- Name: Ryan
- Age: 14
- Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx)
ID: heyguysyellinginthemicisfunny // STEAM_0:0:168468972
- Have you been an admin before and where?
I have been an admin on my "Mann Vs. Machine Play As Robots" server (which doesn't exist anymore).
Otherwise, I have not been an admin on any other community server.
- What servers do you usually play?
From time to time, I like to head to cp_orange servers to have fun with other players.
But I do connect on Deathrun servers often as well.
- Are you familiar with the admin role and commands? ie - what is expected of you
I am familiar with the basic commands such as kick, ban, and slap.
I am also aware that my role as an admin is extremely important, and that I should not abuse my privileges in any shape or form (such as kicking players that just killed me).
I should also warn players if they are breaking the rules, following with a kick/ban depending on the rule broken (if they continue).
- Why would you be a good addition to the servers as an administrator?
Not only am I aware of the right place and the right time to issue a kick/ban/silence to players that are breaking the rules, but I'm also a friendly admin. However, this does not hinder me from kicking/banning players that mic-spam, cheat, etc.
- Anything else you'd like to add - maybe a bit about yourself, ie - interests, hobbies, education, etc etc
As I have previously stated, I'm extremely friendly towards everyone I come across, and I always treat people with respect and provide help when needed.
I play TF2 whilst coinciding with Overwatch often, but I mainly play Team Fortress 2 simply because there is a lot of fun to be had with customized game modes.
- Age: 14
- Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx)
ID: heyguysyellinginthemicisfunny // STEAM_0:0:168468972
- Have you been an admin before and where?
I have been an admin on my "Mann Vs. Machine Play As Robots" server (which doesn't exist anymore).
Otherwise, I have not been an admin on any other community server.
- What servers do you usually play?
From time to time, I like to head to cp_orange servers to have fun with other players.
But I do connect on Deathrun servers often as well.
- Are you familiar with the admin role and commands? ie - what is expected of you
I am familiar with the basic commands such as kick, ban, and slap.
I am also aware that my role as an admin is extremely important, and that I should not abuse my privileges in any shape or form (such as kicking players that just killed me).
I should also warn players if they are breaking the rules, following with a kick/ban depending on the rule broken (if they continue).
- Why would you be a good addition to the servers as an administrator?
Not only am I aware of the right place and the right time to issue a kick/ban/silence to players that are breaking the rules, but I'm also a friendly admin. However, this does not hinder me from kicking/banning players that mic-spam, cheat, etc.
- Anything else you'd like to add - maybe a bit about yourself, ie - interests, hobbies, education, etc etc
As I have previously stated, I'm extremely friendly towards everyone I come across, and I always treat people with respect and provide help when needed.
I play TF2 whilst coinciding with Overwatch often, but I mainly play Team Fortress 2 simply because there is a lot of fun to be had with customized game modes.