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Declined Dorks Moderator Application

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Notably Dangerous
Feb 16, 2021
User name: Dork.

Caleb or Torin.

Your Age: 16

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply?: Yes

Have you been punished in the last 60 days?: No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days?: No

Do you have a microphone?: No. If that is ever a problem I'd rather discuss it with an admin.

Location: London.

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:157458817

Your DiscordID: dork#2375

Have you managed servers previously?: No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
  • Jailbreak |
  • 100% Crits Orange |
  • HigherTower |
  • Zombie Fortress |
  • Dodgeball |
Are you familiar with admin commands?:
Somewhat. I have tried to familiarize myself with them in the past few days.

Why would you like to become a moderator?:
I spend the majority of my time in TF2 playing on Flux , encountering rule breakers is almost never fun for anyone, so I would like to help keep the amount of them minimal. I definitely have a lot of respect for the players on flux, newbies and regulars alike; It bothers me seeing newer players being deterred because of the occasional cheater, toxic player etc. With my time on flux, I have become familiar with the rules for a good chunk of servers and I feel as though I could do a lot to help out.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members?:
Festive God, Matt and Zak.

When are you usually available to play?:
For the most part I will be active every day, but there is always the possibility that I might not be; I will try my best to make sure I give notice for days I can't play, for any reason. During weekdays (GMT by the way) I will be available from 4:30PM - 8/9PM, Weekends and holidays should be from 9/10AM - 8/9PM. I would like to keep this more brief so I'm down to discuss more privately.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate:

Jailbreak (Their are a lot of things to cover, so I will stick with what I consider "big" and will update if necessary.
I should note that for most if not all of these ladders, refusing to listen to warnings, breaking the rule the day after a punishment ends etc : The issued punishment will be escalated and in many cases, an appealable ban that ignores steps in the ladder. People who are obviously just around to cause trouble should not be welcome in my eyes.
  • Free Killing:
    1st | A warning and a slay. Accident or not, I'll explain that they should read the rules.
    2nd | 30 Min Tban and slay.
    3rd | 1 hour Tban and slay.
    4th | 3 hour Tban and slay.
    5th | 5 hour Tban and slay.
    6th | 1 day Tban and slay.
    7th | 2 - 3 weeks and slay; Along with a final warning.
    8th | Permanent Tban and slay.

  • Mass Freekill:
    1st | Permanent Tban, can appeal.
    2nd | Permanent Tban, can not appeal.

  • Camping red rebel breakables / armoury etc :
    1st | Warning and a slay, a reminder to read the rules.
    2nd | Slay and 30 Min Tban.
    3rd | Slay and 1 hour Tban.
    4th | Slay and 3 hour Tban.
    5th | Slay and 5 hour Tban.
    6th | Slay and 1 day Tban.
    7-9th | Slay and 1 week Tban.
    10th | Permanent Tban and slay.

  • Forcing Warden (!w) and forcing freeday:
    1st | Slay and a warning, reminder of the rules.
    2nd | 1 hour Tban and slay; It should be clear to the player that they don't get to decide these.
    3rd | 4 hour Tban and slay.
    5th | 1 day Tban and slay.
    6th | 1 week Tban and slay.
    7th | Permanent Tban and slay.

  • Blu misbehaviour (Inactive guard, illegal ff, favouritism etc. I can specify all if need be.:
    1st | Just a warning. A slay will occur if it resulted in a red or blu death.
    2nd | 30min Tban and slay.
    3rd | 1 hour Tban and slay.
    4th | 2 hour Tban and slay.
    5th | 3 hour Tban and slay.
    6-8th | 1 day Tban and slay.
    9th | 1 week Tban and slay.
    10th | Permanent Tban and slay.

  • Ghosting:
    1st | Warning and a 30 min mute or gag.
    2nd | 2 hour mute or gag.
    3rd | 5 hour mute or gag.
    4th | 1 day mute or gag.
    5th | 1 week mute or gag, final warning.
    6th | 1 month mute or gag, any offence after is permanent.
General and Discord (A lot of these will be grouped if I feel they warrant a similar punishment.)
  • In-game player disrespect over mic or chat, mic/chat spamming (This ladder applies to the discord):
    1st | Warning and where they can read the rules.
    2nd | 1 hour gag or mute.
    3rd | 1 day gag or mute; at this point I would hope players know better, especially in cases of disrespect or bullying.
    4th | 2 weeks gag or mute. Final warning.
    5th | Permanent gag/mute.

  • Hacking or advertising hacks, scamming:
    1st | Permanent ban.

  • Trolling, Exploiting/Griefing:
    1st | Warning and ensuring they stop.
    2nd | 2 hour ban.
    3rd | 1 day ban.
    4th | 1 week ban.
    5th | 1 month ban, final warning.

  • Impersonating staff or revealing undercover staff:
    1st | Warning and 30 min gag/mute
    2nd | 2 hour mute or gag.
    3rd | 5 hour mute or gag.
    4th | 1 week mute or gag ,a big jump from 5 hours but should be expected. Final warning.
    5th | Permanent mute or gag.

  • Speaking anything other than English in mic or chat:
    1st | Permanent mute or gag; Can be appealed.
    2nd | Permanent mute or gag.

  • NSFW spray:
    Spray ban until their spray is changed and shown to staff, any offense after is a permanent spray ban.

  • Spawn camping:
    1st | A reminder that spawn camping is against the rules, along with a warning and ensure they stop when told to.
    2nd | 1 hour ban.
    3rd | 1 day ban.
    4th | 1 week ban, final warning.
    5th | Permanent ban.

  • Misuse of #Requesthelp or shitposting/off-topic in forum reports
    1st | A formal warning and removal of the content.
    2nd | 3 week Dmute or Forum ban.
    3rd | Permanent Dmute/Forum ban, open for appeal but anything after is not.

  • Delaying rounds (This applies to both teams on jailbreak, reds on zombie mode and Dodgeball.)
    1st | A warning and reminder to read the rules; Slay if non-compliant.
    2nd | 2 hour ban.
    3rd | 1 week ban.
    4th | Permanent ban.

  • Dodgeball specific rules. (Stealing the rocket, trolling...)
    1st | Warning and a slay to tollers; just a warning for stealing.
    2nd | 1 hour ban.
    3rd | 5 hour ban.
    4th | 1 week ban.
    5th | 1 month ban.
    6th | Permanent ban.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?:

Are you proficient in languages other than English?:
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Notably Dangerous
Feb 16, 2021
Sorry if its a bit long. Please let me know if I missed any important ladders, or just have any questions. :)

Edit: I added some new ladders and changed up others that I felt were too forgiving.
Edit 2: Added more ladders and 2 more servers. As well as polished up some mistakes and gave a clearer reasoning for why I would like to become mod.
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Nov 11, 2020
Well sorry for the late response

But your punishment ladder looks amazing and you have a clean record not a single problem here
Thats all I have to say I wish you the best of luck


Notably Dangerous
Feb 16, 2021
Well sorry for the late response

But your punishment ladder looks amazing and you have a clean record not a single problem here
Thats all I have to say I wish you the best of luck
Thanks man :)


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
While your support in donating to the community is appreciated, I am not convinced personally that you're ready for moderator. There have been issues that I've had to call you out on before and during your posted application. Some aspects of your ladder are also incredibly harsh.

You may reapply in 60 days if you choose to.
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