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Basic jailbreak quality of life things (Open suggestions)

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Apr 21, 2020
-Let Pyros air blast/Scouts double jump
REASONING: It really makes playing those classes a pain to play and generally most people would agree with me that removing scouts double jump makes his survivability a lot lower on BOTH teams. You could argue that it makes it easier to rebel and such but Blues already have a damage buff and Warden has crits so i dont see why giving either class some of their core mechanics would be that detrimental to the game-play.

-Add a warden mute
REASONING: There have been too many cases of reds mishearing wardens and orders being unheard due to mic-spammers and other convos that are happening on mic at the time, especially to wardens with quiet mics/voices, I think an easy way around this is a quick mute button on the warden menu that has a mute inmates button and a mute guards button separately to quickly give orders and can unmute after if they so choose. You could also argue that saying reds off mic day fixes the problem but there are more situations than the red just using his mic to be annoying, he could be talking about a baiter/freehitter and cant type it in certain situations and then they get killed.

These are just the main 2 things that were on my mind but please feel free to add your own suggestions to this if you have any ideas to improve jailbreak.


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
Could we also add how to do the minigame 'Simon Says' on the jailbreak rules, because at the moment a lot of people are disagreeing on how to do it and it is creating a lot of confusion and I think it would be great if there was a set way so everyone understood.


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Could we also add how to do the minigame 'Simon Says' on the jailbreak rules, because at the moment a lot of people are disagreeing on how to do it and it is creating a lot of confusion and I think it would be great if there was a set way so everyone understood.

Yes we can. You are welcome to create a set guideline yourself on a separate thread.

As far as the other 2 suggestions by @Top I would speak to either Noodl or Ainsley as they are more well equipped with JB than I am.
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Will absorb your soul
Staff Member
Sep 13, 2017
Hellll no dude people already have issues with just the warden having crits, giving all the blues crits will make a lotta people mad.
Rebelling isn’t meant to be easy. Its high risk, high reward but with the absence of crits, the risk disappears.

Also there will always be a max of 2 reds for every blue so Blues are always at a disadvantage.


Apr 21, 2020
Rebelling isn’t meant to be easy. Its high risk, high reward but with the absence of crits, the risk disappears.

Also there will always be a max of 2 reds for every blue so Blues are always at a disadvantage.
Already went over this months ago, majority of people that join the server dont like crits. Rebelling isnt even the main issue, theres a lot less room for error with crits and people will make mistakes and it could encourage freekilling as seen from people forcing warden and going demo or soldier. You could argue you could get a staff member to deal with it but it shouldnt happen in the first place since crits could easily just cause as many mistakes as it can security. Especially since staff dont come on that much or for long amounts of time. Rebelling should also be a choice rather than a "high risk high reward" since blues can already shoot them down or a competent warden can herd the reds into not being in a position to rebel.

Basically dont add crits back lots of people will leave flux. ;-;


Harpreet <3
Staff Member
May 30, 2020
-Let Pyros air blast/Scouts double jump
I have yet to play on a JB server that had double jumps enabled for Scout, so I can’t give my opinion on that, but as for allowing Pyros to airblast players, I’m against this, and my reasoning is simple. BLU team would constantly misuse this. On the off chance that BLUs wouldn’t misuse it, it’ll still make going against Pyros that much more irritating for REDs. I’ll give a visual for you to follow. If a RED with no ammo is rushing a pyro to kill him with his melee, and is succeeding, but the Pyro simply airblasts, making enough space to burn down the RED before he can get close enough to melee the Pyro again, that’d be extremely frustrating for the RED, not to mention that it’d make a majority of REDs feel discouraged from rebelling against a Pyro unless they have ammo. Of course, this is situational, and can easily be countered by simply obtaining ammo and shooting the Pyro from a distance, but the fact that a Prisoner’s main weapon is their melee unless they obtain ammo, enabling the best anti-melee tool to be used against REDs isn’t the best idea. Now, from the perspective of a RED, there’s not really a major problem for allowing it, since if a RED obtains their flamethrower, they are usually KoS, and using a tool like that to escape/fight would be helpful, but having airblasting only be enabled for one team wouldn’t be fair.


