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Accepted Zomcom's Moderator Application

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Feb 3, 2018
User amen: .λd Zømcøm


Your Age


Have you been punished in the last 60 days? As far as I know I have not I have not been punished in the past 60 days.

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No.

Do you have a microphone? Yes.


Your SteamID
SteamID2 - STEAM_0:0:172849620

SteamID3 - [U:1:345699240]

SteamID64 - 76561198305964968

SteamIDHex - 1100001149af3a8

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? I don’t have the experience of managing a server but I have the experience of 3 years being in the flux.tf community

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Jailbreak -
(but if need be I could go to other flux.tf community servers and either record a demo or help out some other way(if my suggestion about mod powers would be added in I could help out on other servers until a higher ranking staff member would come to the server and fix the problem.))

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I have been on this community for about 3 years, and I’d like to help out the community out as much as I’m able to, if I’m not able to help out by joining a server I will help out in discord. In the past month I have seen that the “serifs” of the server have become donators such as Top and HEAVYISDEAD, they basically watch over the server by gaging, slaying and team banning players who misbehave, but as I see it donators should be like a helping hand to the staff team. I guess this has happened because admins are bit more busy with their personal lives than they might have been 2-1 years ago. I have been nudged by several people to create a staff application and so I have as you can see :).

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? - Yes, I have though some have since retired and some still have stayed.

owners that I know and have spoken to(I would say it was more when I had a question though):
Benedevil(for me as I know hes kind of more like a manager(But also like a co-owner in the way he’s connected to flux.t)).

Managers that I know and have spoken to(I would also say it was more when I had a question though):

Admins that I know and have spoken to:
HipsterMelon(though only on the forums as in his coming back thread and just a bit in game before flux became a barren wasteland(jb) and then later on got revived);
Jampoint(Jammy jams the artist of New year art).
Jim(mostly in his “original” discord server(well for me it’s original because well that’s the first server of I know he had created on discord);
Kat0150(hmm Cat0150?);
CherroFlake(a great guy and once could be something like a voice actor but cause of puberty not so much anymore).

Now retired admins:
Aubble(don’t know if he would really remember who I am though);
Swiggy (technically is back but not fully);
Spades (great guy);
Katalander ([:(] I don’t think she would remember me too:sad:, because of how segregated(compared to other retired admins) she has become almost like trying to forget the community(I hope to become as kind as she was)) (and possibly see her on flux once again):( ;
Ramen (was a cool guy from what I remember);
Zblock (was great at spy with a little bit of help, had great jokes before becoming an admin and after);
The Mafioso Courier(don’t think he would remember me too);
8-bit_Kitsune(as I still remember him, he was and still is very moral. I hope I can become as moral as he was and still is, also had a great mvm server, due to his leave he couldn’t complete the flux movie and now he couldn’t still because now it has changed from what I have been back then).

When are you usually available to play?
I am available to help out mostly daily from about 17 – 22 GMT+3, 15-20 GMT+1(London)(but this may wary)

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate:

punishments not specialized to a specific server:

Micspaming(the mic quality is poor, they are speaking in a different language than the flux.tf community is using(English, music(over 5 secs or just keeps playing music by not going to the 5 second mark but keeps on time to time or rapidly does it. Warn, 30min mute, 60min mute(1h), 120min mute(2h), 240min mute(4h), 480min mute(8h), 960min mute(16h), 1920min mute(32h or 1 day and 8h), 10080min mute(168h or 7days), 43200min mute(720h or 30 days), perma mute.

Micspaming (constant ear rape of any kind on mic) – warning, 240min mute(4h), 960min mute(16h), 3840min mute(64h or 2days and 16h), 10080min mute(168h or 7days), 43200min mute(720h or 30 days), perma mute.

Chat spam(spamming chat) – Warn, 30min gag, 60min gag(1h), 120min gag(2h), 240min gag(4h), 480min gag(8h), 960min gag(16h), 1920min gag(32h or 1 day and 8h), 10080min gag(168h or 7days), 43200min gag(720h or 30 days), perma gag.

Exessive rudeness(being toxic on mic/chat) – Warn, 30min mute/gag, 60min mute/gag(1h), 120min mute/gag (2h), 240min mute/gag (4h), 480min mute/gag (8h), 960min mute/gag(16h), 1920min mute/gag (32h or 1 day and 8h), 10080min mute/gag (168h or 7days), 43200min mute/gag (720h or 30 days), perma mute/gag.

Advertising cheats(in chat or on mic) - perma mute/gag.

Using cheats – perma ban.

