User name: Douva
Your Age
Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? Yes
Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes
Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? Yes
Do you have a microphone? No
Have you read the guide on how to apply? No
bri ish
Your SteamID2
Your DiscordID
Have you managed servers previously? Yes
Which servers have you previously managed?
Pirates, Vikings and Knights I I dedicated server!, Resident evil 6 benchamark tool server.
On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Jalibreak New Sudan IP|, 2fort Jugnle Server ip |
Why would you like to become a moderator?
I would like to become a moderator in order to ban rule breakers. I consider meself rather cut out for this application. I know basically all the staff members, and I feel very inspired to apply after seeing people like boop and apple pie get accepted!!!!
Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes
Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Appel Peh
Retarded Admins
The Mod Courier
Impossible Kit
Son Dan TDM
When are you usually available to play?
I play all day for ever maybe i sleep idk?
Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Punishments that apply to both REDs (inmates) and BLUs (Guards + Warden)
Record a demo as evidence if unsure, then proceed to show it to other staff to make a decision.
If the suspect is making it obvious that they are cheating, they get permanently banned.
Advertising cheats/other malicious software:
Permanent gag and/or mute.
Being offensive / Using racial slurs / harassing someone on a personal level:
1st time: Polite warning
2nd time: Warn them again
3rd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
4th time: Gag/Mute for 4 hours
5th time: Gag/Mute for 8 hours
6th time: Gag/Mute for 1 day
7th time: Gag/Mute for 1 week
8th time: Gag/Mute for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Gag/Mute
Chat spam, Voice chat spam done with the intent to troll / overtalk the Warden
1st time: Polite warning
2nd time: Warn them again
3rd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
4th time: Gag/Mute for 4 hours
5th time: Gag/Mute for 8 hours
6th time: Gag/Mute for 1 day
7th time: Gag/Mute for 1 week
8th time: Gag/Mute for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Gag/Mute
1st time: Polite warning
2nd time: Warn them again
3rd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
4th time: Gag/Mute for 4 hours
5th time: Gag/Mute for 8 hours
6th time: Gag/Mute for 1 day
7th time: Gag/Mute for 1 week
8th time: Gag/Mute for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Gag/Mute
NSFW Sprays:
Warn the owner of the spray by telling them to spray it on a surface that cannot display sprays.
If they persist to spray it in places where anyone can see it intentionally, issue a spray ban.
If someone is AFK for an extended time period they get moved to spectator.
Camping the armory as both teams:
Warn + Slay them.
If they persist, slay them until they stop doing it.
Delaying (last guard, LR specific delay such as Saxton Hale not killing reds):
Add a beacon to the delayer so people can find him more easily.
If the player is stuck, teleport them to the place they were before getting stuck.
Revealing the identity of other staff without their permission:
1st time: Warn
2nd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
Further attempts: Gag/Mute for 2 hours
Punishments that apply only to the BLU team (Guards + Warden)
Joining BLU without using/owning a microphone:
If they eventually decide to use/get a microphone, remove the Teamban.
Using commands such as !w (when the round starts) and !uw
1st time: Warn and slay
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Freekill / Teamkill / Favouritism:
1st time: Warn and slay
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Mass Freekill:
Permanent Teamban
LR Denial:
1st time: Warn and slay + apologize to the victim by giving them a freeday
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Abandoning the Warden as a guard (on purpose) / Letting REDs in the armory / Not killing rebels
1st time: Warn + Slay
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Impersonating/Defying the Warden as a Guard
1st time: Polite warning
2nd time: Warn them again
3rd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
4th time: Gag/Mute for 4 hours
5th time: Gag/Mute for 8 hours
6th time: Gag/Mute for 1 day
7th time: Gag/Mute for 1 week
8th time: Gag/Mute for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Gag/Mute
Forcing Freeday:
1st time: Warn and slay
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Specific Punishments For Blues
Favouritism :
1st Time : Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour TBan
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month TBan
7th Time: Perm Tban
No Microphone :
Tban Until player has proven to have a mic.
