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Declined Apple Pie's 2nd Moderator Application

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Staff Member
Jul 12, 2020
User name: Apple Pie™

Apple Pie™

Your Age

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? Yes

Do you have a microphone? Yes


Your SteamID

Your DiscordID
Apple Pie™#0433

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address. Flux Jailbreak

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I would like to become Moderator because of the different timeline from most of the Admin/Mods. I love the community of Flux and i wish to contribute more greatly in this server as it has great potential to become the best server in the tf2 community.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Sorry if your name isn't here, it's probably because we haven't seen each other in a bit.

When are you usually available to play?
Monday To Friday

07:00 to 12:00
16:00 to 20:00
Saturday / Sunday

13:00 to 19:00

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Specific Punishments For Blues

Favouritism :

1st Time : Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour TBan
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month TBan
7th Time: Perm Tban

No Microphone :

Tban Until player has proven to have a mic.

Earrape / Mic Spamming/ Overtalking :

1st Time: warn
2nd Time: 1 hour Mute
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute
4th Time: 3 Day Mute
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute

Unwilling to be the Warden:

1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour TBan
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban


1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban

Mass Freekill:

Permanent Tban

LR Denial :

1st Time:Warn + Freeday [ To the player that got his LR Denied]
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban

Warden Impersonating:

1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time; 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag

Ignoring Wardens Orders/working against the warden
1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
General Punishments For Everyone

NSFW Spray:
Perm Spray Ban until changed.

1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute

Hacking :

Perm Ban

Exposing Staff while disguised:

1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag,
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag

Advertising Hacks:

Perm Gag/Mute

1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute

Camping In red rebel spots:

Warn / + Slay (If Player does not stop camping after 30 seconds)


1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time; 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag


Moved To Spectate

Warn + Any of the below
Beacon (player is moving around)
Slay ( If Player is stuck )

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?

Would like to apologise for the discord mayhem.

If there is anything that needs to be changed, do let me know and i'll do it ASAP.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? English, Malay, Tamil
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Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
The application looks good to me although the punishment ladder is a bit harsh, but that's not that big of a deal to me. I have seen Apple on the servers a bit and he seemed like a friendly and mature guy. He always plays at times which are usually times where moderators and admins are not online so that seems like a good thing to me. Overall, a +1 from me.


Apr 21, 2020
+1 Very dependable person and would make a good addition to the team.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
The application looks good to me although the punishment ladder is a bit harsh, but that's not that big of a deal to me. I have seen Apple on the servers a bit and he seemed like a friendly and mature guy. He always plays at times which are usually times where moderators and admins are not online so that seems like a good thing to me. Overall, a +1 from me.


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
While we do appreciate your improved application, there are still doubts and concerns about your readiness to handle this position.

At this time we are going to look at other applicants. Please feel free to enjoy your time on the servers.
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