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Accepted Acheko's Moderator Application

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Staff Member
Jan 30, 2022

Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Orange | 100% Crits

Why would you like to become a moderator?
Briefly: I want to help the community and other staff’s trouble by being a moderator. During the last few years that I’ve played here, I’ve seen a lot of things of what other players have done that should be done something about. I’ve been thinking about making an application for a few months and now I have decided to take a little action. I’ve done a few reports and they (Who I have reported) have got banned always and sometimes quite fast too, but I want to make the gameplay on Flux even more sufficient for players. Playing on a safe, nice and a secured server is always admirable and appreciative.

What I see, I’ve been a just nice, regular talkative guy on the server who never has had any beef (At least I think so) with anyone, and I am pretty sure that almost all regular players on Flux Orange recognize me. I bet they’ll listen to my advice and warnings.

As a matter of fact, I was reported to be the most sympathetic and friendly manager during my service in the army as well as in my workplace. I want to continue with the same mentality as a possible moderator. -> Fair and instructive. I’m always respectful to everyone. But, enough of this self-praise. Let’s continue with the application.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
whatevs and dork

When are you usually available to play?
During summer I might work from a few hours a day to 12 hours a day so I can not guarantee a time schedule. From September forwards I am back studying at uni, so I can provide my potential staff services from 10.00 – 02.00 (UTC + 2).

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Before I do any action, I will always make sure that the player is really cheating or doing something rule breaking. And then I will gather the proof.

These scenarios only apply for Flux orange server, since I don’t play any other servers such as the Jailbreak. So, I will not add a punishment ladder for non-Flux Orange related. I want to moderate only Flux Orange. Possibly later, once I'm handling sufficiently all the moderator stuff and commands, I could moderate other servers as well.

Now with the punishing:

Cheating (Aimbot, wallhack, etc):
1st: Always a permanent ban.

Advertising cheating services:
1st: a Permanent ban/temporary silence. This depends on the situation. (If it’s a bot or a regular player jokingly doing this.)

1st: a Warning and a slay. (If the warning has not been informed during the same game session, then the second and possibly the third is also a warning and a slay.)
2nd: a Thirty minute ban.
3rd: an Hour ban.
4th: a Day ban.
5th: a Three day ban.
6th: a Week ban.
7th: 2 Week ban.
8th: a Month ban.
9th: Permanent ban.

Abusing !calladmin:
1st: a Warning. (If the warning has not been informed during the last few weeks, then the second and possibly the third is also a warning.)
2nd: a Thirty minute ban.
3rd: an Hour ban.
4th: a Day ban.
5th: a Three day ban.
6th: a Week ban.
7th: 2 Week ban.
8th: a Month ban.
9th: Permanent ban.

Exploiting or Griefing:
1st: a Warning. (If the warning has not been informed during the same game session, then the second and possibly the third is also a warning.)
2nd: a Thirty minute ban.
3rd: an Hour ban.
4th: a Day ban.
5th: a Three day ban.
6th: a Week ban.
7th: 2 Week ban.
8th: Permanent ban.

Racism and Bigotry and any kind of toxic behavior:
1st: a Warning. (If the warning has not been informed during the last few months, then the second one is also a warning.)
2nd: a Ten minute gag.
3rd: an Hour gag.
4th: a Day silence.
5th: a Week silence.
6th: Permanent ban. (I will jump from a week silence to a permanent ban since I will not tolerate stuff like this, because I think five warnings should be enough.)

Inappropriate/Offensive Spray:
1st: a Warning. (If the warning has not been informed during the last few months, then the second is also a warning.)
2nd: a Day spray ban.
3rd: a Week spray ban.
4th: Permanent spray ban.

Voice and/or Chat Spam:
1st: a Warning. (If the warning has not been informed during the same game session or in a few weeks, then the second and possibly the third is also a warning.)
2nd: a Thirty minute silence.
3rd: an Hour silence.
4th: a Day silence.
5th: a Three day ban.
6th: a Week silence.
7th : 2 Week silence.
8th : Permanent ban.

Many of these (First few warnings) are just directive ways of punishment. It depends of how they behave against staff, how respectful they are and if they apologize.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
Not really. I'm just hoping to get a chance to help out the community. It's the least I could do after all this time.

There's actually a few things that I'm aware of that might affect negatively on my application. At sometime I have been protecting some of players who have got banned against the admins. But, you were right and I was wrong. People learn.

And, I will update or edit the punishment table if needed.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Finnish. I can understand a bit of Swedish and Russian since I've studied them for a few years.
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Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
You're always friendly whenever I see you on Orange Crits and you obviously know all the rules. The server that runs cp_orange and 100% crits is unexpectedly the most toxic and competitive right behind Highertower, but you don't seem to let the gameplay affect you and you stay as nice as you always are. Your punishment ladder is good too and shows that you understand giving people a chance to change but not an excessive amount of chances.

There's actually a few things that I'm aware of that might affect negatively on my application. At sometime I have been protecting some of players who have got banned against the admins. But, you were right and I was wrong. People learn.
You're probably talking about some players I've banned, which I noticed you are friends with, but none of this should or will be held against you for the app. There was nothing wrong you did with defending your friend, who you didn't know was cheating. So it's fine, we just care about you as an individual, and I personally don't care if you're still friends with people who have been banned.

Also it seems that you're Mr. Popular to everyone else as well, from what I've heard from other players on the server, and that is a plus. For my vote it is a yes and I give you my blessings, hope you are added to the staff team. 😚


Brisk God
Staff Member
Aug 30, 2020
Hi Acheko,

Congratulations and welcome to the team. You will be moderating our Orange servers. I will contact you on Discord shortly with more details.

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