Earrape / Mic Spamming/ Overtalking :
1st Time: warn
2nd Time: 1 hour Mute
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute
4th Time: 3 Day Mute
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute
Unwilling to be the Warden:
1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour TBan
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
Mass Freekill:
Permanent Tban
LR Denial :
1st Time:Warn + Freeday [ To the player that got his LR Denied]
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
Warden Impersonating:
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time; 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag
Ignoring Wardens Orders/working against the warden
1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
General Punishments For Everyone
NSFW Spray:
Perm Spray Ban until changed.
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute
Hacking :
Perm Ban
Exposing Staff while disguised:
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag,
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag
Advertising Hacks:
Perm Gag/Mute
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute
Camping In red rebel spots:
Warn / + Slay (If Player does not stop camping after 30 seconds)
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time; 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag
Moved To Spectate
Warn + Any of the below
Beacon (player is moving around)
Slay ( If Player is stuck )
Edit 1: Added forcing freedays and its punishments for BLUs
Edit 2: Added Zomcom to the list of known staff
Edit 3: Made a change in the "punished in the last 60 days question". Also added a bit more to the "any other information" section.Edit 77: Added forcing freedays and its punishments for BLUs
Edit 5: Added Zomcom to the list of known staff
Edit 4: Made a change in the "punished in the last 60 days question". Also added a bit more to the "any other information" section.Edit 77: Added forcing freedays and its punishments for BLUs
Edit 2: Added Zomcom to the list of known staff
Edit 8: Made a change in the "punished in the last 60 days question". Also added a bit more to the "any other information" section.
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
did i tell you i livei n nEw SUDAN? haha
Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes
Are you proficient in languages other than English? no, i dont speak. :/
Your Age
Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? Yes
Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes
Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? Yes
Do you have a microphone? No
Have you read the guide on how to apply? No
bri ish
Your SteamID2
Your DiscordID
Have you managed servers previously? Yes
Which servers have you previously managed?
Pirates, Vikings and Knights I I dedicated server!, Resident evil 6 benchamark tool server.
On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Jalibreak New Sudan IP|, 2fort Jugnle Server ip |
Why would you like to become a moderator?
I would like to become a moderator in order to ban rule breakers. I consider meself rather cut out for this application. I know basically all the staff members, and I feel very inspired to apply after seeing people like boop and apple pie get accepted!!!!
Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes
Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Appel Peh
Retarded Admins
The Mod Courier
Impossible Kit
Son Dan TDM
When are you usually available to play?
I play all day for ever maybe i sleep idk?
Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Punishments that apply to both REDs (inmates) and BLUs (Guards + Warden)
Record a demo as evidence if unsure, then proceed to show it to other staff to make a decision.
If the suspect is making it obvious that they are cheating, they get permanently banned.
Advertising cheats/other malicious software:
Permanent gag and/or mute.
Being offensive / Using racial slurs / harassing someone on a personal level:
1st time: Polite warning
2nd time: Warn them again
3rd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
4th time: Gag/Mute for 4 hours
5th time: Gag/Mute for 8 hours
6th time: Gag/Mute for 1 day
7th time: Gag/Mute for 1 week
8th time: Gag/Mute for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Gag/Mute
Chat spam, Voice chat spam done with the intent to troll / overtalk the Warden
1st time: Polite warning
2nd time: Warn them again
3rd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
4th time: Gag/Mute for 4 hours
5th time: Gag/Mute for 8 hours
6th time: Gag/Mute for 1 day
7th time: Gag/Mute for 1 week
8th time: Gag/Mute for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Gag/Mute
1st time: Polite warning
2nd time: Warn them again
3rd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
4th time: Gag/Mute for 4 hours
5th time: Gag/Mute for 8 hours
6th time: Gag/Mute for 1 day
7th time: Gag/Mute for 1 week
8th time: Gag/Mute for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Gag/Mute
NSFW Sprays:
Warn the owner of the spray by telling them to spray it on a surface that cannot display sprays.
If they persist to spray it in places where anyone can see it intentionally, issue a spray ban.
If someone is AFK for an extended time period they get moved to spectator.
Camping the armory as both teams:
Warn + Slay them.
If they persist, slay them until they stop doing it.
