Jailbreak hitler (Cry)
- Joined
- Oct 19, 2020
- Messages
- 19
User name: Cryillic
Your Age
Have you been punished in the last 60 days?
Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days?
Do you have a microphone?
Your SteamID
Your DiscordID
Cryillic#6305 (i change my name alot so my tag might change, if you cant find me message me on here and ill give you a more up-to-date one)
Have you managed servers previously?
Yes, but not tf2. i used to be an moderator for Zephrrp gmod servers (discord and in game) and i left because i didnt play gmod anymore,
i became a mod 2 years ago and i left one year ago. i am farmiliar with sourcemod commands however.
On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Jailbreak
Flux.TF | Vs Saxton Hale
Why would you like to become a moderator?
ive been around the server for alot of years, yes i did take a 3 year break but im sure my total playtime over my 2 accounts has atleast spanned 2 years of playing the server activly, and ive grown to love this server and its community.
i see this as an oppertunity to help out in a server i love so much, and i see it as a way to take something more seriously then a rp server and mature in myself.
Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members?
Yes, ever since ive returned to the server Ginger had been a good friend of mine and caught me up on all the things ive missed out on over the past 3 years.
i USED to be known by others, Jampoint ImpossibleZ and Lord Gaben for example, but im not sure if they remember me and if they do it was be from 3-4 years ago when i was annoying as fuck and immature as shit.
When are you usually available to play?
Everyday, Mon-Thu 4:00pm - 9:00 pm , Fri 4:00pm - 10:00 pm , Sat-Sun 8:30am - 10:30pm
Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
general things:
Hacking and Cheating:
if blatent, record small demo and perm ban. if not, record longer demo and perhaps (depending on how un-obvious it is) call in for a second opinion, then either pass it off as legit or perm ban for unfair advantage.
Advertising Hacks:
One warning- maybe it was a joke or accidental bind press? if constant advertisement after the warning follow the same reigime as racism mutes/gags (simpler to remember
Racism and Bigotry:
No warnings given, (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 6 hour mute, 1: 1 day mute, 2: two day mute, 3: one week mute, 4: one month mute, 5: perm mute. 'mute' defined as mute or gag depending on where the racism is taking place, ive seen cases of someone being a massive keyboard warrior and racist but was completely fine on mic.
Voice and/or Chat Spam:
One warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 1 hour mute, 1: 3 hour mute, 2: 6 hour mute, - follow rascism mute regime from 1 onward. same definition of 'mute' as above.
Inappropriate/Offensive Spray:
remove spray. if spray is sprayed on the same day as the removal of spray that user gets spray banned. if spray is sprayed remove spray and follow this rule again, (if spray sprayed same day spray ban yadayada-). if evidence of spray being changed remove spray ban, if i then see the spray twice again in the same day a perminate non-negotiable spray ban for betrayal of trust.
Speaking a Language Other than English:
two warnings- if constant non-english talking persists follow voice/chat spam regieme, down to the definition of 'mute'.
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 1 hour ban, 1: 3 hour ban, 2: day ban, 3: perminant ban until exploit is fixed.
User Who is AFK:
Watching AFK reds get killed is fun, but if the AFK is blue i would move them to spectator to open blue spots for reds.
Abusing the !calladmin Function:
two warnings, maybe they genuinly thought thier purpose was right?- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 1 hour ban, 1: 2 hour ban, 3: 3 hour ban, 4: 5 hour ban, 5: day ban, 6: two day ban, 7: three day ban, 8: week ban, 9: two week ban, 10: month ban, 11: perminent/ perminent until i talk to other staff about what to do with this on a case to case basis.
Revealing or Exposing Undercover Admin:
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 2 hour mute, 1: 4 hour mute, 2: 6 hour mute, 3: day mute, 4: week mute, 5: two week mute, 6: month mute, 7: perm mute. 'mute' being both mute/gag in this sinario.
Admin Impersonation:
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: kick, 1: hour ban, 2: day ban, 3: week ban, 4: month ban, 5: perm ban. impersonation isnt a joke, kids.
follow the spray removal rule but with warnings, if found that the griefing has continued in that same day after warning- (x number - x number of offences previous), 0: kick, 1: day ban, 2: week ban, 3: two week ban, 4: month ban, 5: perm ban until griefing method is fixed, if it cant be fixed perm ban.
Delaying the round:
one warning- for all cases after slay.
one warning- followed by the regime for voice/chat spam.
two warnings + respawn red every time- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 1 hour teamban, 1: 3 hour teamban, 2: 6 hour teamban, 3: one day teamban, 4: 2 day teamban, 5: 3 day teamban, 6: 1 week teamban, 7: perm teamban.
Mass Freekilling:
no warnings- perm team ban.
Talking over warden/admin:
one warning- (x number = x number of offeces previous), 0: 10 minute mute, 1: 30 minute mute, 2: 1 hour mute, 3: follow regime for voice/chat spam from number 1.
three warnings- (x number - x number of offences previous), 0: slay, 1: slay, 2: 30 minute teamban, 3: follow freekilling regime from 0.
Armory/Medic camping:
one warning- slay each offence after.
Team killing:
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0:slay, 1: follow freekilling regime from number 0.
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: slay, 1: slay, 2: 1 hour teamban, 3: follow freekilling regime from number 1.
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
i play on the server every day recently and i have the time of my life when i do so. i love the community (rare but i do, its weird and quirky and i love that) and i hope i can help.
