- Joined
- Mar 5, 2021
- Messages
- 532
Username: Monky
Your Age
Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes
Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No
Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No
Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No
Do you have a microphone? No
Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes
Poznan, Poland
Your SteamID2
Your DiscordID
Have you managed servers previously? No
On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
➊ JB
Why would you like to become a moderator?
I've been donor for a good time and servers I join have Micspammers or people who break the rule's all that stuff and I can only vote the most important thing I can do is just kick people and I've been getting tired of that because I have to get the Players to accept that vote on the person.
Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes
Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Dork, Zak, The Funny, Festive God, Ali69, Rvban, And Ginger
When are you usually available to play?
Really depends if I have homework I'll do that then be on so around 5:38 PM CET or Lower.
Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
‣ Micspam.
1st time: Warning to not Micspam.
2nd time: 1 Hour Mute.
3rd time: 3 Hour Mute.
4th time: 5 Hour Mute.
5th time: 10 Hour Mute.
6th time: 14 Hour Mute.
7th time: 1 Day Mute.
8th time: 3 Day Mute.
9th time: 6 Day Mute
Saying the n word in voice chat is an automatic 3 week ban and a mute for 1 Month.
If have a history of saying the n word is a permanent ban.
‣ Chatspam.
1st time: Warning to not Chatspam.
2nd time: 1 Hour Gag.
3rd time: 3 Hour Gag.
4th time: 5 Hour Gag.
5th time: 10 Hour Gag.
6th time: 14 Hour Gag.
7th time: 1 Day Gag.
8th time: 3 Day Gag.
9th Time: 6 Day Gag.
If said the n word is a 2 week gag and a reason why they said it. And Any gag after that can lead to a ban for about 1 or 2 months.
‣ Saying Racist stuff.
Banned instantly for 3 weeks. If have a history of N word saying on other servers = Permanent Ban.
And If come back to say the n word again is an instant permanent Ban. Would be asked why said the N word.
‣ Freekill
1st time: Warning and smite. Respawn Red who got Freekilled.
2nd time: 1 Hour Teamban. And respawn Reds who got freekilled.
3rd time: 4 Hour Teamban. And respawn Reds who got freekilled.
4th time: 8 Hour Teamban. And respawn Reds who got freekilled.
5th time: 16 Hour Teamban. And respawn Reds who got freekilled.
6th time: 1 Day Team Ban. Respawn Reds who got killed.
7th time: 3 Day Team Ban. Respawn Reds who got killed.
8th time: 5 Day Team Ban. Respawn Reds who got killed.
9th time: 1 Week Team Ban. Respawn Reds who got killed.
Any offense after that is a 3 Week Team ban
‣ Doxxing: Permanent Ban.
‣ Cheating: Permanent Ban.
‣ Scamming: Permanent Ban.
‣ Force Warden
1st Time: Smite and a warning to not do it again.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 3 Hour Team Ban.
4th Time: 6 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 9 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 14 Hour Team Ban.
7th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
8th Time: 3 Day Team Ban.
9th Time: 5 Day Team Ban.
Any Offense after that is a 4 Day Team Ban Or a 1 Month Team Ban.
‣ MFK: Permanent Ban. Unless Red team was just mad, And if the Blu is new to JB just a warning and slay.
‣ Warden Wandering off from reds.
1st Time: Warning and smite.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 3 Hour Team Ban.
4th Time: 6 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 9 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 14 hour Team Ban.
7th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
8th Time: 3 Day Team Ban.
9th Time: 5 Day Team Ban.
‣ Warden Lying.
1st Time: Warning and a smite.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 2 Hour Team Ban
4th Time: 4 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 6 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 10 Hour Team Ban.
7th Time: 14 Hour Team Ban.
8th Time: 18 Hour Team Ban.
9th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
10th Time: 2 Day Team Ban.
Any offense after 2 Days can be a 1 Week Ban.
‣ Armoury Camping.
1st Time: Warning and a smite.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 3 Hour Team Ban.
4th Time: 6 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 9 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 12 Hour Team Ban.
7th Time: 18 Hour Team Ban.
