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Declined snowy druid's Moderator Application

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snowy druid

Somewhat Threatening
Jun 9, 2023

snowy druid

Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes

U.S./Canada travel between both for work

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
dont see a lot of mods on mvm or jb anymore so i just want to help out. plus i need to start somewhere so why not here

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

When are you usually available to play?
just about any time unless i am on a call for a job which rarely happens.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
id like to mod two servers

for mvm punishments

fly hacking: id give a written warning, follow by verbal, then a kick, id then follow it up with a 3 day ban. if it continues it would become a perma. this is if they do not have any bans or warnings from others

crit hacks: if i can figure out they are truly crit hacks. i would give a verbal written warning, then a verbal, if that doesnt do anything id ban for 1 day, if they continue depending on if they have other bans itd become perma with no choice to appeal

server crashing: 3 day ban. if i can see they meant to do so it would become a perma ban as they went out of their way to do so.

mic spam: depending on the case it would be a written message then a 30 minute mute. if it continues to happen it would become a 1 week mute then a perma mute

for JB punishments:

mic spam/crappy mic: written warning, 30 minute mute, 1 week mute, perma mute

crit hacks: ban for 1 days, week, month, perma,

aim hacking: 2 day ban week then month then perma

crashing server: 1 day week perma

giving random lr: written. day, then perma ban

free killing: team ban for a week month then perma while reviving those free killed

racism/hate speech: full gag for a week then perma.

denying lr: written warning. 30 team ban, day ban then week then perma

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
spys scare me

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No


Staff Member
Jul 12, 2020
Hey there,

There are a few things that can certainly be improved in your application. I will go through them part by part & I seek your co-operation in amending the necessary information as they are crucial in your moderator application.

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.

Firstly, write the servers you wish to moderate.


Orange 100% Crits |

Hightower x100 weapons |

This is extremely important as we do not wish to be overstaffed on 1 server & understaffed on the other.

Example: 5 Jailbreak Moderators | 0 MvM Moderators

Therefore, by stating where you would like to be a moderator in, will allow the management team to understand & find out if you are suitable to moderate that server.

Moving along, the more important ones.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
id like to mod two servers

for mvm punishments

fly hacking: id give a written warning, follow by verbal, then a kick, id then follow it up with a 3 day ban. if it continues it would become a perma. this is if they do not have any bans or warnings from others

crit hacks: if i can figure out they are truly crit hacks. i would give a verbal written warning, then a verbal, if that doesnt do anything id ban for 1 day, if they continue depending on if they have other bans itd become perma with no choice to appeal

server crashing: 3 day ban. if i can see they meant to do so it would become a perma ban as they went out of their way to do so.

mic spam: depending on the case it would be a written message then a 30 minute mute. if it continues to happen it would become a 1 week mute then a perma mute

Confusion 1: What is a written warning / message?

Does a written warning mean a physical letter or email that I would expect by mail?

What if by the time i finish writing the warning, the hacker leaves the server?

Confusion 2: Why is the punishment inconsistent?

What's the difference between crit hacks & fly hacks, arent they both equally bad?

Why would flying hacks receive a kick & 3 day ban while crit hacks receive 1 day ban & perma ban?

Do ponder on that.

Next one,

mic spam/crappy mic: written warning, 30 minute mute, 1 week mute, perma mute

crit hacks: ban for 1 days, week, month, perma,

aim hacking: 2 day ban week then month then perma

crashing server: 1 day week perma

giving random lr: written. day, then perma ban

free killing: team ban for a week month then perma while reviving those free killed

racism/hate speech: full gag for a week then perma.

denying lr: written warning. 30 team ban, day ban then week then perma

This makes me so confused... earlier for MvM you said kicks and written warnings, but for jailbreak, there is none and its straight to bans?

Please make it easy for us to read it by writing a neater punishment ladder.

For example:

You are an owner of a TF2 server.

You are tasked with writing the punishments and the duration of the punishments for your fellow mods and admins to follow.

How will you do it? Will you give them a puzzle like this in which they would have to memorize specific durations for specific punishments or give them a more general durations for all punishments?

Do improve on your application to have a higher chance of becoming a moderator. It seems that your application was quickly written thus overlapping some points. I would recommend you to read through previously accepted applications to see how you could improve.

I am extremely eager to reading your updated application! Best of luck!


Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
I recall you trying to gaslight one of our staff members that another staff member said it was fine for your name to be very close to the n-word, and then lied to me that you've already appealed having your name, on forums. I really don't like untrustworthy people, which is the feeling I got from you in that situation.

After this incident, I noticed that you've made 6 reports on the forums in the days leading up to the creation of this mod app, and 7 !calladmin reports. After making this mod app, you have made 2 more reports on the forums and 5 !calladmin reports. A staff member abusing their position was caught thanks to you. And although I genuinely appreciate all these reports, I would be lying if I didn't say that I wasn't suspicious of you (due to my impression that you are untrustworthy) seemingly becoming a model citizen after being caught lying to two staff members, and then applying to become a staff member.

Hard question: what's your response to what I've presented? I am currently unconvinced that you would be a good staff member.

Also, Apple Pie has posted very good advice to you for your app, I suggest that you at least think about it.

snowy druid

Somewhat Threatening
Jun 9, 2023
i said that due to thinking it was the server it was contested on due to following a friend and that was the normal jb server we both play on. ive played flux in the past before festive retired and back then didnt cause any trouble but due to me once getting info wrong it seems you completely dislike me. and the reason my name was like that was for a 7d2d rp server i was on where i was the Nigerian burger making man making food out of the weigh station poi.


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
Hi snowy druid, thanks for applying. After careful consideration we've decided to deny your staff application.
Feel free to re-apply in the future.
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