Apr 21, 2020
I have yet to play on a JB server that had double jumps enabled for Scout, so I can’t give my opinion on that, but as for allowing Pyros to airblast players, I’m against this, and my reasoning is simple. BLU team would constantly misuse this. On the off chance that BLUs wouldn’t misuse it, it’ll still make going against Pyros that much more irritating for REDs. I’ll give a visual for you to follow. If a RED with no ammo is rushing a pyro to kill him with his melee, and is succeeding, but the Pyro simply airblasts, making enough space to burn down the RED before he can get close enough to melee the Pyro again, that’d be extremely frustrating for the RED, not to mention that it’d make a majority of REDs feel discouraged from rebelling against a Pyro unless they have ammo. Of course, this is situational, and can easily be countered by simply obtaining ammo and shooting the Pyro from a distance, but the fact that a Prisoner’s main weapon is their melee unless they obtain ammo, enabling the best anti-melee tool to be used against REDs isn’t the best idea. Now, from the perspective of a RED, there’s not really a major problem for allowing it, since if a RED obtains their flamethrower, they are usually KoS, and using a tool like that to escape/fight would be helpful, but having airblasting only be enabled for one team wouldn’t be fair.
Im not saying it should be enabled by 1 team but i see your point. However i dont see why 1 classes primary abilities have to be disabled since it has a lot more ease of access since without it pyro becomes as spongy as a scout without the speed, Pyro HAS to be close to the reds to be effective since he cant catch up to certain classes if they run away so they're constantly in danger of getting rushed. Another point is that Pyro has to watch his fire more than any other class since the flames are unpredictable and could reach farther than more reds so if a red decides to rush the pyro while other reds are crouch walking behind him, hes basically locked to his shotgun/melee. Also if its about the knockback being too easy then shouldnt Soldiers rockets knock back be disabled as well? My point is generally every class should be viable and some shouldn't be handicapped a lot more than others, causing an in(flux B) ) of mainly the same class over and over making the same monotonous rounds. Also scout and pyro dont have their abilities in stuff like vs saxton hale. Also for the free hitting point just treat it as mad milk and jarate if it causes a kill just slay and if you mistreat the reds, slay. Its as easy as that i dont think something that essential to pyro should be locked off just to encourage rebelling.


Positively Inhumane
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2016
I don't know anything about jailbreak details.


Sufficiently Lethal
Aug 30, 2017
Warden mute can be a good idea, however it should only seek to mute for the round length. Also, muting of BLUs I don't quite agree with. So yes, warden mute might be good. Before more suggestions, warden slay, warden kick, warden respawn or anything like that I am wholeheartedly against. It has such easy abuse potential and will do far more ill than good. Scout double jump is not necessary, it aids to make rebelling easier and frankly it already is easy. I agree with Console regarding pyro airblast, it makes rebelling too hard then, precisely for the reasons above.

Regardin Simon Says, yes I will create some sort of clear guideline as to how it should be done. It needn't be so complex but as everything in JB goes people really do like extending the remit of laws as much as possible.

Also as a bonus, I'm potentially, I'm thinking of editing the concept of asking for repeats so what you're supposed to do when you ask for a repeat isn't so ambiguous.


Apr 21, 2020
Warden mute can be a good idea, however it should only seek to mute for the round length. Also, muting of BLUs I don't quite agree with. So yes, warden mute might be good. Before more suggestions, warden slay, warden kick, warden respawn or anything like that I am wholeheartedly against. It has such easy abuse potential and will do far more ill than good. Scout double jump is not necessary, it aids to make rebelling easier and frankly it already is easy. I agree with Console regarding pyro airblast, it makes rebelling too hard then, precisely for the reasons above.

