant earrape, earrape music on mic): mute 360, mute 2880, mute 10080, mute 20160, permanent mute
Chatspam: Warn, gag 30, gag 60, gag 360, gag 1440
Foreign language on chat/mic : Warn, gag/mute 60, gag/mute 1440, gag/mute 10080
Excessive rudeness on chat/mic : Gag/mute 120, gag/mute 1440, gag/mute 2880, gag/mute 10080, gag/mute 20160, permanent gag/mute
Advertising cheats on chat/mic : Permanent gag/mute
Ghosting: gag/mute 60, gag/mute 1440, gag/mute 2880, gag/mute 10080

Inappropriate decal: Warn, ban 1440, ban 2880, ban 10080, ban 20160, permanent ban
Admin impersonation: Ban 1440, ban 2880, ban 10080, ban 20160, permanent ban
Exploiting: Warn, ban 1440, ban 2880, ban 10080, ban 20160, permanent ban
Cheating: Permanent ban


Constant freehit: Slay, teamban 60, teamban 360, teamban 1440,
Freekill: Teamban 30, teamban 60, teamban 1440, teamban 2880, teamban 10080
Mass freekill: Teamban 10080, permanent teamban
Teamkill: teamban 60, teamban 1440, teamban 2880, teamban 10080
Armoury/medic camp as blu: Warn, slay, teamban 120, teamban 1440
Favouritism: Slay, teamban 60, teamban 360, teamban 1440
Giving freedays/opening cells without reason: Teamban 30, teamban 1440, teamban 2880, teamban 10080
Forcing warden: Slay, teamban 60, teamban 1440
Unwardening without reason: Slay, teamban 60, teamban 1440
No mic on blu: Permanent teamban (removed if they get a mic)

Armoury camp as red: Warn, slay
Delaying: Warn, slay/beacon (whichever is necessary)

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
I used to be an active flux.tf player back in late 2017. I made an application, which got denied due to my long list of punishments on blackwonder.tf, as well as a few punishments on flux.tf. There was also a lot of pointless drama on that thread caused by me centred around 'constructive criticism'. I was very toxic back then which was harmful towards my reputation and led to me being perma-silenced on flux servers. I was fully aware of my toxicity, so I left the community with an apology followed by an appeal. While I was gone, I focused on trying to make myself a better person. I personally believe that I have changed - I just tend to have a more sarcastic attitude instead of just outright flaming people like my old self. I have also had no valid infractions since I started playing again. I may have had some minor grudges with staff here in 2017, and I hope this is all in the past. If for whatever reason it is not, I apologise again and I can assure you that they are in no way reciprocated.

In 2020, I heard news that flux.tf had been resurrected. I decided to play on the servers again since I genuinely did miss jailbreak, and the experience did not disappoint me, so I decided to become an active player once again. I have already made a few new friends and I have managed to reintegrate into the community well.


Will absorb your soul
Staff Member
Sep 13, 2017
The thing is, You might be fairly capable since your application is decent, you seem to understand the rules and Your punishment ladder good. To be brutally honest, the only thing holding me back from voting +1 is the fact that you used to be such a cunt to almost everyone and if you went on to act the same way with moderator perms, it then could paint a bad picture for the whole server.

Pretty much the only memories that I have of you on jailbreak(Pre resurrection) is:

-Map change Micspam.
conveniently you usually followed up with...
-“It’S nOt MiCsPaM iF iT’s BeLoW 5(or however many) SeCoNdS“




-“It’S nOt ToXiCiTy, It’S cOnStRuCtIvE cRiTiCiSm”

The list Probably goes on but i can’t be arsed to list them all.

there’s also the fact that you were banned from elysium.tf permanently (and somehow you were then banned for a day??) and you almost brag about “playing pumped up kicks then mass freekilling” on elysium

If you were to improve then I could see myself coming around and giving a +1
but for now, I’m neutral-leaning-1(if you don’t change)

Osome Oli

Truly Feared
Sep 15, 2017
The thing is, You might be fairly capable since your application is decent, you seem to understand the rules and Your punishment ladder good. To be brutally honest, the only thing holding me back from voting +1 is the fact that you used to be such a cunt to almost everyone and if you went on to act the same way with moderator perms, it then could paint a bad picture for the whole server.

Pretty much the only memories that I have of you on jailbreak(Pre resurrection) is:

-Map change Micspam.
conveniently you usually followed up with...
-“It’S nOt MiCsPaM iF iT’s BeLoW 5(or however many) SeCoNdS“




-“It’S nOt ToXiCiTy, It’S cOnStRuCtIvE cRiTiCiSm”

The list Probably goes on but i can’t be arsed to list them all.

there’s also the fact that you were banned from elysium.tf permanently (and somehow you were then banned for a day??) and you almost brag about “playing pumped up kicks then mass freekilling” on elysium

If you were to improve then I could see myself coming around and giving a +1
but for now, I’m neutral-leaning-1(if you don’t change)
Hello Dovakin. Thank you for your response.

I agree with you pointing out that I was cunt to pretty much everyone - I would be lying if I denied that. Over the past few years I've been acting on feedback from several people (including admins here) and I eventually found the motivation to better myself as a person and become more likable for everyone's sake. I feel like we don't see each other on the Jailbreak server nearly enough, which revokes my opportunity to prove to you that I have improved.

My elysium.tf ban had more to do with a personal grudge between me and Xypher, as well as his grudge with kat.tf, rather than me actually breaking rules, hence why I had no valid infractions prior to it. I never even realised I was banned until recently, since I didn't touch that server for years. Also, for some weird reason despite being perma banned I am still able to join.


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
While I do agree that Oli was not a very great person 2 years ago, it does seem like he has changed to become a better person from my experience of playing with him on the server. His application definitely looks as if he has put effort and thought in to it, and I do think we definitely need more jailbreak moderators. I'm going to give it a +1


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Hi Osome,

While we certainly do appreciate your interest in assisting the community there is still a large cloud of doubt regarding your past, and that questions my trust in you handling permissions.

At this time, we have decided to look at other applications please continue to enjoy the servers.
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