Okay then, my opinion on this user.
I'll start by listing the
. An approachable individual at all points. I've known Really_Gay_Scout_Main_With_Aids to be someone open to conversation, easy to talk to. He's a person who gives anyone and everyone the chance to voice their opinion be it good or bad, this person will listen to them and pay close attention.
. Fairly down to earth. He's a face to face kinda guy. He hasn't ever lied to me, he's never made himself out to be above me or anybody else he shares the server with, a true delight to play with or against in a game server.
. Reasonable. He's a stand up guy for the most part, open to criticism and is usually quite a diplomatic individual, allowing everyone to say their piece without receiving any aggression or unpleasant response.
. He understands the rules and enforces them to letter. There has not been one point at which I have seen Really_Gay_Scout_Main_With_Aids to disregard the rules or intentionally disobey an admin or a rule that has been set down. If the rule says be clear in your orders/commands (Jailbreak) this guy will repeat his orders in four different languages if he so has to!
But this is only when a figure of authority is present, he often appears to be a completely different character when the staff members are not on the server. For him to be reliable, he often needs to be baby-sitted. This leads me to my next point, the
NEGATIVES of his application and who wrote it. Let's do this.
. I'll start with the rules. He will disobey them, often finding himself being disrespectful to other players and staff members, my evidence being in this gem of a chat log.
. Graphic language. This person will often speak in an over sexually manner for example using explicit or provocative language to other people and describing other people in a sexual way. He has spoken about users such as myself in this way on a number of occasions.
. Insults/Bullying. If a user sounds of a young age they are certain to receive aggressive comments or insults in regards to this. When it comes to children on the server, this user is the playground bully.
. Deceit. This stems back to the link between my positive and negative points, all of this user's positive aspects shine and brighten up the Jailbreak experience for everyone! But this only when an admin such as Mr., death. or GreGre are on. I am using these in particular as examples as for example when ColdRamen is present on the server Really_Gay_Scout_Main_With_Aids becomes an awkward mix of a model player, and a potentially superb admin and a preteen bully, immature, offensive, sexual, and sometimes quite racist. All of this is put down as "Banter" when it is called to the attention of ColdRamen. However he is quiet and respectful in the presence of the more serious individuals who administrate for the Flux.TF servers.
. Racism. A lot of the language used by this user can be described as vulgar, offensive or downright racist. When he speaks he has no one's opinion's in mind, anyone not friends with this user is potentially the butt of his next joke.
.Popular. Yes they may seem like an obscure reason but his influence on the server can often spur outbursts of racism and offensive language in other people on the server. An example of this would be not so long ago, I went warden in the jailbreak server, y'know standard stuff. After this user comments on my voice and describes that how I talk makes him want to perform sex acts with me we find people with names such as this. View attachment
Now that I've laid down my opinion on this user In general I think he would be an excellent admin! However we cannot have a more responsible staff member baby-sitting him at every minute of which he occupies one of the servers ran by my internet girlfriend, Flux and because of this his good qualities become obsolete as if he requires a responsible person to accompany him when he is administrating a server then I don't think it's worth it as the responsible admin would be just as capable of doing their job without having to loom over him to make sure he does the same.
So to conclude, I'm giving this application a well deserved THUMBS-DOWN. Sorry, but good luck anyways!
EDIT: I swear I have no idea why my draft of this reply is attached.