
- Joined
- May 17, 2020
- Messages
- 4
I own the Happy Hat Shop. I travel far and wide in search for hats. During my travels, a very important hat was stolen from me by an imp in 2Fort. So here I am at a loss... And now I've found you. Now don't think me rude, but I have been following you... For I know of a way to return to your former self. If you can get back the precious item that was stolen from you, I will return you back to normal. In exchange, all I ask is that you also get back my precious hat that imp stole from me. What? Is that not a simple task? Why, to someone like you, it should be by no means be a difficult task. Except... The one thing is... I'm a very busy fellow... And I must leave this place in three days. How grateful I would be if you could bring it back to me before my time here is up. But, yes... You'll do fine. I see you are young and have tremendous courage. I'm sure you'll find it right away. Well then, I am counting on you...