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Server Rules

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May 8, 2017
These are the official Flux.TF rules. By joining our server(s) you hereby acknowledge and accept our rules and terms.

General Rules
  • Only English is allowed in mic and chat.
  • Do not disrespect other players as well as Staff members. This includes use of racial slurs, discrimination, toxicity, bigotry, etc.
  • Do not mic and/or chat spam. (This includes soundboards, music, audio clips, yelling or screaming, etc).
  • ZERO tolerance for cheating. You will be banned swiftly.
  • Advertising of cheats or other third-party related software is strictly forbidden.
  • No exploiting or griefing on the servers. (i.e. engineers building teleporters for enemy spies, or abusing the !thirdparty command to gain an in-game advantage).
  • No inappropriate content. (Example: NSFW images, sprays, signs, etc.)
  • Admin impersonation is prohibited.
  • You may not block enemy team players from leaving their spawn if that spawn has a single exit. If a spawn has multiple exits there must always be at least one that is left unguarded.
  • Do not troll.
  • Treat players of all ages with equal kindness. Just because someone is younger than you doesn't give you the right to attack them.

Jailbreak Rules
Click Here

Deathrun Rules
  • Do not delay the round.
  • Death cannot lie about a Freerun.
  • No favoritism. (Example: Allowing your friend to get through the map but not allowing other players.)
  • Do not overuse Bunnyhop.
  • No ghosting.
  • You need to go past the trap if you lose in a Rock Paper Scissors Taunt.

Trade Server Rules
  • No scamming. Even if you're not scamming on the server, if you have been known for scamming you will be banned.
  • Do not beg for items, even if you are asking nicely.
  • If you are advertising a trade, please limit one ad per chat cycle.
  • Do not randomly trade with players.
  • Spawn camping is allowed on trade and achievement servers due to the nature of the gamemode as the map is not objective-based.
  • Do not interrupt traders if they are using their microphones. (This doesn't mean traders get to interrupt non-traders)

Saxton Hale Rules
  • No camping/hiding as the boss.
  • No teaming.
  • Be actively playing the game and don't waste any time.
  • No ghosting.

Dodgeball Rules
  • Do not continuously steal the rocket.
  • Do not actively try to troll players. (Example: Standing in the way of the rocket, getting too close to teammates to get them killed, blocking, etc.)
  • Do not delay the round by holding the rocket or orbiting too long.


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Change Log (01/24/2021):
Polished general server rules and provided more clarification on chat and mic spam.
Spawn camping rule applies to all objective-based servers (i.e. control point, payload, capture the flag, etc).
Removed rules for servers that are no longer active.
Reworded old text.
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