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  1. OutOnOwen

    Declined OutOnOwen's Staff App 2 (No Drama)

    - Name: Owen (Not Going To Say Last Name) - Age: 15 - Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx) Name : OutOnOwen ID : STEAM_0:0:161597731 - Specify your timezone and rough playtimes~ 3pm - 9pm on weekdays, 9am - 9pm on weekends. - Have you been an admin before and where? No I...
  2. OutOnOwen

    RTD LR?

    Hello, So I thought of this idea for a lr and it is basically when they choose the specific lr the next round everyone will have a random effect + a freeday, so I'm pretty sure all of you know the RTD addition to a lot of community games but if you add it for a lr to jailbreak, it would be...
  3. OutOnOwen

    Wrap Assassin and Sandman Problem

    Hello, So what do the wrap assassin and the sandman have in common? Projectiles. Now there is a little problem with projectiles in jailbreak, we are all familiar you can't force bait but if you throw a projectile to a guard that is like x5 away from your melee range and it hits them is that...
  4. OutOnOwen

    How 2 Rebel

    Hello, I'm gonna give you tips to rebel in jailbreak, first of all the right class, you can either be the fastest or slowest, being the fastest (scout) can make you run super fast and get away but your a 1 shot to nearly everything but the slowest class (heavy) requires more skill. What you...
  5. OutOnOwen

    Baiting Problems

    Hello, This is a rare problem but it still happens, if a Blu comes near me and warden said nothing about baiting, can I chase the baiter? Because sometimes the warden says no chasing baiters or you can so am I allowed to chase? Also if a guard baits and I backstab the guard with the YER (or...
  6. OutOnOwen

    Dead Weapons

    Hello, Just a quick question, what "dead weapons" do you miss, the jungle inferno update really did scare a lot of the community. (R.I.P Sandman)
  7. OutOnOwen

    Best Combos

    Hello, So... Jungle inferno happened, it deleted and added quite a lot of combos, I have a question, what is the most commonly used combo you use in casual/comp, (eg. pre-jungle inferno Sandman and Cleaver.) I'm just gonna say mine, Force-A-Nature and Crit-A-Cola, I know call me toxic but I...
  8. OutOnOwen

    Declined OutOnOwen's Staff App

    - Name: Owen (Not Saying Last Name) - Age: 15 - Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx) OutOnOwen STEAM_0:0:161597731 - Specify your timezone and rough playtimes~ GMT (3pm - 9pm Weekdays)(9am - 9pm) - Have you been an admin before and where? I have not been an admin on a TF2...
  9. OutOnOwen

    Declined OutOnOwen's Staff App

    - Name: Owen (Not Saying Last Name) - Age: 15 - Steam name + ID: OutOnOwen http://steamcommunity.com/id/OutOnOwen/ - Specify your timezone and rough playtimes~ GMT, Estimate time ingame around 3pm - 9pm on normal days and 9am - 9pm. - Have you been an admin before and where? I have been admin...
  10. OutOnOwen

    Quite A Bias Thread

    Hello Everyone, So before reading this I must warn you this is 99.9% my opinion, I already see people posting this as dumb or bad but this is opinion so don't be salty, anyways this is my discussion about admins, in my opinion a good 60% of admins in-game don't care about anything, most the...
  11. OutOnOwen

    A Spy Problem.

    Hi, Recently I've played the classic YER Spy on Jailbreak and i'm really sad in chat it says who you killed and how you killed them, example : OutOnOwen killed Virginity With Headshot. Something along those lines is typed in chat and when i'm playing YER Spy it says something like : OutOnOwen...
  12. OutOnOwen

    A Sorta Smart Idea...

    Hello, I thought of a master idea that needs more attention, admin abuse day, it's pretty self-explanatory an admin abuses as much as they can but it has a tad bit of rules, no "slay all" commands or slay people and that's all, they can summon bosses, give noclip, give valve weapons and etc. I...
  13. OutOnOwen

    My Absence

    Hello, Sadly, I was restricted from playing TF2 for a few weeks, this was caused by a HUD and I want to make everyone aware, If you get crashes delete your HUD then try, I know I sound like steam support but just in case it happens do this first. -OutOnOwen
  14. OutOnOwen


    Hello Everyone, I'm sure that everyone knows the rule "Favouritism" but sometime it effects game play too much, now before I go on I am not saying to remove that rule I'm just saying to fix it, so lets get onto it, so favouritism is pretty simple, you have to treat every red equally but that...
  15. OutOnOwen

    My Serious Addiction

    Hello Everyone, I've have an addiction that effects my life, it's an addiction to playing obby in jailbreak, I know some of you think this is just minor but it's quite serious, every LR that I get is a guaranteed obby, people notice this and try to get me out of this addiction but no chance...
  16. OutOnOwen

    The Spy "Problem."

    Hello Everyone, So I thought of what class advantages and disadvantages in Jailbreak and spy always confused me a bit, I understand spy has a melee weapon that can insta-kill anyone without the razorback but the Your Eternal Reward/Wanga Prick confused me a little, so first of all it's pretty...
  17. OutOnOwen

    A Moderately Good Idea

    Hello Everyone, I've just thought of a new idea that could increase flux's popularity and servers, if we are honest most people love the idea of the new game mode made called virus but the problem is that 99.9% of the time the server is empty, so with lots of other servers so this idea got me...
  18. OutOnOwen

    New Gamemodes?

    So i'm not sure about this but I think that Flux doesn't have a surf server so it would be interesting if you could possibly add surf, also other game modes I love and hope Flux to add is Market Garden Duel, its where you can only kill with the market garden crit and you can do private duels...
  19. OutOnOwen

    Hello Flux-itieers? (Don't Judge Me)

    Hello everyone, My name is OutOnOwen and I am a part of the Flux family, I have been in the community for a reasonable amount of time but only now have I decided to make an account, just to clear some simple questions, I am a heavy main, my profile is soldier because it didn't let me load my...