hmm i shall do it as jim does it, simple, too simple.
No, no, yes, no, maybe, no, maybe, no, no.
and a bit more explained:
1. the !votesprayban wouldn't be useful because almost everyone's sprays are banned(as far as i know staff member sprays arent banned to be seen, this only might be useful for other community servers(i don't know if its the same situation as in the Jailbreak servers situation)).
2. !votemute(all(there should be all because by me there's already a vote mute for a singular person(just a bit of correction

))) i see it as not that useful for most reds would't want to be muted and well if were talking about not letting warden give orders how about this(in exel form) - =if(x>y,z,d)
- what it is - if the x over the value y then z will happen if it isn't then d will happen
x - the current time of the round(the time that is shown in the upper middle part of the screen)
y - 9:30(it gives the warden about 21 seconds to give orders that's why its 9:30(warden is apointed at 9:51))
z - all players except the warden is muted
d - all players are unmuted
but this might need to be corrected to be something like this(once again in excel form because i don't know how it would programed in the plugin) - =if(a=b,=if(x>y,z,d),d)
what is it - if a is b then [formula from above] if not then d
a - the state of the cell doors(closed or open)
b - closed cell doors
(just something to think about)
3. i think it should probably be added in so there's another command for which buy donator
4. this shouldn't be added in in my opinion for it is something only available to staff members and a tiny glitch(people might start thinking your a staff member and it would just get confusing for the reds)
5. maybe - well it would add another reason to donate but who would get kicked? The one thats been on the server for over 3h's or the one who just joined? Maybe it would be by points, the one who has the least points gets kicked, but thats not fair for new players. Also i don't see jb being as active as before in the end of this month that the servers would be full and if it will be like that then benedevil would probably just add another Jailbreak server.
6. you stay on the blu team when other newer players would be moved to the red team(this might make more players donate but if so then its too much pay 2 win by me)
7. a maybe - less chance that the server would crash(10k hp) and adds a motivation to maybe donate but it would mean that some players have an unfair chance to get hale and others don't and so others might only get hale while others not at all(id say also too much pay to win)
8. no, reason - it's a pay 2 win mechanic (unfair)
9. from what i've seen either you reroll once on not at all, and if you would reroll wheres the danger of rerolling into a worse prop than the original prop
conclusion: too many pay 2 win suggestions.
also lets not break Valve's TOS. Valve might not take actions today but tomorrow might be the the day of reckoning. And the owners will have to go to lawsuits for their breaking of the TOS, while the players will only say "well who would have guessed that Valve would have done that, hmm...".(about !taunt and !wear.)