8th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
9th Time: 3 Day Team Ban.
10th Time: 5 Day Team Ban.
Any offense after 5 Days can be a 2 Week Ban.
‣ Force Freeday.
1st Time: Warning and a Kick.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 4 Hour Team Ban.
4th Time: 8 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 16 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
7th Time: 3 Day Team Ban.
8th Time: 6 Day Team Ban.
9th Time: 1 Week Team Ban.
Any offense after 1 week can go up to 1 Month.
‣ Abusing !Calladmin Feature.
1st Time: Warning and a reason why they abused it.
2nd Time: 3 Hour Ban.
3rd Time: 6 Hour Ban.
4th Time: 9 Hour Ban.
5th Time: 14 Hour Ban.
6th Time: 18 Hour Ban.
7th Time: 1 Day Ban.
8th Time: 3 Day Ban.
9th Time: 6 Day Ban.
Any offense after 6 week ban is a permanent ban or a 4 Month Long Ban.
‣ AFK User (Red Or Blu)
Moved to Spectator Team if truly AFK.
‣ Admin Impersonation.
1st Time: Asked to stop and a Warning.
2nd Time: 5 Hour Ban.
3rd Time: 18 Hour Ban.
4th Time: 1 Day Ban.
5th Time: 1 Week Ban.
6th Time: 3 Week Ban.
7th Time: 1 Month Ban.
8th Time: Permanent Ban.
‣ Abusing Map Secrets.
1st Time: Warning and a Smite.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Ban.
3rd Time: 2 Hour Ban.
4th Time: 3 Hour Ban.
5th Time: 6 Hour Ban.
6th Time: 12 Hour Ban.
7th Time: 1 Day Ban.
8th Time: 3 Day Ban.
9th Time: 6 Day Ban.
10th Time: 1 Week Ban
Any offense higher then the tenth time can be a 1 Month Ban.
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
Well I will be telling them to read the rules but I'm just too tired to put that in because this took me around half a day.
Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes
Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes, Polish.
Your Age
Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes
Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No
Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No
Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No
Do you have a microphone? No
Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes
Poznan, Poland
Your SteamID2
Your DiscordID
Have you managed servers previously? No
On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
➊ JB
Why would you like to become a moderator?
I've been donor for a good time and servers I join have Micspammers or people who break the rule's all that stuff and I can only vote the most important thing I can do is just kick people and I've been getting tired of that because I have to get the Players to accept that vote on the person.
Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes
Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Dork, Zak, The Funny, Festive God, Ali69, Rvban, And Ginger
When are you usually available to play?
Really depends if I have homework I'll do that then be on so around 5:38 PM CET or Lower.
Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
‣ Micspam.
1st time: Warning to not Micspam.
2nd time: 1 Hour Mute.
3rd time: 3 Hour Mute.
4th time: 5 Hour Mute.
5th time: 10 Hour Mute.
6th time: 14 Hour Mute.
7th time: 1 Day Mute.
8th time: 3 Day Mute.
9th time: 6 Day Mute
Saying the n word in voice chat is an automatic 3 week ban and a mute for 1 Month.
If have a history of saying the n word is a permanent ban.
‣ Chatspam.
1st time: Warning to not Chatspam.
2nd time: 1 Hour Gag.
3rd time: 3 Hour Gag.
4th time: 5 Hour Gag.
5th time: 10 Hour Gag.
6th time: 14 Hour Gag.
7th time: 1 Day Gag.
8th time: 3 Day Gag.
9th Time: 6 Day Gag.
If said the n word is a 2 week gag and a reason why they said it. And Any gag after that can lead to a ban for about 1 or 2 months.
‣ Saying Racist stuff.
Banned instantly for 3 weeks. If have a history of N word saying on other servers = Permanent Ban.
And If come back to say the n word again is an instant permanent Ban. Would be asked why said the N word.
‣ Freekill
1st time: Warning and smite. Respawn Red who got Freekilled.
2nd time: 1 Hour Teamban. And respawn Reds who got freekilled.
3rd time: 4 Hour Teamban. And respawn Reds who got freekilled.
