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Declined Thegoldenhotdog's Moderator Application

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Sep 15, 2020
User name: Thegoldenhotdog


Your Age

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

Which servers have you previously managed?
Technically yes, although on the sevrer you got admin by buying it. Despite the stupidity of the way you get admin, I am regarded as good staff there.

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Highertower

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I would like to punish those who ruin others experience on my favorite tf2 server, and to improve everyones experience on the server.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

When are you usually available to play?
Weekdays from 4:00-6:00, 7:00-9:00. Weekends: depends on the time but usually most of the day.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
1st: warning
2nd: 30 minute gag
3rd: 1 hour gag
4th: 3 hour gag
5th: 6 hour gag
6th: 9 hour gag
7th: 12 hour gag
8th: 24 hour gag
9th: perm gag

Note: if the micspam is earrape, same ladder progression but 1.5x the punishment (earrape micspam for the second time: 45 minute gag)

Chat spam:
1st: warning
2nd: 30 minute mute
3rd: 1 hour mute
4th: 2 hour mute
5th: 3 hour mute
6th: 5 hour mute
7th: 9 hour mute
8th: 12 hour mute
9th: perm mute

Inapprpiate/porn spray:
1st: warning+kick
2nd: 1 hour spray ban
3rd: 3 hour spray ban
6th: 6 hour spray ban
4th: 8 hour spray ban
5th: 10 hour spray ban
6th: 12 hour spray ban
7th: 15 hour spray ban
8th: 18 hour spray ban
9th: perm spray ban

Hacks/cheats: Perm ban

Advirtising hacks/cheats: Perm gag/mute

Exploiting a map:
1st: Warning
2nd: 20 minute ban
3rd: 1 hour ban
4th: 2 hour ban
5th: 3 hour ban
6th: 6 hour ban
7th: 8 hour ban
8th: 10 hour ban
9th: Perm ban

Admin imperonsation: Perm ban

Advirtising other servers/communities:
1st: Warning
2nd: 1 hour gag/mute
3rd: 2 hour gag/mute
4th: 6 hour gag/mute
5th: 8 hour gag/mute
6th: 12 hour gag/mute
7th: 24 hour gag/mute
8th: 36 hour gag/mute
9th: 72 hour gag/mue
10th: 144 hour gag/mute
11th: Perma gag/mute

Unnecessary or Excessive rudeness/Discrimination
1st: Warning
2nd: 15 minute gag/mute
3rd: 45 minute gag/mute
4th: 2 hour gag/mute
5th: 5 hour gag/mue
6th: 10 hour gag/mute
7th: 24 hour gag/mute
8th: 48 hour gag/mute
9th: Perm gag/mute

Note: If a racial slur is used, same ladder progression but 2x the punishment (IE if someone was rude for the 5th time and used a racial slur, it would be 10 hour mute/gag)
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I would really like to help my favorite tf2 server be a better experience for all.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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you guys like m&ms?
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2020
Well, I Mean I answered every question and I mean come on I can't answer for every single scenario so I just gave an example.
Yes you can. The punishment ladder is there to give us an understanding of how you’d deal with rulebreakers, without it we don’t know how independent you can be. Look at literally any accepted app from this year
On top of that you don’t know any current staff members, which is important for reputation.

Still needs improvement in my opinion, -1 from me until I see some good changes made
Sep 15, 2020
Ok, my mistake. I've added some punishment ladders and I'll be adding more later today.

Edit: I believe I've covered all rules on the server in question. Please respond if theres any more questions. Thanks for telling me why you gave a -1 so i could fix it. :)
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Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Which servers have you previously managed?
Technically yes, although on the sevrer you got admin by buying it. Despite the stupidity of the way you get admin, I am regarded as good staff there.
What was the name of the community and how long were you moderating? There is generally a bad stigma about communities that "sell out" permissions.
Sep 15, 2020
The server is only one server, and it's not like any other. There's no moderation times or anything. So really, I just have so e experience doing admin work. Not a lot else. I know what the commands do and stuff. I forgot to mention I was also staff on an scp sl server for some time, but it wasn't for very long. (Server was shut down).


you guys like m&ms?
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2020
Even if you were regarded as good staff, it seems a bit weird to just pay to apply with no previous trust. If there were people to vouch for you it would definitely help.
Admin imperonsation: Perm ban

Changing my thoughts to neutral with the improvements to your app, just barely.
Sep 15, 2020
As I said, it's stupid. What I'm trying to say is that despite the utter stupidity of the staff system, other staff regard me as a good admin. I still have done admin work there and people like it. But it's not "formal" admin work, so don't think of it as normal admin, cause it's not. It'd more or less freestyle admin stuff. TLDR I know how to handle rule breakers, but that's about it.
Sep 15, 2020
I can either keep making changes or you guys could just go ahead and deny my application. If you think im too lenient or something you dont need to give me endless chances. But I will make changes anyway.


you guys like m&ms?
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2020
The punishments in general are inconsistent and weird.
Some are too lenient, such as the ones Dova posted, or the sprayban stuff (though sprays dont even work lol), while others are too harsh (perma ban for admin impersonation?????)


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
There is a lot of confusion with your punishments. Such as issuing a gag on someone for spamming mic? Or perma banning for admin impersonation. I believe at this time you are not ready. It's unfortunate that your previous community just 'gave out' admin without any clear guidance.

Please do continue to enjoy your time on the servers. Take this opportunity to be more vocal on our Discord and familiarize yourself with our server rules.
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