Regardin Simon Says, yes I will create some sort of clear guideline as to how it should be done. It needn't be so complex but as everything in JB goes people really do like extending the remit of laws as much as possible.

Also as a bonus, I'm potentially, I'm thinking of editing the concept of asking for repeats so what you're supposed to do when you ask for a repeat isn't so ambiguous.
yeah i mean it can be toggled on and off not to target singular people so you can mute reds for a second mute the blues for a second or mute all maybe give an order then unmute all from the wmenu


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
I saw this on a few other servers and it could be a good thing. Maybe we can add a mute at the start of the round for like 20-30 seconds or so. Except for the warden obviously so that the warden can give orders without any interruptions.


Apr 21, 2020
I saw this on a few other servers and it could be a good thing. Maybe we can add a mute at the start of the round for like 20-30 seconds or so. Except for the warden obviously so that the warden can give orders without any interruptions.


Apr 21, 2020
Maybe add a warden lock at the start of the round so force wardening isnt a choice? If thats possible to put a timer on it.


Feb 3, 2018
Maybe add a warden lock at the start of the round so force wardening isnt a choice? If thats possible to put a timer on it.
i would have to agree with that but when you can force warden should be after 9:49 because warden is chosen about 9:51.

and to what was mentioned before about the mute is that i would have to say it should last from 10:00 till 9:30 and warden would be unmuted when he is randomly chosen
why from 10 till 9:30 its so the warden would have about 20 seconds to give orders. even though 20 seconds might seem a lot of time to give orders but for the new wardens its just the right amount of time also on some maps 9:30 is when the cell doors open
also to mute red you wouldnt need to because you can say its curently all reds of mic day that means anyone who uses their mic will be kos. after a couple of rounds they should learn and have stoped but when its something like free day yeah it sould have a possibility to mute up to 3-5 reds if they are mic spaming because warden cant give orders to reds that affect only them on freefays but if the warden does abuse this power 1st time it should be a warning but if it continues it should go straigth to the 2nd. 2nd time a 5 min teamban/mute. 3rd time 15 minute teamban/mute. 4th time 45 min. 5th time 2 h. 6th time 6 h. 7th 1 d. 8th 1week. 9th 1 month. 10th perma

the ability to mute blus for mr thats a slipery slope for me but it could be added in
and a mute for all wouldnt need to be added in i would have to say. due to previuosly mentioned stuff

just my opinion ;'\


Apr 21, 2020
Just outline some stuff in the rules so theres a reference on what to follow.

Explain what tiny day lr is since some people think its a purge type minigame while others think its a freeday which causes lots of unnecessary anger spam about freekilling and such.

Is sticky trapping allowed? For example putting stickies around reds, is that baiting or nah?

Freeday abuse
There are some maps where freedays are completely free to hit breakables that allow escape and ending the round such as alkatraz and jailfort. Are freedays kos if they are caught doing this?

These are just some points on my mind but yh go ahead and clarify that'd be great.


Feb 3, 2018
Just outline some stuff in the rules so theres a reference on what to follow.

Explain what tiny day lr is since some people think its a purge type minigame while others think its a freeday which causes lots of unnecessary anger spam about freekilling and such.

Is sticky trapping allowed? For example putting stickies around reds, is that baiting or nah?

Freeday abuse
There are some maps where freedays are completely free to hit breakables that allow escape and ending the round such as alkatraz and jailfort. Are freedays kos if they are caught doing this?

These are just some points on my mind but yh go ahead and clarify that'd be great.
putting stickys near reds is baiting but i have to say it is alowed

tiny day because of the ff a FFA(a free for all) just like HHH lr day is

if a freeday is found breaking breakables that lead to an escape or where they would be rebeling they are kos, a free day has the same rights as a normal red does but he is only free to do anyting but something that would make him a rebeler.
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