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bhop while saxton hale?


Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2021
I dont know if there was a pole or somthing for this and if i dint see it plz tell me but why cant you bhop anymore in vsh and its not been like sayd by the admins.


Nov 11, 2020
This Doesnt Belong Here Ill Move It


Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2021
in witch one does it need to be then cuz its about the minigame rules or somthing like that.
and i dont know how to move it


Nov 11, 2020
not server rules that is staff only


Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2021
but now because of that the gamemode itself is not fun anymore cuz bhoping was a big machanic for most classes to be able to survive saxten and slowly be able to do damge till he dies but now its just if youre saxton you win cuz u just do high jump witch makes you faster and u strafe till youre ontop of a reds head so u can kill him, Because of the no bhop thing more people are going to hide and camp and less people are going to fight witch makes the gamemode a complete time waste.

festive god

Is it this? im old i don't understandddddddd
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2021
All classes have a way to fight the hale though, Like scout double jump and spy invisible watch/dead ringer ect. If you only relied on bhoping well than you yourself are not really playing the class correctly. All classes in some form work. The only classes that either need to camp or such as is the heavy/engie and of course sniper. But they all have their own strats with sniper able to mark the hale, heavy with his knock back for hale jump strafes and for engie to build up sentry for dmg. If you want a run down on rest which are solider rocket jumping, pyro flare jump, demo sticky jump/shield dash and medic uber. The bhoping abuse in the game from when I play it in jb is quite annoying and mundane, It's just spies with deadringers or soliders which rocket jumping that stay out of hale melee range for a long time sometimes dealing little to no damage at all. That as such causes a more longer round delay and is not as fun to watch.


Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2021
scout cant dubble jump spy kan dead ringer but it runs ou tway too fast and he hears it and if he goes invizibel for him too escape with it it would be calld delaying and more so there is not a good thing at removing bhop.


Nov 11, 2020
Minus the grammatical errors here lemme list the things every class can do for vsh

Scout- Fastest class in the game, has stun locks, has FON

Solder- can rocket jump away

Pyro- airblast and jetpack can help escape or defend

Demoman- stickytraps

Heavy- camp class unless you play like dove

Engineer- same as heavy

Sniper- same as heavy and very big dmg when fully charged headshot

Spy- has 3 different play styles dead ringer, invis watch, the big earner


Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2021
Scout- fastets class; saxton jumps now saxton is right in front of scout, stun does not do anything but just make him 3 seconds slower and nothing else so scout is dead instantly.

Soldier- has hp so he cant rocket jump forever and rocket jumper is band; saxton jumps hes right infront of him again just like scout so soldier is dead now.

Pyro- airblast cost ammo you dont have infinete ammo and jetpack also 2 time use and hten needs time to do it again while saxton AGAIN Just jumps every 3 seconds and is right in front of the pyro and the pyro has no more ammo so hes dead too.

Demoman- stickytrap and wut then notghing else so hes dead too .

Heavy- camp camp and more camp on some maps u cant really camp somwhere and saxton can somthimes just jump and the heavy cant keep up so hes dead too.

Engineer- nest nice he jumpt destroys ur sentry ur dead engineer is the best class for vsh now and i dont want to see a hole red team full of engineer cuz hes op.

Sniper- no aim just death instant no other stuff.

Spy- deadringer 1 time use u can get hit true fall damge nope somthimes u dont even take kb ( knockback ) of saxtons punch or whatever and so he jsut clicks again and ur dead invivziwatch dealying, cloack and dagger delaying. trickstabs good but u kan do 1 and then u have too wait like 5 seconds when ur running hes right there and kills u.

Cuz of bhop beying gone engineer is the best class and all the rest are way lower than him so its not balanced anymore now.


Scarcely Lethal
Feb 25, 2021
Scout- fastets class; saxton jumps now saxton is right in front of scout, stun does not do anything but just make him 3 seconds slower and nothing else so scout is dead instantly.

Soldier- has hp so he cant rocket jump forever and rocket jumper is band; saxton jumps hes right infront of him again just like scout so soldier is dead now.

