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Declined ScoutMain788's Moderator Application

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Sep 15, 2020
User name: ScoutMain788

Mr. Mineral

Your Age

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? Yes

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID
Alex walker#5050

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

Which servers have you previously managed?
I managed my own private server with some friends, but that's about the extent of it.

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.tf | Highertower

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I like to help keep the community safe and chill, I want to help as much as needed, and I want to try to bring the toxicity levels down on the highertower server

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

When are you usually available to play?
4:00-8:30pm EST

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Verbal aggression: i.e... slurs, acting "dumb" , and making fun of others. I will try my hardest to keep others safe and everyone happy. I will also abide to all the rules in flux and the server itself along with steam code.

Advertising Hacks: need proof, if positive then perm mute

Racism and Bigotry: 1 hour ban, 2 hour ban, 4 hour, 1 day ban then last chance 7 day ban if they don't listen perm Ban. I hate racism I do not approve of any sort of discrimination

Voice and/or Chat Spam: warn, 1 hour ban, 2 hourban, 4 hour ban, 5 hour ban, day ban, week ban, perm commblock.

Speaking a Language Other than English: Warn, 1 hour ban, 2 hour ban, 4 hour ban, 1 day ban, followed with a week then perm commblock

Exploiting/Cheating:first a warning, then 1 hour ban followed by a 5 hour ban, 3 day ban,week ban, then a perm ban; I hate cheating I personally will not tolerate it

Abusing the !calladmin Function: warn followed with 2 hour ban, 4 hour ban, followed by 1 day ban, week ban, then perm ban

Admin Impersonation: User will be warned and told to change name and or profile, followed by 3 hour ban, then 3 day ban, 7 day ban, then finally 1 month ban if necessary

Inappropriate/Offensive Spray: perm spray ban, but if proven not to repeat the ban will be redacted.

Griefing: one warn then slay, 2 hour ban 4 hour ban then 8 hour then 24hour ban, followed by a month ban if proven necessary.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
Yes, I am active on tf2 every day specifically flux.tf |Highertower. I am very active on discord. I also love playing the game for what it is i won't abuse my power. :cool: By the way hope everyone is staying safe with the whole Covid-19 going around! If you ever need me call or text me on discord, Thanks.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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May 8, 2017
Really liked the fact that you care. "i really wanna be helpful"
Work on your punishment ladders and will be all good, and ofcourse will be happy having on board once accepted.

Goodluck <3

Nicer is nicer


Truly Feared
Jul 2, 2017
Kind of hard to read some of your answers because of the colorful texts.


Harpreet <3
Staff Member
May 30, 2020
Advertising Hacks: need proof, if positive then perm mute

Racism and Bigotry: 1 hour gag, 2 hour gag, 4 hour, 1 day gag then last chance 7 day ban if they don't listen perm Ban. I hate racism I do not approve of any sort of discrimination

Voice and/or Chat Spam: warn, 1 hour gag, 2 hour gag, 4 hour gag then last chance 5 hour gag then perm ban.

Speaking a Language Other than English: Warn, 1 hour gag, 2 hour gag, 4 hour gag, 1 day gag, followed with a week then perm mute
A user shouldn't be banned for an offense that can be punished by a gag or a mute. Speaking of gags and mutes, why are all these punishments either mutes or gags only? What if someone was to commit the offense over voice chat instead of text chat, and vice versa, what would be your response to that?

Exploiting:first a warning, then 1 hour ban followed by a 5 hour ban, 3 day ban, then a perm ban; I hate cheating I personally will not tolerate it
The statement you made at the end confuses me, especially since you don’t have a specific punishment ladder for cheaters. Is this the same ladder you would use to ban a cheater?

These are just a few things I’ve noticed. Another issue in my mind is that for some punishments, you make quite a big jump from a normal length to a permanent punishment.
Voice and/or Chat Spam: warn, 1 hour gag, 2 hour gag, 4 hour gag then last chance 5 hour gag then perm ban.
Let’s use this as an example. The first glaring issue, which I already talked about, is that the ladder ends in a ban instead of continuing the normal commblock, but the focus of this is the timing on the punishment. Making a jump from 5 hours to permanent is way too excessive and aggressive.
Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No
https://bans.flux.tf/index.php?p=commslist&advSearch=STEAM_0:0:460126691&advType=steamid :will:

I haven’t seen you in game, so I can’t get a great idea of how you act, especially since your chatlogs show nothing other than the fact that you don’t talk much to others in chat, but currently, it seems like you can benefit from waiting and improving your application.


Sep 15, 2020
Alright, thank you. I also changed the stuff and spruced it more just reply whenever.
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Staff Member
Jul 12, 2020
Alright, thank you. I also changed the stuff and spruced it more just reply whenever.

According to your updated app, no changes has been made regarding racism and bigotry, Voice and/or Chat Spam and Speaking a Language Other than English. Like what console said, a user shouldn't be banned for an offense that can be punished by a gag or a mute.

From what I've seen in game, Mr mineral is a friendly player. He often uses voice chat in terms of communication and is overall a nice person. However, I feel that he is relatively new thus unsure of some rules and understandings of the hightower server. Regardless, Good luck!


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
User has not revised his application based on the feedback left from other Staff.

There is a lot confusion and misguidance with your punishment ladder. Several commands you listed for set punishments are not appropriate. You may reapply after 60 days if interested.
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