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Monky's latest activity

  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 107 of Monkys Daily Facts. August 23rd from today which December 18th 2023 was 69 weeks ago.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 106 of Monkys Daily Facts. August 23rd from today which is December 18th 2023 was 692,638 minutes ago
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 105 of Monkys Daily Facts. August 23rd 2022 from today which is December 18th 2023 is 481 days ago.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 104 of Monkys Daily Facts. after this fact I'd have 377 facts to do to catch up.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 103 of Monkys Daily Facts. Bananas grow upside down
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 102 of Monkys Daily Facts. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis is the longest word in the english alphabet
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 101 of Monkys Daily Facts. Scotland has 421 words for snow.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 100 of Monkys daily facts. The 100th post on flux was Cooki3s application to become moderator...
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 99 of Monkys Daily Facts. The first oranges werent orange and were green.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 98 of Monkys Daily Facts. Lemons float, limes sink.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 97 of Monkys Daily Facts. The statue of liberty was modeled after Libertas or the roman goddess of liberty.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 96 of Monkys Daily Facts. There is enough gold on earth to the coat the planet with it.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 95 of Monkys Daily Facts. The Philippines has 7461 islands that makes it up.
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 94 of Monkys Daily Facts. Fantasmagorie is a 1908 french animated film by Emile Cohl. It was the first ever animated film
  • Monky
    Monky replied to the thread Monkys Daily Facts.
    Day 93 of Monkys Daily Facts. Sudan has more pyramids than any country in the world.