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Declined Hyped's Moderator Application

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Jan 24, 2021
User name: Hyped

Hyped Banana

Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? No

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes

United Kingdom

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I decided to apply when I realised I was playing on a flux server whenever I was playing tf2 and it made me realise how special this place really is. While I would give the cliche of "helping out the community" or whatever I feel as if I could go beyond that and contribute significantly beyond typing a few commands. This community genuinely has so much potential and I would like to play a bigger part in it. I feel like I could offer impartiality, flexibility and an overall bonus form of activity within the forums and discord.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Zak, Matt, Rvban and Festive

When are you usually available to play?
All times are in GMT, Weekdays 4pm-11pm, Weekends 1pm-2am. During the holidays my activity will usually be much more flexible.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
(all of these punishments are backed with a form of evidence, demos, screenshots, or OBS recordings and are usually prefaced with a warning)
General punishments :

Cheating: Perma ban with no chance to appeal

Advertising hacks: Perma gag

Micspam/spamming chat(can be either a gag or a mute): 1 hour > 3 hours > 6 hour > 1 day > 3 days > 1 week > 2 weeks> 1 month > perma

Racism: 1 day gag/mute > 3 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 2 week gag/mute > perma gag/mute

Abusing call admin: 3 hour ban > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 3 day ban > 1 week ban > 2 week ban> perma ban

Spawn Camping: 1 hour ban> 3 hour ban > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 3 day ban > 1 week ban > 2 week ban > perma ba

Being toxic/player disrespect: 3 hour mute/gag > 6 hour mute/gag > 1 day mute/gag > 3 day mute/gag > 1 week mute/gag > 2 week mute/gag > 1 month mute/gag> permanent mute/gag

Admin Impersonation: 6 hour ban > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 3 day ban > 1 week ban > 2 week ban > Perma ban

NSFW Sprays: Permanent Spray ban until changed

Evading punishments: Double length of the punishment.

These depend on the specific scenario, obviously adjusted depending on priors.

Jailbreak punishments:
(All punishments also come with restoration of the victims involved, IE giving freeday to a person who was LR denied or respawning victims of a freekill, also if not mentioned there will usually be a slay and warning before any punishments are issued.)

Freeday abuse: 12 hour ban > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Armory camping: 3 hours ban(teamban if done on blue)> 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Sticky trapping: 3 hour ban(teamban if blue) > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Delaying: Beacon> 1 hour ban(teamban if blue) > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Ghosting: 1 hour gag > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Latespawning: 1 hour ban > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Ammo Glitching: 3 hours ban > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

AFK: Moved to spectator

No microphone: Permanent teamban until proven otherwise

Unwardening/ illegal force: slay > 1 Hour teamban-> 3 Hours > 9 Hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks-> 1 Month > Perm

Freekill/teamkill: slay > 1 hour teamban > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Mass Freekill: Slay >3 day teamban> 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Warden Impersonation: 1 hour mute > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

LR Denial: > 3 hour teamban > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Forcing Freedays (hitting button maliciously before warden has a chance to give orders): 1 hour teamban > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Favouritsm: 1 hour teamban > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Illegal ff: 1 hour teamban > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Lying: 1 hour teamban > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Hunting and chasing: 1 hour teamban > 3 hours > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Not giving repeats: 3 hour teamban > 9 hours > 1 Day > 3 Days > 1 Week > 2 Weeks > 1 Month > Permanent

Sorry for the poor formatting and if needed I can expand upon the punishment ladder.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
If it isn't already obvious I also play in blackwonder where I racked up loads of punishments, however it has been over 2 months since I successfully got my teamban appeal. Obviously I'm not perfect and I am a lot more bombastic than most people personality wise, but when the time and place comes I can be serious and tackle situations with the right demeanour. When I am on discord or on forums I am mostly just goofing off and just pulling jokes however I do understand if my punishments/reputation on blackwonder do negatively affect this application. It is a double edged sword and now I know what NOT to do and its given me valuable experience. I sincerely hope I am given the chance to be moderate.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No

EDIT: Added punishment ladder for spawn camping.
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Harpreet <3
Staff Member
May 30, 2020
Good morning/night (I’m not good with timezones :haha:)

I will keep this simple, since most of what I have to offer would be about your past in BLW, and you’ve already touched on it in your application. I have yet to play on a Flux server with you, which makes my opinion more about what I see / know about you, not so much as you as a player in Flux servers, so any other staff member who feels they have something meaningful to add, feel free.

Now, the main concern for me is your playtime. As someone who came from many, many hours in BLW JB, you should know by now that the two servers have quite a different set of rules. The amount of playtime you have (2 days 16 hours) is definitely a decent amount, and close to the 3 day amount listed on the app form, but I feel that you could benefit from having more experience as a Flux member, especially with having a whole new ruleset to deal with.

Your reputation on BLW isn’t something that I can fully ignore. Most of your punishments were dealt before I had known of you, as I played on a different region. You can’t really hold old punishments over someone’s head forever, but the amount of punishments worries me still

There aren’t any issues I can spot on your application besides the fact that there isn’t a spawncamping ladder, since you have listed Highertower as a server you would like to moderate.

From my limited interaction with you as a player on BLW before I had gotten staff, you seemed like someone who had a deep understanding of the rules, and took interest in reporting rulebreakers, but as of right now, I believe that having more experience would prove beneficial to you.

Best of luck on your app, and I hope you enjoy your day/night.


Jan 24, 2021
Hey console long time no talk.
As someone who came from many, many hours in BLW JB, you should know by now that the two servers have quite a different set of rules. The amount of playtime you have (2 days 16 hours) is definitely a decent amount, and close to the 3 day amount listed on the app form, but I feel that you could benefit from having more experience as a Flux member, especially with having a whole new ruleset to deal with.
The Flux ruleset and the blackwonder ruleset are actually similar apart from the odd change or two, they’re probably the closest rulesets compared to other communities such as panda or SG. However there are still some small differences, while I do need more play time, thanks to the super active staff I can always reach out and ask to clarify certain rules almost every time I play which (I hope) some staff can back me on that. So I feel as if that accelerates the learning curve a little enough to help.
More experience is pretty much good for everyone and while I will definitely need it (if I do get mod) I hope I’m at an adequate place to start.

Your reputation on BLW isn’t something that I can fully ignore. Most of your punishments were dealt before I had known of you, as I played on a different region. You can’t really hold old punishments over someone’s head forever, but the amount of punishments worries me still
Obviously you can’t escape your past and it is a glaring issue but I don’t really hold the same mentality. My only punishment in over 60 hours is an accidental team kill which I hope is a good piece of evidence of the change in behaviour.

besides the fact that there isn’t a spawncamping ladder, since you have listed Highertower as a server you would like to moderate.
Oooh good spot I’ll add that now,

Thanks for taking the time to dissect my app, I appreciate it broski.
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Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Gaining more experience would definitely be an asset to you.

Let's give it some more time. Consider reapplying after 60 days.
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