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Declined BettyBowser69's Moderator Application

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Jul 9, 2020
User name: BettyBowser69


Your Age

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

PA in north america

Your SteamID

Your DiscordID
Beastialy Boy #9546

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
i would like to moderate on jailbreak the ip is

Why would you like to become a moderator?
i would like to become a moderator because i love playing on this server and would also like to help it out and stop rule breakers but i am new to tf2 cmds but i am willing to learn how to use them and promise i will not abuse in any way. even though i am kinda toxic i think i can be a great mod because i am willing to listen to the players and am active on the server which could help punish more cheaters and stop rulebreakers and keep peace in general.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
i know Ginger cash prizes zak and top also zomcom

When are you usually available to play?
i am usually able to play all the time sometimes i might have sports though

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
MASS freekill
1st offense PERM TBAN

forcing warden:
1st offense warning
2nd 1hr tban
3rd 3 hr tban
4th 6 hr tban
5th 12 hr tban
6th 24 hr tban
7th 48 hr tban
8th 1 week tban
9th perm tban

1st offense warning
2nd warning 2
3rd warning 3
4th 1 hr tban
5th 4 hr tban

no mic
perm tban untill proven to have a mic

1st offence: Warning
2nd: Slay
3rd: 1 hour ban
4th: 4 hour ban
5th: 8 hour ban
6th: 1 day ban
7th: 4 day ban
8th: 1 week ban
9th: 2 week ban
10th: 1 month ban
11th: Permanent ban

abusing the call admin function
1st offense warning
2nd 1 hr ban
3rd 2 hr ban
4th 4 hr ban
and repeat every time they abuse it

Voice/Chat spam:
1st offense: Warning
2nd: 2 hour gag/mute
3rd: 4 hour gag/mute
4th: 6 hour gag/mute
5th: 12 hour gag/mute
6th: 1 day gag/mute
7th: 2 day gag/mute
8th: 1 week gag/mute
9th: 2 week gag/mute
10th: 1 month gag/mute
11th: Permanent gag/mute
1st offense: Warning
2nd: 2 hour gag/mute
3rd: 6 hour gag/mute
4th: 12 hour gag/mute
5th: 1 day gag/mute
6th: 2 day gag/mute
7th: 1 week gag/mute
8th: 2 week gag/mute
9th: Permanent gag/mute

ghosting or exposing admins
1st offense warning
2nd 1 hr gagg/mute
3rd 4 hr gagg/mute
4th 8hr gagg/mute
5th 24hr gagg/mute

1st offense tban for 1 hr
2nd tban for 4 hrs
3rd tban for 8 hrs
4th tban for 16 hrs
5th 1 day tban
6th 1 week tban
7th perm tban

1st offense 6 hr ban
2nd 12 hr ban
3rd 24 hr ban
4th 1 week ban
5th perm ban

advertising cheats/hacked clients
1st offense 1 day gagg/mute
2nd 1 week gagg/mute
3rd perm gagg/mute

impersonating admin/staff member

1st offense gagg/mute and force user to change name and pfp
2nd offense 3 hr gagg/mute and force to change name and pfp
3rd offense 1 day ban
4th offense 1 week ban
5th offense 1 month
6th offense perm

exposing staff that are undercover
1st offense warning
2nd offense 1 hr gagg/mute
3rd offense 4 hr gagg/mute
and repeat the 4 hr gagg/mute unless they get 10 offenses then 1 day gagg/mute

inappropriate sprays
1st offense perm spray banned untill the spray is no longer inappropriate

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
i am not that liked in the server but if i can get a chance that would be amazing and i would take the staff job 100% serious and also i will try my best to keep rule breakers out of the server or help them learn the rules and make the server better also i know i dont have the best history on here but please put that aside and give me a chance i will not let everyone down

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
I have definitely seen betty on the servers often and he is quite an active player. He does sometimes make up rules though and can be quite immature. I have also seen him abusing exploits/glitches such as the latespawn glitch but I don't see him do it anymore. The application however, is also not so great. The punishment ladder is nonexistent and he has given vague answers to the questions. Overall, this is a -1 from me. But I'm sure if he just improved his application greatly, then it would be a +1.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
I have definitely seen betty on the servers often and he is quite an active player. He does sometimes make up rules though and can be quite immature. I have also seen him abusing exploits/glitches such as the latespawn glitch but I don't see him do it anymore. The application however, is also not so great. The punishment ladder is nonexistent and he has given vague answers to the questions. Overall, this is a -1 from me. But I'm sure if he just improved his application greatly, then it would be a +1.
^ , i truely and genuinely agree with ginger's comment and i would wish to give you a +1 as i consider what i saw from you as overall natural behavior expected from anyone whether it be good or bad , though i do believe that you have the ability to change and might be willing to if accepted , so in conclusion im staying neutral until i get to see what other staff's opinions will be.

You Definitely should modify the punishments ladder , refer to the guide or to accepted applications.

also a tiny add-up : you always encourage new/inexperienced wardens to force freedays despite you knowing that such act is not allowed.


Jul 9, 2020
^ , i truely and genuinely agree with ginger's comment and i would wish to give you a +1 as i consider what i saw from you as overall natural behavior expected from anyone whether it be good or bad , though i do believe that you have the ability to change and might be willing to if accepted , so in conclusion im staying neutral until i get to see what other staff's opinions will be.

You Definitely should modify the punishments ladder , refer to the guide or to accepted applications.

also a tiny add-up : you always encourage new/inexperienced wardens to force freedays despite you knowing that such act is not allowed.
ok thank you for the feed back i will change it and re apply again soon


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
@BettyBowser69 No need to feel down already , the last word is cash's not ours , apply your modifications on this application and have hope :)


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
There's a few things that strike out to me with your application, and not in a good way.

Firstly, why would you give players a second or even third chance for utilizing third-party software? We never want these players returning as they serve no purpose but to cause mischief.

Advertising hacks, i.e. LMAOBox spam is an immediate perma silence. I even posted this mod application as a reference.

Lastly, you were punished 3 days after you submitted your application for ghosting by @Zak[DZ]. Let's wait a bit before choosing to reapply.
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