Delaying (last guard, LR specific delay such as Saxton Hale not killing reds):
Add a beacon to the delayer so people can find him more easily.
If the player is stuck, teleport them to the place they were before getting stuck.
Revealing the identity of other staff without their permission:
1st time: Warn
2nd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
Further attempts: Gag/Mute for 2 hours
Punishments that apply only to the BLU team (Guards + Warden)
Joining BLU without using/owning a microphone:
If they eventually decide to use/get a microphone, remove the Teamban.
Using commands such as !w (when the round starts) and !uw
1st time: Warn and slay
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Freekill / Teamkill / Favouritism:
1st time: Warn and slay
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Mass Freekill:
Permanent Teamban
LR Denial:
1st time: Warn and slay + apologize to the victim by giving them a freeday
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Abandoning the Warden as a guard (on purpose) / Letting REDs in the armory / Not killing rebels
1st time: Warn + Slay
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Impersonating/Defying the Warden as a Guard
1st time: Polite warning
2nd time: Warn them again
3rd time: Gag/Mute for 1 hour
4th time: Gag/Mute for 4 hours
5th time: Gag/Mute for 8 hours
6th time: Gag/Mute for 1 day
7th time: Gag/Mute for 1 week
8th time: Gag/Mute for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Gag/Mute
Forcing Freeday:
1st time: Warn and slay
2nd time: Teamban for 1 hour
3rd time: Teamban for 2 hours
4th time: Teamban for 8 hours
5th time: Teamban for 12 hours
6th time: Teamban for 1 day
7th time: Teamban for 1 week
8th time: Teamban for 1 month
In the case of more than 8 attempts, permanent Teamban.
Specific Punishments For Blues
Favouritism :
1st Time : Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour TBan
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month TBan
7th Time: Perm Tban
No Microphone :
Tban Until player has proven to have a mic.
Earrape / Mic Spamming/ Overtalking :
1st Time: warn
2nd Time: 1 hour Mute
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute
4th Time: 3 Day Mute
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute
Unwilling to be the Warden:
1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour TBan
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
Mass Freekill:
Permanent Tban
LR Denial :
1st Time:Warn + Freeday [ To the player that got his LR Denied]
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
Warden Impersonating:
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time; 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag
Ignoring Wardens Orders/working against the warden
1st Time: Warn+ Slay
2nd Time: 1 Hour Tban
3rd Time: 1 Day Tban
4th Time: 3 Day Tban
5th Time: 1 Week Tban
6th Time: 1 Month Tban
7th Time: Perm Tban
General Punishments For Everyone
NSFW Spray:
Perm Spray Ban until changed.
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute
Hacking :
Perm Ban
Exposing Staff while disguised:
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag,
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag
Advertising Hacks:
Perm Gag/Mute
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Gag
5th Time: 1 Week Mute
6th Time: 1 Month Mute
7th Time: Perm Mute
Camping In red rebel spots:
Warn / + Slay (If Player does not stop camping after 30 seconds)
1st Time: Warn
2nd Time: 1 Hour Mute/Gag
3rd Time: 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th Time: 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th Time; 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Time: 1 Month Mute/Gag
7th Time: Perm Mute/Gag
Moved To Spectate
Warn + Any of the below
Beacon (player is moving around)
Slay ( If Player is stuck )
Edit 1: Added forcing freedays and its punishments for BLUs
Edit 2: Added Zomcom to the list of known staff
Edit 3: Made a change in the "punished in the last 60 days question". Also added a bit more to the "any other information" section.Edit 77: Added forcing freedays and its punishments for BLUs
Edit 5: Added Zomcom to the list of known staff
Edit 4: Made a change in the "punished in the last 60 days question". Also added a bit more to the "any other information" section.Edit 77: Added forcing freedays and its punishments for BLUs
Edit 2: Added Zomcom to the list of known staff
Edit 8: Made a change in the "punished in the last 60 days question". Also added a bit more to the "any other information" section.
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
did i tell you i livei n nEw SUDAN? haha

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes
Are you proficient in languages other than English? no, i dont speak. :/