Inappropriate spray – warning+kick(so he would be warned to change it and so he would be kicked so when he rejoins the spray wouldn’t be inappropriate if he changed it of course)1920min sprayban (32h or 1 day and 8h), 10080min sprayban (168h or 7days), 43200min sprayban (720h or 30 days), perma sprayban.

Admin impersonation(no warning cause the player should have already know this by the time impersonating an admin that’s on the staff team) 1920min ban (32h or 1 day and 8h), 10080min mute/gag (168h or 7days), 43200min ban (720h or 30 days), perma ban.

Exploiting – warning and slay, 240min ban(4h), 960min ban(16h), 3840min ban(64h or 2days and 16h), 10080min ban(168h or 7days), 43200min ban(720h or 30 days), perma ban.

Abusing the !calladmin Function – , 60min ban(1h), 120min ban(2h), 240min ban(4h), 480min ban(8h), 960min ban(16h), 1920min ban(32h or 1 day and 8h), 10080min ban(168h or 7days), 43200min ban(720h or 30 days), perma ban(I would say a ban is too much I’d suggest gaging or if their gaged make it so from them the call admin doesn’t work for them, but I did follow the staff app example).

Revealing or Exposing Undercover Admin or saying that a staff member has joined the server – warning, 240min mute/gag(4h), 960min mute/gag(16h), 3840min mute/gag(64h or 2days and 16h), 10080min mute/gag(168h or 7days), 43200min mute/gag(720h or 30 days), perma mute.

For Jailbreak:

User Who is AFK: unwarden the warden, move him to spectator(if no one takes warden then appoint a warden randomly(if possible)); if red he stays un moved to spec and I let the plugin deal with him.

Constant freehit: warning and a slay, 30min teamban, 60min teamban (1h), 120min teamban (2h), 240min teamban (4h), 480min teamban (8h), 960min teamban (16h), 1920min teamban (32h or 1 day and 8h), 10080min teamban (168h or 7days).

Mass freekill(from 3 and up): 10080min teamban (168h or 7days), perma teamban.

Teamkill: 120min teamban (2h)(if accidental – 60min teamban(1h)), 960min teamban(16h), 3840min teamban(64h or 2days and 16h), 10080min teamban(168h or 7days), 43200min teamban(720h or 30 days), perma teamban.

Armoury/medic/any other place that is specified as camping if over 30 secs(or if the blus go out of armory before 30 secs and instantly go back) – Warn, 30min teamban, 60min teamban (1h), 120min teamban (2h), 240min teamban (4h), 480min teamban (8h), 960min teamban (16h), 1920min teamban (32h or 1 day and 8h), 10080min teamban (168h or 7days), 43200min teamban (720h or 30 days), perma teamban.

Favouritism: warning, 240min teamban (4h), 960min teamban (16h), 3840min teamban (64h or 2days and 16h), 10080min teamban (168h or 7days), 43200min teamban (720h or 30 days), perma teamban.

Giving freedays/opening cells without reason: 60min teamban(1h), 960min teamban (16h), 43200min teamban (720h or 30 days), perma teamban.

Forcing warden: slay, 60min teamban(1h), 1920min teamban (32h or 1 day and 8h).

Unwardening without any reason(something like I don’t want to be warden) – 60min teamban(1h), 1920min teamban (32h or 1 day and 8h).

No mic on blu: Perma teamban (removed if they get a mic).

Armoury camp as red: Warn, slay.

Delaying: Warn, beacon(if the player is stuck then a slay).

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
don’t know what kind of information would be useful, i would say I have already said a lot that might be useful in the whole app. But about the punishments i have received - i was comm banned 4 times 2 -3 years ago but it was mostly at the very start(when i came from blw.tf Dr). lithuanian is my first language and english is my secondary language so there might be some bad grammar.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes, Lithuanian.

1st change added some info in the "Is there any other information you would like us to know about" point.
2nd change deleted a point in "Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members?"
3rd changed the thread name.
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Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
Greetings Zomcom , you've finally made an application hehe
I don't have much gameplay time with you , about 4 times in total (3 jb 1 db) and even though they're too little to judge but you were a kind player to others , explaining the rules , having fun and nothing out of the ordinary behavior , you're also active on discord , sometimes reporting rule breakers and other times providing assistance to new players, posting memes too hehe or just engaging in normal chat . In my personal opinion you would make a good staff member, thus its a
+1 from me , Hope To See You On The Staff Team!

Lord Gaben

Sufficiently Lethal
Sep 3, 2017
Very active
Knows rules
Has a good name around flux.tf

Nothing that I could think of.

I've known Zomcom for a long time and is one of my most trusted friends on flux. This is a +1 for me good luck!


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
I'd like to welcome you to the Moderator team. You can expect a message from me on Discord shortly.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
Congratulations And Welcome :)
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