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- May 26, 2020
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So since the last thread about Jailbreak kind of died I just want to reiterate the things that I think should be added in to jailbreak:
Pyros should be allowed to airblast: People argue that this would be too easy to abuse and it's just easy knockback, but yet they don't say anything about all the other knockback weapons that there are such as the Loose cannon and the Shortstop, which when used, aren't actually abused as much as you would think they would be. The enabling of Pyro's airblast would actually be a good addition because at the moment, without pyro's airblast he is weaker than he should be.
Scouts should be allowed to double jump on both teams: The argument I've seen against this is that it would be too overpowered for the red team such as making it too easy to rebel and just escape and run away, and also make it too easy to play minigames. I disagree with both statements. Firstly, double jumping is not just an instant get out of jail free card, you actually have to run away from where the blues are watching, and if the blues fail to hit you with their multiple guns that they have. That is their fault, not because scout's double jump was overpowered. Secondly, the other way of rebelling which is too try to kill a guard, would still not change for scout. Scout does not have a strong melee for doing damage and killing people who again, have guns. Next, scout would not be overpowered in minigames because most minigames do not require being able to jump far/high. The only ones that come to mind are climb, obstacle course, minefield, deathrun, and sweeper. But then there is still the rest of the minigames, such as box game, theater, jeopardy, nine square, crush game, and the list goes on and on. Scout would also be terrible at friendly fire minigames compared to the better classes such as heavy, soldier, and medic. Furthermore, scout's double jump could be a class restriction that the warden can apply. Which can be enforceable because when scout uses his double jump, you see a little gray line in the air which shows where he double jumped from. And think of all the class options which there also are instead of scout, such as spy, with the insta-kill melee. Medic, soldier and sniper, with their self regeneration with weapons such as conch and cozy camper. In conclusion, scout's double jump would not be overpowered.
Warden crits should be removed: This is something which people complain about constantly on the jailbreak server. The fact that you can't do anything without just dying immediately to the warden. You want to run away? Crit. You want to try to rebel? Crit. The problem with this is that warden crits, are in fact overpowered. They give the warden too big of an advantage, and makes it way too difficult to rebel on red team. If you want to run at the warden, he can just hit you with his melee once or twice and you're just gone. If you want to run away, oh well. The warden is a sniper and just left clicks on you and you're gone. The argument I've seen against this is that it is not overpowered and if you took it away then blu team would be too weak, and then say 'How come the warden still dies sometimes then?' So my counter argument would be that firstly, it would mean blu team would have to play well and not rely on crits to just be able to instantly kill anything. You actually have to aim if you want to play sniper, and you have to shoot the rebeller more than once if you want to be able to kill him. The reason I am against warden crits is because they are so braindead, you can just shoot once and they're gone. No thought needed and barely any input needed. Secondly, in these situations where warden dies, it was because they were playing poorly or making a mistake, or being surprise attacked by a rebeller. The fact that they had crits meant nothing if they just stood right in front of the reds in a closed space such as diner. Without crits, the warden would actually have to think and play properly instead of relying on their crits.
Conclusion: Add scout's double jump for both teams, add Pyro's airblast back, and remove warden crits but leave the x1.5 damage.
Pyros should be allowed to airblast: People argue that this would be too easy to abuse and it's just easy knockback, but yet they don't say anything about all the other knockback weapons that there are such as the Loose cannon and the Shortstop, which when used, aren't actually abused as much as you would think they would be. The enabling of Pyro's airblast would actually be a good addition because at the moment, without pyro's airblast he is weaker than he should be.
Scouts should be allowed to double jump on both teams: The argument I've seen against this is that it would be too overpowered for the red team such as making it too easy to rebel and just escape and run away, and also make it too easy to play minigames. I disagree with both statements. Firstly, double jumping is not just an instant get out of jail free card, you actually have to run away from where the blues are watching, and if the blues fail to hit you with their multiple guns that they have. That is their fault, not because scout's double jump was overpowered. Secondly, the other way of rebelling which is too try to kill a guard, would still not change for scout. Scout does not have a strong melee for doing damage and killing people who again, have guns. Next, scout would not be overpowered in minigames because most minigames do not require being able to jump far/high. The only ones that come to mind are climb, obstacle course, minefield, deathrun, and sweeper. But then there is still the rest of the minigames, such as box game, theater, jeopardy, nine square, crush game, and the list goes on and on. Scout would also be terrible at friendly fire minigames compared to the better classes such as heavy, soldier, and medic. Furthermore, scout's double jump could be a class restriction that the warden can apply. Which can be enforceable because when scout uses his double jump, you see a little gray line in the air which shows where he double jumped from. And think of all the class options which there also are instead of scout, such as spy, with the insta-kill melee. Medic, soldier and sniper, with their self regeneration with weapons such as conch and cozy camper. In conclusion, scout's double jump would not be overpowered.
Warden crits should be removed: This is something which people complain about constantly on the jailbreak server. The fact that you can't do anything without just dying immediately to the warden. You want to run away? Crit. You want to try to rebel? Crit. The problem with this is that warden crits, are in fact overpowered. They give the warden too big of an advantage, and makes it way too difficult to rebel on red team. If you want to run at the warden, he can just hit you with his melee once or twice and you're just gone. If you want to run away, oh well. The warden is a sniper and just left clicks on you and you're gone. The argument I've seen against this is that it is not overpowered and if you took it away then blu team would be too weak, and then say 'How come the warden still dies sometimes then?' So my counter argument would be that firstly, it would mean blu team would have to play well and not rely on crits to just be able to instantly kill anything. You actually have to aim if you want to play sniper, and you have to shoot the rebeller more than once if you want to be able to kill him. The reason I am against warden crits is because they are so braindead, you can just shoot once and they're gone. No thought needed and barely any input needed. Secondly, in these situations where warden dies, it was because they were playing poorly or making a mistake, or being surprise attacked by a rebeller. The fact that they had crits meant nothing if they just stood right in front of the reds in a closed space such as diner. Without crits, the warden would actually have to think and play properly instead of relying on their crits.
Conclusion: Add scout's double jump for both teams, add Pyro's airblast back, and remove warden crits but leave the x1.5 damage.