- Joined
- Sep 1, 2017
- Messages
- 98
- Name: (Classified)
- Age: 16
- Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx)
The Mafioso Courier (STEAM_0:0:73228516)
- Specify your timezone and rough playtimes~
MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) UTC/GMT -6 hours.
Weekdays.-2:00 P.M-5:00 P.M, 6:00 P.M-9:00 P.M
Weekends.-6:00 P.M-10:00 P.M
- Have you been an admin before and where?
I was a moderator in Exho's TTT server in GMod, around 2-3 years ago, my term as moderator lasted 3-5 months before the server switched management.
- What servers are you primarily applying for?
I am applying mainly for JB Tx, this is the main server I play on, I go into other servers whenever the previously mentioned one is empty. (Hopefully this will clear the misconception that Ive never played on these servers before, because I have.)
- Are you familiar with the admin role and commands? ie - what is expected of you
Ever since my last application, Ive taken several looks into admin commands, familiarizing myself with them. An admin is someone who people look to for help, and is someone who can get along with, I can get along with people, as long as they want to get along with me, if they dont want to get along with me, thats fine, to each their own, but as soon as this goes offtrack, it can become a real problem. The point Im trying to make is that, Im willing to get along with anybody, as long as theyre not planning to make my life a living hell if the opposite is reached.
- Why would you be a good addition to the servers as an administrator?
Im going to be honest in this question, the span of me sending my first application and this one is 4 days. In between these days, while playing, Ive encountered mass freekillers, ghosters, micspammers, chat spammers, etc. Ill give an example: as of writing this(9/1/2017), on the day before, a player I encountered by the name of "Syn" was mass freekilling, teamkilling, and for what you may ask? For a few chuckles. He constantly got all REDs into a marker and promptly shot a rocket into the marker. He constantly forcewardened to turn on FF and eliminate his teammates. I went on BLU team to attempt to stop this. So, I forcewardened myself (1 round), to stop this, which it did. Reports were obviously sent out, yet no one came. It was until aftermeth arrived that "Syn" stopped doing what he was previously doing, because aftermeth was going to record it and post it on the forums, the thing is there was nothing to record. All aftermeth got was complaints and claims that Syn was a freekilling. Absolutely 0 evidence. So the reason I want to become an admin, is to prevent the above and the latter from happening, as much as I can stop, as much time as I can spare, cus Ive been many, many, many times on the receiving end of these "rulebreakers" and I can honestly tell you, it fucking sucks.
- Anything else you'd like to add - maybe a bit about yourself, ie - interests, hobbies, education, etc etc
Alright, Im going to be using this space to describe a little bit about my situation on the forums. So I joined the forums, yes, around 5 days ago, made my app, all was dandy. Sure, the thread became an absolute shitstorm, and that was my fault, it was foolish of me to think my past mistakes wouldnt catch up to me. So, as I try to login this day (9/01/2017), my user/account doesnt exist. "Weird" I thought to myself. "Im pretty sure I typed it right." Turns out my account was deleted, and I understood what was going on in the forums once I checked several apps for more references on what to avoid. Trolls. My account was deleted cus it was mistaken for a forum troll, so hopefully that clears up why this account is new.
I like drawing, currently going through my second year of highschool, and Im hungry for hot pockets, and I got hot pockets for my birthday, so feelsbadman.
Edit 1.- Thanks for telling me about the font and the database, Im sorry if I made some wrong assumptions.
Edit 2.- Syn has been teambanned for 800 minutes, thanks Kat
- Age: 16
- Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx)
The Mafioso Courier (STEAM_0:0:73228516)
- Specify your timezone and rough playtimes~
MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) UTC/GMT -6 hours.
Weekdays.-2:00 P.M-5:00 P.M, 6:00 P.M-9:00 P.M
Weekends.-6:00 P.M-10:00 P.M
- Have you been an admin before and where?
I was a moderator in Exho's TTT server in GMod, around 2-3 years ago, my term as moderator lasted 3-5 months before the server switched management.
- What servers are you primarily applying for?
I am applying mainly for JB Tx, this is the main server I play on, I go into other servers whenever the previously mentioned one is empty. (Hopefully this will clear the misconception that Ive never played on these servers before, because I have.)
- Are you familiar with the admin role and commands? ie - what is expected of you
Ever since my last application, Ive taken several looks into admin commands, familiarizing myself with them. An admin is someone who people look to for help, and is someone who can get along with, I can get along with people, as long as they want to get along with me, if they dont want to get along with me, thats fine, to each their own, but as soon as this goes offtrack, it can become a real problem. The point Im trying to make is that, Im willing to get along with anybody, as long as theyre not planning to make my life a living hell if the opposite is reached.
- Why would you be a good addition to the servers as an administrator?
Im going to be honest in this question, the span of me sending my first application and this one is 4 days. In between these days, while playing, Ive encountered mass freekillers, ghosters, micspammers, chat spammers, etc. Ill give an example: as of writing this(9/1/2017), on the day before, a player I encountered by the name of "Syn" was mass freekilling, teamkilling, and for what you may ask? For a few chuckles. He constantly got all REDs into a marker and promptly shot a rocket into the marker. He constantly forcewardened to turn on FF and eliminate his teammates. I went on BLU team to attempt to stop this. So, I forcewardened myself (1 round), to stop this, which it did. Reports were obviously sent out, yet no one came. It was until aftermeth arrived that "Syn" stopped doing what he was previously doing, because aftermeth was going to record it and post it on the forums, the thing is there was nothing to record. All aftermeth got was complaints and claims that Syn was a freekilling. Absolutely 0 evidence. So the reason I want to become an admin, is to prevent the above and the latter from happening, as much as I can stop, as much time as I can spare, cus Ive been many, many, many times on the receiving end of these "rulebreakers" and I can honestly tell you, it fucking sucks.
- Anything else you'd like to add - maybe a bit about yourself, ie - interests, hobbies, education, etc etc
Alright, Im going to be using this space to describe a little bit about my situation on the forums. So I joined the forums, yes, around 5 days ago, made my app, all was dandy. Sure, the thread became an absolute shitstorm, and that was my fault, it was foolish of me to think my past mistakes wouldnt catch up to me. So, as I try to login this day (9/01/2017), my user/account doesnt exist. "Weird" I thought to myself. "Im pretty sure I typed it right." Turns out my account was deleted, and I understood what was going on in the forums once I checked several apps for more references on what to avoid. Trolls. My account was deleted cus it was mistaken for a forum troll, so hopefully that clears up why this account is new.
I like drawing, currently going through my second year of highschool, and Im hungry for hot pockets, and I got hot pockets for my birthday, so feelsbadman.
Edit 1.- Thanks for telling me about the font and the database, Im sorry if I made some wrong assumptions.
Edit 2.- Syn has been teambanned for 800 minutes, thanks Kat

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