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Declined shadshad0's Moderator Application

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Dec 2, 2020
User name: shadshad0


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? 2 days and 10 Hours

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes

United States of America

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.tf Jailbreak -

Why would you like to become a moderator?
The main reason why I want to become a moderator because there are very few American moderators. I notice that not many people like to ask for help at night, when someone does ask for help at night, it's rare for a staff member to come online and help the people that are asking for help because there are not many active staff members online.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Boop (Now Retired), Ruddy, The Funny

When are you usually available to play?
Mon-Wednesday 8 AM-3 PM (CST) if I work. If I don't work, I should be available 10AM-12AM CST Saturday-Wednesday

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Jailbreak Rules.

1st offense - Slay and a warning.
2nd offense - 30 minute teamban
3rd offense - 1 hour teamban
4th offense - 3 hour teamban
5th offense - 6 hour teamban
6th offense - 8 hour teamban
7th offense - 12 hour teamban
8th offense - 1 day teamban
9th offense - 1 week teamban
10th offense - permanent teamban

1st offense - Slay and a warning.
2nd offense - 4 hour teamban
3rd offense - 8 hour teamban
4th offense - 12 hour teamban
5th offense - 1 day teamban
6th offense - permanent teamban

Camping Medic/Armory:
1st offense - Slay and a warning.
2nd offense - 2 hour teamban
3rd offense - 4 hour teamban
4th offense - 12 hour teamban
5th offense - 1 day teamban
6th offense - Permanent teamban
(also goes for sticky trapping these locations)

Mass Freekill:
1st offense - 1 day teamban
2nd offense - 1 week teamban
3rd offense - permanent teamban
(if done intentionally and they leave the server, A permanent ban)

Mic Spam:
1st offense - Warning
2nd offense - 1 hour mute
3rd offense - 3 hour mute
4th offense - 8 hour mute
5th offense - 1 day mute
6th offense - 2 day mute
7th offense - 1 week mute
8th offense - permanent mute

Overtalking Warden:
1st offense - warning
2nd offense - 1 hour mute
3rd offense - 4 hour mute
4th offense - 6 hour mute
5th offense - 1 day mute
6th offense - 1 week mute
7th offense - permanent mute

Spamming/Self Promotion in chat:
1st offense - Warning
2nd offense - 2 hour gag
3rd offense - 6 hour gag
4th offense - 1 day gag
5th offense - 1 week gag
6th offense - 1 month gag
7th offense - permanent gag

1st offense - 4 hour silence
2nd offense - 12 hour silence
3rd offense - 1 day silence
4th offense - 1 week silence
5th offense - permanent silence

Admin Impersonation:
1st offense - PM warning
2nd offense (if they don't change)- kick with a message to change their name
3rd offense - 1 day ban
4th offense - 1 week ban
5th offense - 1 month ban
6th offense - permanent ban

Mass Freehit:
1st offense - Warning and slay
2nd offense - 30 minute teamban
3rd offense - 1 hour teamban
4th offense - 2 hour teamban
5th offense - 4 hour teamban
6th offense - 8 hour teamban
7th offense - 1 day teamban
8th offense - 1 week teamban
9th offense - 1 month teamban
10th offense - permanent teamban

Warden Impersonation:
1st offense - warning
2nd offense - 2 hour gag/mute
3rd offense - 4 hour gag/mute
4th offense - 12 hour gag/mute
5th offense - 1 day gag/mute
6th offense - 1 week gag/mute
7th offense - 2 week gag/mute
8th offense - 1 month gag/mute
9th offense - permanent gag/mute

Using Mic in Spectator:
1st offense - warning
2nd offense - 4 hour mute
3rd offense - 8 hour mute
4th offense - 1 day mute
5th offense - 1 week mute
6th offense - 1 month mute
7th offense - permanent mute

Mass Bait:
1st offense - Warning
2nd offense - Slay
3rd offense - 1 hour teamban
4th offense - 2 hour teamban
5th offense - 4 hour teamban
6th offense - 6 hour teamban
7th offense - 12 hour teamban
8th offense - 1 day teamban
9th offense - 1 week teamban
10th offense - 2 week teamban
11th offense - 1 month teamban
12th offense - permament teamban

Player Disrespect:
1st offense - warning
2nd offense - 1 hour mute/gag
3rd offense - 6 hour mute/gag
4th offense - 1 day mute/gag
5th offense - 3 day mute/gag
6th offense - 1 week mute/gag
7th offense - 2 week mute/gag
8th offense - 1 month mute/gag
9th offense - permanent mute/gag

Force Warden:
1st offense - warning and slay
2nd offense - 1 hour teamban
3rd offense - 2 hour teamban
4th offense - 4 hour teamban
5th offense - 6 hour teamban
6th offense - 12 hour teamban
7th offense - 1 day teamban
8th offense - 1 week teamban
9th offense- 2 week teamban
10th offense - 1 month teamban
11th offense - permament teamban

1st offense - slay
2nd offense - 2 hour ban
3rd offense - 1 day ban
4th offense - 1 week ban
5th offense - permanent ban
(Depends on what the severity of the exploit is)

Force Freeday:
1st offense - warning and slay
2nd offense - 1 hour teamban
3rd offense - 2 hour teamban
4th offense - 4 hour teamban
5th offense - 8 hour teamban
6th offense - 1 day teamban
7th offense - 1 week teamban
8th offense - 2 week teamban
9th offense - permanent teamban

