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Search results

  1. Cloud

    Roast the person above You

    The person above me is a plastic monkey.
  2. Cloud

    Roast the person above You

    The person above me hes name is cash but tells you to buy only a cheap 5 doller photoshop poster.
  3. Cloud

    Invalid Report against BabyBARKing (Jailbreak)

    User name: Cloud Who are you reporting? BabyBARKing What server game mode is the report concerned with? Jailbreak What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198362318243 What is the reason of the report? He freekilld 3 people cuz he was lr som1...
  4. Cloud

    Roast the person above You

    ow look another spy copy but looks like hes a virgin this time and needed more money so is a cartoon
  5. Cloud

    Declined Report against BabyBarKing (Jailbreak)

    its true do he always helps reds is inactive cuz he does not like the warden
  6. Cloud

    Blues camping red secrets?

    Can blues camp red secrets cuz i saw som1 do it witch was a admin and he dint say anything about it but i got smited mulipel times cuz of campin gred secrets. So idk if its a rule now or not on jailbreak
  7. Cloud

    Declined Add Jb Famous suggestion

    i would love to have maps, but we alredy have so many maps that nobody play on why would we have one more. I want to see if this map is gonne be fun but also would it not be better to remove some maps that are never playd and most of the time nobody knows of them.
  8. Cloud

    Accepted Flux Movie Night?

    idk might be good but might go bad.
  9. Cloud


    ponki hub
  10. Cloud

    Lr suggestions

    when there is a rocket jumping backstabing spy with bonk behind u :)
  11. Cloud

    what do you guys think of jb

    shoot no shoot the classic game that you either love that u dont play anything else or hate.
  12. Cloud

    Declined Revert the prophunt change

    i think it should be if there are 5 reds = 5 min but from 6 and above it should be 7min
  13. Cloud


  14. Cloud

    what do you guys think of jb

    9/10 and 10/10 if more people knew the rules more cuz then they wont spam and scream freekill when u trickorder.
  15. Cloud

    Accepted Rvban's Moderator Application

    nice man i believed in u :)
  16. Cloud

    Declined Revert the prophunt change

    But if it would be 5 minutes again most of the time u find the first half and then like per 30 seconds u find the rest so 5 min is way to fast. (for me then)
  17. Cloud

    Resolved Cloud's Gag appeal

    ow oke i am ungaged now so u guys can close this :)
  18. Cloud

    Resolved Cloud's Gag appeal

    User name: Cloud What is your type of punishment? Gag Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198994754360/ Who has punished you? it was a vote and i am the only blue. Why were you punished? cuz some idiot put a vote to...
  19. Cloud

    Resolved Report against Grim (Jailbreak)

    why cant i attacht my file :(?
  20. Cloud

    Resolved Report against Grim (Jailbreak)

    User name: Cloud Who are you reporting? Grim What server game mode is the report concerned with? Jailbreak What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141464555/ What is the reason of the report? MFK massfreekill Files you have as proof File(s)...