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Declined Kuergul Burpuen's Moderator Application

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Lanko D

Nov 15, 2020
User name: Kuergul Burpuen

Kuergul Burpuen

Your Age

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID
Kuergul Burpuen#4828

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Jailbreak
Flux.TF | Highertower

Why would you like to become a moderator?
Because i know how to punish rulebreakers and make the server look nice or that server i want to take care about don't have any admin or moderator like Flux.tf Highertower so this is why i want to become admin or moderator.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

When are you usually available to play?
Everyday UTC+07:00 Monday-Friday 17.30PM.-23.00PM,Saturday and Sunday 09.00AM.-0.00 PM.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Generals punishment

Hacking. = Permanent ban.
Exploit maps or servers. = Warn-3 days ban-1 week ban-2 weeks ban-1 month ban-Permanent ban.
Advertising hack program = Permanet silence.
Not respectful. = Warn-3 days ban-1 week ban-2 weeks ban-1 month ban-Permanent ban.
Not speaking english. = Warn-3 days mute-1 week mute-2 weeks mute-1 month mute-Permanent mute.
Spam and mic spam. = Warn-3 days silence-1 week silence-2 weeks silence-1 month silence-Permanet silence.
Show or speak inappropriate content. = Warn-3 days silence-1 week silence-2 weeks silence-1 month silence-Permanet silence.
Not listen to what the administrator is saying. = Warn-30 minutes silence-3 days silence-1 week silence-3 weeks silence-Permanent silence.
Discrimination of other players. = Warn-3 months ban-Permanent ban.
Trolling. = Warn-30 minutes ban-1 week ban-2 weeks ban-1 month ban-Permanent ban.
Advertising to different communities. = Warn-24 hours silence-3 days silence-1 week silence-2 weeks silence-1 month silence-Permanent silence.
Avoiding punishment if i know. =
Permanent ban.
Admin or moderator impersonating. = Tell to change the name.-kick-30 minutes ban-3 days bans-1 week ban-3 weeks ban-Permanent ban
NSFW spray.= Permanent spray ban untill change.
Exposing stuff.= Warn-30 minutes silence-3 days silence-3 weeks silence-1 month silence-Permanent silence.

Jailbreak punishment
Favouritism. = Warn and slay-30 minutes teamban-3 days teamban-1 week teamban-2 weeks teamban-1 month teamban-Permanent teamban
No mic. = Permanent teamban untill have a mic.
Interruping warden. = Warn-30 minutes silence-3 days silence-1 week silence-2 weeks silence-1 month silence-Permanent silence.
Unwilling to be warden. = Warn and slay-30 minutes teamban-1 week teamban-Permanent teamban.
Mass freekill. = Say goodbye and Permanent teamban.
LR Denial. = Warn +slay and give freeday player that got his LR denied.-30 minutes teamban-3 days teamban-1 week teamban-Permanent teamban.
Ghosting while dead. = Warn-30 minutes silence-3 days silence-1 week silence-2 weeks silence-1 month silence-Permanent silence.
Delaying.= Slay all alive players.
AFK.=Moved To Spectate.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I'm not good at english.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Thai language.
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Staff Member
Jul 12, 2020
Hi, thanks for applying for the moderation role.

Your punishment ladder is a little harsh in my opinion and could be improved. From 30 minutes to 3 days is a huge gap which can be changed.

Another issue regarding your punishment ladder, can you be more specific when it comes to the silencing a player. Some punishments do not require both gag & mute but only one or the other. So please specify on that.

Apart from punishment ladder, I noticed that your time played on our servers are really limited. For one, You have no playtime on Hightower. Secondly, your time spent on jailbreak is really little ( 4 hours 21 minutes ) .

To end off in a lighter note, you can do it. I would recommend you to play on the servers more regularly and get to know staff members. I'm always around so don't be shy to say hi.

Lanko D

Nov 15, 2020
Hi, thanks for applying for the moderation role.

Your punishment ladder is a little harsh in my opinion and could be improved. From 30 minutes to 3 days is a huge gap which can be changed.

Another issue regarding your punishment ladder, can you be more specific when it comes to the silencing a player. Some punishments do not require both gag & mute but only one or the other. So please specify on that.

Apart from punishment ladder, I noticed that your time played on our servers are really limited. For one, You have no playtime on Hightower. Secondly, your time spent on jailbreak is really little ( 4 hours 21 minutes ) .

To end off in a lighter note, you can do it. I would recommend you to play on the servers more regularly and get to know staff members. I'm always around so don't be shy to say hi.
So i need to play to be moderator?also thank you for your replied and if i say "Hi" to you is it mean i am exposing you?


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
You were gagged today for 24 hours from Wonderland.tf for homophobia. Not to mention you received a very recent teamban from Panda.

You are 100% not fit to become a Moderator.
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