4th time: 8 Hour Teamban. And respawn Reds who got freekilled.
5th time: 16 Hour Teamban. And respawn Reds who got freekilled.
6th time: 1 Day Team Ban. Respawn Reds who got killed.
7th time: 3 Day Team Ban. Respawn Reds who got killed.
8th time: 5 Day Team Ban. Respawn Reds who got killed.
9th time: 1 Week Team Ban. Respawn Reds who got killed.
Any offense after that is a 3 Week Team ban
‣ Doxxing: Permanent Ban.
‣ Cheating: Permanent Ban.
‣ Scamming: Permanent Ban.
‣ Force Warden
1st Time: Smite and a warning to not do it again.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 3 Hour Team Ban.
4th Time: 6 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 9 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 14 Hour Team Ban.
7th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
8th Time: 3 Day Team Ban.
9th Time: 5 Day Team Ban.
Any Offense after that is a 4 Day Team Ban Or a 1 Month Team Ban.
‣ MFK: Permanent Ban. Unless Red team was just mad, And if the Blu is new to JB just a warning and slay.
‣ Warden Wandering off from reds.
1st Time: Warning and smite.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 3 Hour Team Ban.
4th Time: 6 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 9 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 14 hour Team Ban.
7th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
8th Time: 3 Day Team Ban.
9th Time: 5 Day Team Ban.
‣ Warden Lying.
1st Time: Warning and a smite.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 2 Hour Team Ban
4th Time: 4 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 6 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 10 Hour Team Ban.
7th Time: 14 Hour Team Ban.
8th Time: 18 Hour Team Ban.
9th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
10th Time: 2 Day Team Ban.
Any offense after 2 Days can be a 1 Week Ban.
‣ Armoury Camping.
1st Time: Warning and a smite.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 3 Hour Team Ban.
4th Time: 6 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 9 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 12 Hour Team Ban.
7th Time: 18 Hour Team Ban.
8th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
9th Time: 3 Day Team Ban.
10th Time: 5 Day Team Ban.
Any offense after 5 Days can be a 2 Week Ban.
‣ Force Freeday.
1st Time: Warning and a Kick.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Team Ban.
3rd Time: 4 Hour Team Ban.
4th Time: 8 Hour Team Ban.
5th Time: 16 Hour Team Ban.
6th Time: 1 Day Team Ban.
7th Time: 3 Day Team Ban.
8th Time: 6 Day Team Ban.
9th Time: 1 Week Team Ban.
Any offense after 1 week can go up to 1 Month.
‣ Abusing !Calladmin Feature.
1st Time: Warning and a reason why they abused it.
2nd Time: 3 Hour Ban.
3rd Time: 6 Hour Ban.
4th Time: 9 Hour Ban.
5th Time: 14 Hour Ban.
6th Time: 18 Hour Ban.
7th Time: 1 Day Ban.
8th Time: 3 Day Ban.
9th Time: 6 Day Ban.
Any offense after 6 week ban is a permanent ban or a 4 Month Long Ban.
‣ AFK User (Red Or Blu)
Moved to Spectator Team if truly AFK.
‣ Admin Impersonation.
1st Time: Asked to stop and a Warning.
2nd Time: 5 Hour Ban.
3rd Time: 18 Hour Ban.
4th Time: 1 Day Ban.
5th Time: 1 Week Ban.
6th Time: 3 Week Ban.
7th Time: 1 Month Ban.
8th Time: Permanent Ban.
‣ Abusing Map Secrets.
1st Time: Warning and a Smite.
2nd Time: 1 Hour Ban.
3rd Time: 2 Hour Ban.
4th Time: 3 Hour Ban.
5th Time: 6 Hour Ban.
6th Time: 12 Hour Ban.
7th Time: 1 Day Ban.
8th Time: 3 Day Ban.
9th Time: 6 Day Ban.
10th Time: 1 Week Ban
Any offense higher then the tenth time can be a 1 Month Ban.
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
Well I will be telling them to read the rules but I'm just too tired to put that in because this took me around half a day.
Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes
Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes, Polish.
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