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Declined Remove spectating list

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May 1, 2022
Can the list players are provided when spectating a user be removed? There's two reasons why I think this would be a good idea

1. Easier to determine if someone is hacking or just good at the game:

People who cheat on Flux aren't always caught and in my mind it's partially because of the existence of the spectator list appearing on a player's screen. Cheaters commonly toggle-off their exploits whenever a user begins to spectate which makes recording Demos an absolute pain. Mod's obviously circumvent this issue with invisible spectating but usually have to be alerted to the issue. But if players in game can't determine if someone is definitively hacking due to toggling, then moderators might not be alerted since it would be like someone 'Thinks' a player is hacking.

This has been an issue I've run into commonly where someone is called out as a cheater but whenever I've spectated they suddenly halt any exploits, only to start back up whenever I leave spectator. This is pretty annoying as I have the ability to start a Vote-Ban but feel as though I have not been convinced beyond reasonable doubt and therefore could be temp-banning someone innocent.

2. Less clutter on the screen:

In general, I hate it. I hate the stupid font, the color, I hate the clutter, I hate seeing a list of 10 names on my screen, I hate having it disappear and reappear constantly. It's quite distracting at times

Something I'd suggest as an alternative to removing it completely if people do like this feature would be to only have the spectator list appear for the people spectating and not for anyone playing on Red or Blue team.
Or just disable it on serious PvP servers like (100% crits | Orange) and (100x | High Tower)
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Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
Was that command always available?
Yes but it's not very apparent that it's available to everyone so I also agree with the suggestion. The only downside is that on arena servers (Jailbreak, VSH, DR, sometimes class wars) you don't get the thrill of having everyone spectate you.
May 1, 2022
Yes but it's not very apparent that it's available to everyone so I also agree with the suggestion. The only downside is that on arena servers (Jailbreak, VSH, DR, sometimes class wars) you don't get the thrill of having everyone spectate you.
Cool, didn't know that.

Yeah, I kinda figured people enjoy knowing people are spectating which is why I included the suggestion to only remove it on servers like Orange and Hightower where instant respawn exists


Truly Feared
May 26, 2020
Hi, the spectator list is remaining the way that it is. You can use the sm_speclist_hideme command in console if you wish to remain hidden though. (You can also do /speclist_hideme in chat)
May 1, 2022
Hi, the spectator list is remaining the way that it is. You can use the sm_speclist_hideme command in console if you wish to remain hidden though. (You can also do /speclist_hideme in chat)
I kind of figured once I learned about the command.

Just some follow-up questions,

Are there more commands than just "/speclist_hideme" that can be used to alter the spec list?
Can these commands be more apparent by being integrated in the general commands menu or perhaps their own section?
Is it true dork is secretly in love with Mosio?
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