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Accepted Ninja_Squirrel's Moderator Application

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Staff Member
Aug 9, 2023


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes

Oklahoma, US CST/CDT Timezone

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

Which servers have you previously managed?
Back in the Day from 2011ish to early 2014 (left for uni)
Slag TTT (Gmod)
Started as a test mod and moved up to Admin rank

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
HighertowerX | x1000 Weapons :
VSH : When we bring it back
Trade Server : When we bring it back

Why would you like to become a moderator?
Grew quite fond of the community. I mostly playing on Orange Crits
Discovered Hightower 1000x then it went offline for a bit
Then discovered JB and spend most of my time there
Would like to establish roots here. I remember hearing in JB that Flux is dead.
I disagree. I see the potential it has. It just needs a little tweak and twerks here and there.
Want to be part of giving back and making sure everyone has a fun time here as I certainly have.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Spoken To:
Know Of:
Apple Pie, Festive, Solar, Potato, Ali, Monky

When are you usually available to play?
Sparce in the Morning and Afternoon. Depends on Work (Work from Home) After 6:00PM (Mon - Fri) 99% of Saturday and Sunday

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
General Rules All Around for the Servers
Chat/Mic Spam – Ghosting – Player Disrespect
1st - Warning + 1 Min Gag (they are in timeout)
2nd - 1 Hour Gag
3rd - 2 Hour Gag
4th - 4 Hour Gag
5th – 1 Day Gag
6th – 2 Day Gag
7th – 1 Week Gag
8th – 2 Week Gag
9th – 1 Month Gag
10th – 3 Month Gag
11th - Perma Gag + Mute

Team Switch to Spectator

Perma Ban

Promoting Cheats/Hacks:
Perma Gag and Mute

JB Specific Rules
Forcing Warden more than 3 times in a row:
1st - Warning
2nd - Warning + Option to !uw or Slay
3rd - Slay + 1 Hour TeamBan
4th - Slay + 12 Hour TeamBan

Massive Freekilling:
1st - Warning + Slay (Accidents happen)
2nd - 1 Day TeamBan
3rd - 1 Week TeamBan
4th - Perma TeamBan

Delaying the round:
1st - Warning
2nd - Warning + Option to Turn on beacon/Teleport/Slap
3rd - Light on fire/Slay

Forcing FreeDays – Freekilling:
1st - Warning (Accidents happen)
2nd - Warning + Slay
3rd - 1 Hour TeamBan
3rd - 2 Hour TeamBan
4th – 4 Hour TeamBan
5th – 1 Day TeamBan
6th – 2 Day TeamBan
7th – 1 Week TeamBan
8th – 2 Week TeamBan
9th – 1 Month TeamBan
10th – 3 Month TeamBan
11th - Perma TeamBan

Hightower x1000 Specific Rules
Spawncamping: (as Sniper, Direct hit solider, demoknight, tomislav heavy)
1st - Warning
2nd - 1 Hour Ban
3rd - 2 Hour Ban
4th - 4 Hour Ban
5th – 1 Day Ban
6th – 2 Day Ban
7th – 1 Week Ban
8th – 2 Week Ban
9th – 1 Month Ban
10th – 3 Month Ban
11th - Perma Ban

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
Simple dude who is bad at TF2. I main medic. I follow in treating others how I would like to be treated.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Spanish and maybe German (it's been a while)


Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
You are probably the best candidate for moderator and even admin that I have ever met in a while, no exaggeration there. From knowing you for a while on JB, I know that you're mature, friendly, have never caused trouble (except for guards while playing red 🤣), and you take criticism very well, based on your reaction to what I said about your application earlier in DMs. Your punishment ladder is neither too lenient or too strict in my opinion, and pretty much reflects our actual 'punishment ladder'.

You are very polite, well-mannered, humble, type very nicely, and pretty much every single one of your donor vote commands have been used properly over the years. I notice that you blend into the background when playing JB, but people listen to what you say the few times you talk, which I think is actually a very good trait for staff (some of our staff, including me, are very loud & annoying with too much to say 😜). The fact that you have been an admin for another Source game is a big plus, rarely do we get someone who applies that has had any experience at all.

Directly to the rest of the staff: I think many of us, but not including me, Zak (lives in a US TZ now) & Festive, have not noticed Ninja's presence only because Ninja plays during late US hours (very early morning for EU, where most of our staff come from) which we very much need staff for right now.

I am voting Yay on Ninja Squirrel's addition to the staff team, I think it would be a huge mistake to not accept their application.
Good luck Ninja!


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
Hi there, thanks for applying. Your application has been accepted. Check discord for more information
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