Are you proficient in languages other than English?
Your Age
Have you been punished in the last 60 days?
Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days?
Do you have a microphone?
Your SteamID
Your DiscordID
Cryillic#6305 (i change my name alot so my tag might change, if you cant find me message me on here and ill give you a more up-to-date one)
Have you managed servers previously?
Yes, but not tf2. i used to be an moderator for Zephrrp gmod servers (discord and in game) and i left because i didnt play gmod anymore,
i became a mod 2 years ago and i left one year ago. i am farmiliar with sourcemod commands however.
On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Jailbreak
Flux.TF | Vs Saxton Hale
Why would you like to become a moderator?
ive been around the server for alot of years, yes i did take a 3 year break but im sure my total playtime over my 2 accounts has atleast spanned 2 years of playing the server activly, and ive grown to love this server and its community.
i see this as an oppertunity to help out in a server i love so much, and i see it as a way to take something more seriously then a rp server and mature in myself.
Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members?
Yes, ever since ive returned to the server Ginger had been a good friend of mine and caught me up on all the things ive missed out on over the past 3 years.
i USED to be known by others, Jampoint ImpossibleZ and Lord Gaben for example, but im not sure if they remember me and if they do it was be from 3-4 years ago when i was annoying as fuck and immature as shit.

When are you usually available to play?
Everyday, Mon-Thu 4:00pm - 9:00 pm , Fri 4:00pm - 10:00 pm , Sat-Sun 8:30am - 10:30pm
Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
general things:
Hacking and Cheating:
if blatent, record small demo and perm ban. if not, record longer demo and perhaps (depending on how un-obvious it is) call in for a second opinion, then either pass it off as legit or perm ban for unfair advantage.
Advertising Hacks:
One warning- maybe it was a joke or accidental bind press? if constant advertisement after the warning follow the same reigime as racism mutes/gags (simpler to remember

Racism and Bigotry:
No warnings given, (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 6 hour mute, 1: 1 day mute, 2: two day mute, 3: one week mute, 4: one month mute, 5: perm mute. 'mute' defined as mute or gag depending on where the racism is taking place, ive seen cases of someone being a massive keyboard warrior and racist but was completely fine on mic.
Voice and/or Chat Spam:
One warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 1 hour mute, 1: 3 hour mute, 2: 6 hour mute, - follow rascism mute regime from 1 onward. same definition of 'mute' as above.
Inappropriate/Offensive Spray:
remove spray. if spray is sprayed on the same day as the removal of spray that user gets spray banned. if spray is sprayed remove spray and follow this rule again, (if spray sprayed same day spray ban yadayada-). if evidence of spray being changed remove spray ban, if i then see the spray twice again in the same day a perminate non-negotiable spray ban for betrayal of trust.
Speaking a Language Other than English:
two warnings- if constant non-english talking persists follow voice/chat spam regieme, down to the definition of 'mute'.
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 1 hour ban, 1: 3 hour ban, 2: day ban, 3: perminant ban until exploit is fixed.
User Who is AFK:
Watching AFK reds get killed is fun, but if the AFK is blue i would move them to spectator to open blue spots for reds.
Abusing the !calladmin Function:
two warnings, maybe they genuinly thought thier purpose was right?- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 1 hour ban, 1: 2 hour ban, 3: 3 hour ban, 4: 5 hour ban, 5: day ban, 6: two day ban, 7: three day ban, 8: week ban, 9: two week ban, 10: month ban, 11: perminent/ perminent until i talk to other staff about what to do with this on a case to case basis.
Revealing or Exposing Undercover Admin:
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 2 hour mute, 1: 4 hour mute, 2: 6 hour mute, 3: day mute, 4: week mute, 5: two week mute, 6: month mute, 7: perm mute. 'mute' being both mute/gag in this sinario.
Admin Impersonation:
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: kick, 1: hour ban, 2: day ban, 3: week ban, 4: month ban, 5: perm ban. impersonation isnt a joke, kids.
follow the spray removal rule but with warnings, if found that the griefing has continued in that same day after warning- (x number - x number of offences previous), 0: kick, 1: day ban, 2: week ban, 3: two week ban, 4: month ban, 5: perm ban until griefing method is fixed, if it cant be fixed perm ban.
Delaying the round:
one warning- for all cases after slay.
one warning- followed by the regime for voice/chat spam.
two warnings + respawn red every time- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: 1 hour teamban, 1: 3 hour teamban, 2: 6 hour teamban, 3: one day teamban, 4: 2 day teamban, 5: 3 day teamban, 6: 1 week teamban, 7: perm teamban.
Mass Freekilling:
no warnings- perm team ban.
Talking over warden/admin:
one warning- (x number = x number of offeces previous), 0: 10 minute mute, 1: 30 minute mute, 2: 1 hour mute, 3: follow regime for voice/chat spam from number 1.
three warnings- (x number - x number of offences previous), 0: slay, 1: slay, 2: 30 minute teamban, 3: follow freekilling regime from 0.
Armory/Medic camping:
one warning- slay each offence after.
Team killing:
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0:slay, 1: follow freekilling regime from number 0.
one warning- (x number = x number of offences previous), 0: slay, 1: slay, 2: 1 hour teamban, 3: follow freekilling regime from number 1.
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
i play on the server every day recently and i have the time of my life when i do so. i love the community (rare but i do, its weird and quirky and i love that) and i hope i can help.
Are you proficient in languages other than English?