Pyro- airblast cost ammo you dont have infinete ammo and jetpack also 2 time use and hten needs time to do it again while saxton AGAIN Just jumps every 3 seconds and is right in front of the pyro and the pyro has no more ammo so hes dead too.

Demoman- stickytrap and wut then notghing else so hes dead too .

Heavy- camp camp and more camp on some maps u cant really camp somwhere and saxton can somthimes just jump and the heavy cant keep up so hes dead too.

Engineer- nest nice he jumpt destroys ur sentry ur dead engineer is the best class for vsh now and i dont want to see a hole red team full of engineer cuz hes op.

Sniper- no aim just death instant no other stuff.

Spy- deadringer 1 time use u can get hit true fall damge nope somthimes u dont even take kb ( knockback ) of saxtons punch or whatever and so he jsut clicks again and ur dead invivziwatch dealying, cloack and dagger delaying. trickstabs good but u kan do 1 and then u have too wait like 5 seconds when ur running hes right there and kills u.

Cuz of bhop beying gone engineer is the best class and all the rest are way lower than him so its not balanced anymore now.
mitsar colud. pleaese i am agreing wiht this amasing speach becuseagred,, help flucks comuntity and birng b---hop back to servar i ban on. jutsice bee serverd
Minus the grammatical errors here lemme list the things every class can do for vsh

Scout- Fastest class in the game, has stun locks, has FON

Solder- can rocket jump away

Pyro- airblast and jetpack can help escape or defend

Demoman- stickytraps

Heavy- camp class unless you play like dove

Engineer- same as heavy

Sniper- same as heavy and very big dmg when fully charged headshot

Spy- has 3 different play styles dead ringer, invis watch, the big earner
it not gamartikal erors it smartar then yuo're sily self. plese repsect this man opnion sinse he cleerley is show b_hpo is need backed on plase. u are clerly not bh-op beleiver an you r bieng not holesom 100. big chugus will notted agre with this and you be sus impasta forevar youre absoltue sily


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Jul 22, 2020
mitsar colud. pleaese i am agreing wiht this amasing speach becuseagred,, help flucks comuntity and birng b---hop back to servar i ban on. jutsice bee serverd

it not gamartikal erors it smartar then yuo're sily self. plese repsect this man opnion sinse he cleerley is show b_hpo is need backed on plase. u are clerly not bh-op beleiver an you r bieng not holesom 100. big chugus will notted agre with this and you be sus impasta forevar youre absoltue sily

Why do u have a second forum account


Nov 11, 2020
Scout- fastets class; saxton jumps now saxton is right in front of scout, stun does not do anything but just make him 3 seconds slower and nothing else so scout is dead instantly.

Soldier- has hp so he cant rocket jump forever and rocket jumper is band; saxton jumps hes right infront of him again just like scout so soldier is dead now.

Pyro- airblast cost ammo you dont have infinete ammo and jetpack also 2 time use and hten needs time to do it again while saxton AGAIN Just jumps every 3 seconds and is right in front of the pyro and the pyro has no more ammo so hes dead too.

Demoman- stickytrap and wut then notghing else so hes dead too .

Heavy- camp camp and more camp on some maps u cant really camp somwhere and saxton can somthimes just jump and the heavy cant keep up so hes dead too.

Engineer- nest nice he jumpt destroys ur sentry ur dead engineer is the best class for vsh now and i dont want to see a hole red team full of engineer cuz hes op.

Sniper- no aim just death instant no other stuff.

Spy- deadringer 1 time use u can get hit true fall damge nope somthimes u dont even take kb ( knockback ) of saxtons punch or whatever and so he jsut clicks again and ur dead invivziwatch dealying, cloack and dagger delaying. trickstabs good but u kan do 1 and then u have too wait like 5 seconds when ur running hes right there and kills u.

Cuz of bhop beying gone engineer is the best class and all the rest are way lower than him so its not balanced anymore now.
everyone has something called knockback


Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2021
if you would have palyed by now knockback is like no more.
Idk why but kb does not work anymore or somthing.
Only like 20%of the times it works