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Declined Papa Horalis's Moderator Application

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Papa Horalis

Sep 25, 2020
User name: Papa Horalis

Papa Horalis

Your Age

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID
Papa Horalis#8670

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

Which servers have you previously managed?
my friends server and my own server

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Orange | 100% Crits
Flux.TF | Highertower

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I would really like to help, and ive been here a bit and i liked this forum, and i think its a good idea for being a staff.

i've played and saw a lot of rule breakers and mostly Toxic player's and cheater's.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know

When are you usually available to play?
10:00AM until 10:00PM (time of iraq/mosel)

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate

cheating : permaban as always, needs proof (Video/etc)

Advertising Hacks :
perma mute/gag (needs proof "photos/videos/etc").

Racsim :
first will be a warn (mute for 1 day)
second punishment will be 2 days mute.
3th punishment will be a mute for 5 days
4th punishment will be longer mute (1 week)
5th punishment will be a perma mute/gag

abuse of !calladmin :
the first punishment will be a warn (mute for 3 hours)
second will be another warn ( mute for 5 hours)
3th will be a mute (2 days)
4th will be a longer mute (4 days)
5th will be a perma mute/gag

Voice/chat spam :
punishment will be a warn (5 hours ban/mute)
and will be followed by (10 hours maximum/ 5 days maximum/ 2 weeks maximum)mute. and the last will be a perma muted/gag
For voice chat spam needs a proof (video/etc)

Spawncamping :
first punishment will be a warn (2 hours ban or kicking the player who was camping from the server)
and will be followed by bans (2 weeks as the maximum)if that keeps happening until The player gets a permaban.
needs a proof (video/photo/etc)

Being Toxic/rude :
1 day mute as the first punishment.
second will be a longer mute (2 days)
3th will be a mute/gag for 3 days.
4th will be longer mute/gag (4 days)
(1 week mute/gag as the maximum)
until the player will be perma muted/gaged.

as a warn, mute for 2 days as there first punishment
second will be a 4 days
3th will be a week mute/gag
Until the player get's perma muted/gaged.

nsfw Sprays
as the first time ban from pasting sprays for 1 day ,if the player did not change has spray or keeps pasting it, the Player pema banned from spraying.

Exposing staff members :
as there first punishment, the player will be muted/gaged for 2 hours
there 2th will be longer (1 day)
3th will be 3 days mute/gag
until the Player gonna be perma muted/gaged

Exploiting :
as there first warning, will be kicked from the server.
and will be followed by (3 days ban/week ban/3 weeks ban as the maximum) until the player gets permabanned.
needs proof (video/etc)

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
4k Hours in game (on multiple accounts) my main had 750 only...
i have been here for 3-4 months i think and i liked this forum.
Please Do not start attacking me if there is something wrong with my app.
please tell me the wrong with my app if there was.
Please, Keep the Age private if Possible, thanks for reading.
have a great day!

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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Staff Member
Jul 12, 2020
hey there, thanks for applying for flux.

Straight of the bat, I notice an issue with your punishment ladder. Please be specific with the time period a player would be punished for. Do take a look at the example here.

I'm looking forward to your update. Thank you!


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
You're punishment ladder's punishment times are quite odd and inconsistent, banning someone for toxicity when a simple mute/gag could solve the problem? Banning someone for spamming? It seems like with most of these you have just decided to ban people immediately which I really can not say is a good thing. And then with the inconsistency where you ban people and then mute them the next time? I would suggest updating your punishment ladder once more, and perhaps looking at previous applications for guidance.


Sufficiently Lethal
Aug 30, 2017
Please make the necessary adjustments to your application as outlined by members of staff. We will give you a couple days more before making a final decision on your application, as such making changes promptly will assist in your chance of success.


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Pretty toxic behavior for someone who desires to uphold the community and its rules. This is not the typical Staff 'role model' attitude we are looking for. Your punishment ladder is not only harsh for 1st offences but inconsistent. Most infractions can be rectified with a simple mute and/or gag.

Take this time to work on your attitude towards other players. You may reapply after 60 days.

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