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Declined Nubsteh's Moderator Application

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Aug 31, 2022

Antarctic Josif

Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes

United Kingdom

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID
Double decker#8800

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.tf Jailbreak

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I barely see any moderators on the server except like 1 or 2 admins. I am on this server alot of the time, especially when the server is just building up (so at around 14:00 or15:00 in the UK it starts to fill up and at around 19'ish it reachs around 15 people on the server) and am on at 14:30 or later (if nobody is online yet). I also see alot of annoying troublemakers on the server when nobody is online, which honestly annoys me alot and others too who just want to play the game.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know

When are you usually available to play?
14:30 (until the server actually has people in it)

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Mute/gag: I'll punish people who micspam way too much, especially every single round, especially when their soundboards or mics are WAY too loud and starts getting annoying. If people don't allow the warden to speak, it'll become a warning. Second time may be another warning or a mute IF the warning was ignored and they continue to do so. If there is unnecessarily any kind of racism, the person will be gagged/muted.
Micspam: 1st time: Warning
2nd time: 1 hour
3rd time: 24 hours/1 day
Racism: Gag or mute instantly

Talking over warden: 1st time: warning
2nd time: 1 hour mute

Teamban: Freekilling will lead to a straight teamban (unless it was an accidental freekill then this won't apply, but if this happens more than once then this'll just force me to believe that, infact, the freekills were not accidental). Giving random orders that don't apply to the map, like lava day if there is no obstacles to jump on, leading to everyone dieing. Going warden and then giving a random red LR will lead to a slay first and the lr being denied, but if it happens again the guard (aka warden) will be teambanned. Griefing with buttons will lead to a warning, slay and then a teamban if it keeps going on.

Forcing freedays: Teamban (1 hour, 1 day or longer, depending on how many times it's happened in this server and others)

Mass freekilling: 1 week ban (or so on if it keeps on going)

Free killing : Asked to slay, if it happens again multiple times, they'll be guardbanned for 1 day (24 hours) or more if it keeps going in the future. (So first time it's a guardban, then if it happens the next day again, I will be forced to take the decision to either A) Guardban him again for another day or B) Extend the bans on the same person)

Slay: Refusal to slay after a freekill or pressing buttons for no reason, leading to a one-time minigame unusable, will lead to a warning first. Second time, if they refuse to listen to the warden to stop hitting buttons, they're slayed, however they may be teambanned in the process. If a guard freekills for whatever reason, they'll be asked to slay. If not, I'll just slay them myself.

Afk: Simple, I'll just put them into spectator. If they just go afk for multiple times after coming back and forcing freedays, this will result in an unfortunate teamban.

In some situations, I may just allow the server to decide the fate of the rulebreaker(s), as in I'll let them vote to teamban or slay the individual, gag or mute them in other situations, etc. If, however, they leave the server before the vote even ends, they'll be instantly teambanned or muted on the spot.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I just basically allow people to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't break the rules, or become way too chaotic. I also don't use Discord very often, I just go on the discord server like once or twice, which will not allow others to talk to me in case of anything happening.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Polish and a bit of Russian. (am ok with other cyrillic languages as well, not any other language such as Turkish or Arabic or anything else, but I can tell which language is which)


Aug 31, 2022
It says Nubsteh on this account, but idk how to change it. The name in this application is my current steam name. Just in case you were wondering....


Aug 31, 2022
I wasn’t mention but box was! This some bull!!!! Anyways let’s see if let’s say monky, tells you that potato was using slurs in chat. What would your response be? This is just a hypothetical m.
Yeah sorry festive, I "forgot" about you.


Aug 31, 2022
Yeah yeah, anyways answer the question, I want to see ur train of thought. Please
Well, even though that's a rare case of Potato saying slurs, I'd just gag him since he has both access to voice chat and the chat, for at least 24 hours. If he hasn't learnt his lesson, I'll just extend the length the next time he does it again.


Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
Well, based on the punishment ladder it looks like you know the rules to a tee, and have common sense. But on the contrary, something does not make sense to me. You probably know that staff looks into everyone's history... why would you apply when you were muted for racism barely over a week ago? Did you finally decide to stop being racist?

If you were a staff member, would you think this person who said this sort of stuff just 9-10 months ago would be a good fit for staff?



Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
Due to above, application denied.
Well, based on the punishment ladder it looks like you know the rules to a tee, and have common sense. But on the contrary, something does not make sense to me. You probably know that staff looks into everyone's history... why would you apply when you were muted for racism barely over a week ago? Did you finally decide to stop being racist?

If you were a staff member, would you think this person who said this sort of stuff just 9-10 months ago would be a good fit for staff?

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