Ghosting while dead:
1st offense - warning
2nd offense - 1 hour gag
3rd offense - 2 hour gag
4th offense - 6 hour gag
5th offense - 12 hour gag
6th offense - 1 day gag
8th offense - 1 week gag
9th offense - 2 week gag
10th offense - permanent gag

No Microphone:
Permanent teamban until proven to have a microphone

NSFW Spray:
1st offense - Warning to change the spray
2nd offense - Permanent sprayban

1st offense - Permanent Ban

1st offense - Warning
2nd offense - Slay

AFK while Blu:
move to spectator

(Bypassing any punishment on an alternative account will result in a permanent ban)
(Bypassing mute/gag will result in double the original punishment. If they still bypass, permanent ban)

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I'd say the only thing that would be holding me back is my random work schedule, but I usually work only 20 hours or less per week.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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Somewhat Threatening
Jun 8, 2020
I am 100% certain ShadShad would be a good moderator, he’s very active when it comes to jailbreak and knows the rules certainly well


Nov 11, 2020
I agree with ruddy he is very active makes reports on the forums, knows the rules, and is a very chill guy


Staff Member
Jul 12, 2020
Hi shadshad0,

I see that you are applying for moderator on our servers. First and foremost, thank you for being apart of our community. It's nice to see many players applying for moderator to help keep our servers healthy and safe for our players.

So, lets go through your punishment ladder and see what's wrong shall we?

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes

Unfortunately your playtime is lesser than 3 days so update that accordingly.

Secondly, your punishment ladder is relatively harsh as some punishment listed by you are from 1 day to permanent [duration] . Also, care to explain the following inconsistencies:

Force Warden:
1st offense - warning and slay
2nd offense - 2 hour teamban

Force Freeday:
1st offense - warning and slay
2nd offense - 6 hour teamban

1st offense - Slay and a warning.
2nd offense - 30 minute teamban
3rd offense - 1 hour teamban
4th offense - 3 hour teamban
5th offense - 6 hour teamban
6th offense - 8 hour teamban
7th offense - permanent teamban

1st offense - Slay and a warning.
2nd offense - 4 hour teamban
3rd offense - 8 hour teamban
4th offense - 12 hour teamban
5th offense - 1 day teamban
6th offense - permanent teamban


Apart from your punishment ladder, I have sources that show that you have been abusing your privileges as a donor on blackwonder.tf
This is a serious issue. Reason being, we had a case of admin abuse a few months back and this record that you posses may give warnings of a potential admin abuser.

Not only blackwonder.tf, Please, if you could kindly explain your PERMANENT ban on cutiepie.tf and as to why this should be brushed off?

I'm not done, explain wonderland.tf since we are on bans.

I also have reason to believe that you have been banned on bungie.
Fun fact: 1/4 of your players in your friends are VAC banned. This is not okay..


Fix your punishment ladder, and i wish you good luck.


Dec 2, 2020
The 3 day playtime, I had no idea how to check how long I've been playing. I thought that I would have had enough time to check yes on that but I guess I was wrong. Thank you for letting me know about that. Now i agree that some of my ladders are a little harsh, I will fix those. The teamkill however were supposed to be intentional teamkills where they did the kill on purpose. Thank you for letting me know about that. Now about these bans.... The blackwonder one was a case on where I've been victim of what I thought was a unwritten rule. But I accept full accountability on that. I've since learned my lesson about my mistake on that and also including about cutiepie.tf. That was a really dumb thing of me to do. I was mostly bandwagoning because at first we were just checking out old maps for jailbreak on cutiepie.tf because they still had old jb maps. Someone started calladmin abusing and then we were all doing it. I fully regret my actions in this scenario. The Wonderland ban really confuses me because I've never been banned and I actually didn't notice I was even banned until I tried to join one of their servers about a month ago. I could appeal it if I wanted to, and I tried. I couldn't respond in enough time to one of the admins that posted on my appeal, but they gave me a time limit on when I could respond back. I sadly had work the next day and I couldn't respond in enough time, but I definitely could appeal that ban. I have no idea how to explain the ban because I have no idea why I was banned in the first place. I have no idea what bungie is but you might think that I'm banned on it because I probably have never made an account for them. The 1/4 players VAC banned is a flat out lie. I can only see that 4 of my friends has some kind of ban on their steam profile, 1 of them is one of my real life friends. Auzzie was VAC banned from COD: MW3 during the ban wave that happened back then. Pink was vac banned even before I met them, but they haven't been online in like 150 days.

I think you bringing up the donor abuse is hypocritical because I saw that you did the same. You were banned on blackwonder.tf for the same exact thing. Also you have been banned for raiding on wonderland.tf for raiding. I see that you appealed about it though. I also put some proof for these and 2 more bans.

I just want to say that this proves that even with some incriminating evidence, people can still forgive you. I'm hoping that could be the same for me because I think that these past bans of mine shouldn't mark me as someone that might admin abuse or something similar to that. Trust me, I'm not trying to jab at Apple Pie for what he has done. I just want to show that even with my mistakes, I can be a good moderator for this server.


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Dec 2, 2020
-extended punishments for Force Freeday, Force Warden, Freekill, Mass Bait, Mic in Spectator, Warden Impersonation, Mass Freehit, and Ghosting While dead
-changed gameplay to 2 days and 10 hours (as of recent)


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Your past is burdensome. I am not convinced you should have server permissions.
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