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How to spot a Cheater with Kitsune!

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Spectacularly Lethal
Jun 10, 2017
Whenever you suspect someone of cheating, that SourceMod Anti-Cheat doesn't pick up, there are a couple of things you need to question yourself about.
Before you do, however, report the player first and record a demo.
How do you record a demo? Check the video below:
Then just go on Spectate and press SPACE until you are spectating in First Person.

I will also put a rating system on how hard it is to spot a specific feature. If one of the bullet points below is rated [HARD], then you may want to pay a little bit more attention before making judgement on whether the person is cheating or not.
Here are the ratings below:
[Painfully Obvious]


  • Is the player shooting at invisible spies? [Painfully Obvious]
  • Did the player kill someone without even looking at them? (Silent Aim) [Painfully Obvious] (Always check their ping before you call them out! The person just may have high ping!)
  • Does the player focus on one specific spot that may seem odd? (Wallhacks) [Easy]
  • Are the player's projectiles hitting players that are not where the player was aiming? [Average]
  • Is the player just randomly looking through walls? [Average]
  • Is the player's aim just randomly snapping all over the place? [Painfully Obvious]
  • (Ambassador and Sniper Rifles Only) Is the player's aim timing perfect, such as knowing exactly when the cooldown time for the ambassador/sniper rifle is ready to headshot? [Challenging]
  • Is the player getting many "random" crits in a short amount of time? Example: 7 in 30 seconds. (Keep in mind that just because someone got 2 random crits in a row doesn't mean he is hacking. But watch them a little more closely.) [Average]
  • Is the player's aim very smooth when out of combat, but becomes very snappy and jittery within combat? [Easy]
  • (Spy Only) Is the player's knife animation, when attempting to backstab, raises but then returns to a normal knife stab animation? Or is the player constantly doing a normal stab right before reaching someone's back? (Double Animation) [Easy]
  • Are the bunny hops perfect? (The second the player touches the ground, he jumps?) [Easy]
  • (Pyro Only) Is the player randomly reflecting projectiles from walls? Or is the player perfectly reflecting Huntsman Arrows [Painfully Obvious], Hard to predict rockets and Pipe Bombs, etc? [Average]
  • Does the person's aim keep flicking over heads/bodies without taking a shot, before flicking back constantly to try and get a shot? [Hard]
  • Is the player floating in the air with very low ping? (Mainly used in Deathrun to skip pulling traps) [Painfully Obvious]
General Tips
  • When looking for an aimbot, pay attention to the person's view within combat and out of combat.
  • When looking for a wallhack, try to imagine: "Would I look there in normal gameplay?"
  • When suspecting someone is cheating, change your class to a Spy and equip The Cloak and Dagger. Cloak in a corner where the cheater is going to pass by. If he locks onto you, he's cheating. Do this one more time.
  • If the cheater is smart enough to ignore the third tip, spectate them. Is their view moving in a very unusual way? Or are they using a Spin Bot and spinning in circles? If they are getting kills by doing so, they're cheating.
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a stupid
Jun 7, 2017
The thread is very well-done, although, I don't agree with the 4th tip
Or are they using a Spin Bot and spinning in circles? If so, they're cheating.
In the console, there's a command called "+right" and the command can be used to spin in circles.
IF, however, the player is spinning in circles and gets kills, then the player is most likely cheating.
Also, the reporter needs to record a demo by typing in the console "record [DEMO NAME]" and once the reporter has enough evidence, he will type "stop" to stop the demo recording.
The demo will be found in the following navigation:
LOCAL DISK\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf
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Spectacularly Lethal
Jun 10, 2017
The thread is very well-done, although, I don't agree with the 4th tip

In the console, there's a command called "+right" and the command can be used to spin in circles.
IF, however, the player is spinning in circles and gets kills, then the player is most likely cheating.
Also, the reporter needs to record a demo by typing in the console "record [DEMO NAME]" and once the reporter has enough evidence, he will type "stop" to stop the demo recording.
The demo will be found in the following navigation:
LOCAL DISK\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf
Thanks, I updated my fourth tip above!


Went out for groceries and never came back
Jun 9, 2017
I read through your little guide and it is excellent in most respects. One thing though about this tip:
  • Are the bunny hops perfect? (The second the player touches the ground, he jumps?) [Easy]
You can very easily do this without hacking by binding jump to the scroll wheel. I used to do it all the time when I was new to bhopping and I'm sure others do too. It would be immensely difficult to differ between hacker and player with demos.


Spectacularly Lethal
Jun 10, 2017
I read through your little guide and it is excellent in most respects. One thing though about this tip:
  • Are the bunny hops perfect? (The second the player touches the ground, he jumps?) [Easy]
You can very easily do this without hacking by binding jump to the scroll wheel. I used to do it all the time when I was new to bhopping and I'm sure others do too. It would be immensely difficult to differ between hacker and player with demos.
Yes, but it's not perfect. For it to be perfect, it needs to be frame by frame. Cheats like LMAOBOX, Li***** and Nu****** (covered up so people don't know about these cheats) do this "perfect" bhopping. There is always a delay with using scroll wheels.
If you want to find out for sure (and you can use this with any Aim Bot/Trigger Bot tip above), you can slow the footage down. In normal speed, it's quite difficult to tell. But when slowed down, it becomes incredibly obvious.


a stupid
Jun 7, 2017
I'd actually recommend that tip to be [Challenging] because we aren't sure if they are using the bind or cheating.


Notably Dangerous
Jul 15, 2017
Triggerbot cheats also seem to exist for the demoman, causing his stickies to automatically detonate when an enemy player passes over them or enters the proximity of the sticky.





Spectacularly Lethal
Jun 10, 2017
Triggerbot cheats also seem to exist for the demoman, causing his stickies to automatically detonate when an enemy player passes over them or enters the proximity of the sticky.



You are correct about that.


a stupid
Jun 7, 2017


Went out for groceries and never came back
Jun 9, 2017
You just posted here cause you want those "forum activity" yeh?

Staph revivin trash like this
How dare you! I'll have you know that this is forum material from back in my day!


a stupid
Jun 7, 2017
Pinned the thread, might be useful for future reference.


a stupid
Jun 7, 2017
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