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  1. Cloud

    Accepted Discord activity roles

    i think its just about people that are active that reply alot that is how u can see. :)
  2. Cloud


    hey , dont forget to read the rules so you can play efficiently. And have a nice day :)(
  3. Cloud

    Accepted Discord activity roles

    i atually think that this is a good idea for some reason cuz if som1 is trying to get a mod or admin online cuz some1 is breaking the rules than most of the times nobody comes or u dont even get a reply :(.
  4. Cloud

    Declined Cloud's Moderator Application

    I know that my appilaction got declined almost 1 month ago but i cant stand to see so many people breaking rules and no admin/mod do anything about it. Not always cuz somthimes they do :).
  5. Cloud

    Declined Cloud's Moderator Application

    User name: Cloud Name Cloud Your Age 14 Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? Yes...
  6. Cloud

    Declined Add ba_sincinatti_v3 suggestion

    idk, we alredy have a ton of maps that we dont play why would we have more :)
  7. Cloud


  8. Cloud


    Hey valentine hope you like the communety and have fun :)
  9. Cloud

    Declined Renewal of Warden menu

    I think that you are talking about some maps cuz some maps some warden menu things dont work cuz that is how the map was made. Like some maps u can open doors with menu but u have to press button.
  10. Cloud

    Declined Jailbreak Guard DMG

    i think that there should be 1.5 damage for some weapons, but not for all, because some weapons just one shot everything and every1 and it makes it unfair at all cost, but in some senerios like last guard vs 20 reds it should be for every weapon.
  11. Cloud

    Declined Add Jb Famous suggestion

    i dont know i am oke with a new map but it looks like a upgrade of a map and i dont know how many more maps the communety could handel
  12. Cloud

    Accepted Extend time in Prophunt

    I also think that the props could choose they're prop because most of the time they are big trees trains big rocks and more, so its sorta basted on luck.
  13. Cloud

    Accepted Extend time in Prophunt

    I also think that 8 minutes would be better because 5 minutes with alot of players is never enough time to check all the spots. :)
  14. Cloud

    Declined Cloud's Moderator Application

    User name: Cloud Name Cloud Your Age 14 Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? No Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No...
  15. Cloud

    Resolved Cloud's Team Ban appeal

    User name: Cloud What is your type of punishment? Team Ban Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198994754360/ Who has punished you? Boop Why were you punished? Massfreekill Why should we revoke your punishment? It...
  16. Cloud

    Horseless headman needs a nerf.

    I think everythime when there is Versus Saxton Hale and if its a Headman he automaticly wins cuz hes teleport goes inside of you so ur stuck in him so ur just a dead man, i think that needs a nerf like that he teleports next to you or somting else but inside of u is just too op.
  17. Cloud

    Declined Itachi uchiha <3's Team Ban appeal

    User name: Itachi uchiha <3 What is your type of punishment? Team Ban Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198994754360/ Who has punished you? Boop Why were you punished? Massfreekill at warday: som1's lr was warday and...
  18. Cloud

    Declined Itachi uchiha <3's Team Ban appeal

    Yea idk very good but i think i was the only blue and som1 typed warday and then i was trigerd so i opend cells and started killing evert1 and i know that its a massfreekill but its just becouse i was rlly angry then.
  19. Cloud

    Declined Itachi uchiha <3's Team Ban appeal

    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198994754360/ here you go
  20. Cloud

    Declined Itachi uchiha <3's Team Ban appeal

    User name: Itachi uchiha <3 What is your type of punishment? Team Ban Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? Itachi Uchiha <3 Who has punished you? Boop Why were you punished? Mass freakilling at warday infront of cells Why should we revoke your punishment...