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Declined Gaster's Moderator Application

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Aug 27, 2020
User name: Gaster


Your Age

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? No


Your SteamID

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Jailbreak

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I play on your servers a lot and almost everytime i find at least 1 rule breaker and they mostly leave before an admin comes so id like to be there to act immediately

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

When are you usually available to play?
15:30-22:00 pm

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
If somebody is on blu (guards) and they dont have a mic id give them a permanent teamban until the Player gets a mic and appeals.

If somebody is advertising hacks i would gather proof with a screenshot and then give them a permgag but if they are also cheating i would give them a permanent serverban because cheating is not tolerated at all.

If somebody is being racist in chat/vchat id give them a warning then 3h gag, 6h gag, 1d gag, 1 gag, 3d gag, 5d gag, 1w gag, 2w gag and finally permanent gag if necessary.

if somebody is chat/vchat spamming i would give them a warning then 2h gag, 4h gag, 6h gag, 1d gag, 2d gag, 4d gag, 1w gag, 2w gag, 4w gag and then a perm gag if necesarry.

if somebody sprayed an Inappropriate/Offensive Spray I would give them a perm spray ban until the user provides edvidence to a staff member and will not repeat repeat the same offense, the ban will be revoked/removed

If somebody is speaking a language other than English i would give them a warning then 2h mute, 4h mute, 6h mute,
8h mute, 1d mute, 3d mute, 5d mute, 1w mute, 2w mute, 4w mute and then a perm mute if necesarry.

for freekilling first id slay them then slay&30m guardban, 1h guardban, 2h guardban, 4h guardban, 1d guardban, 1w guardban, 2w guardban and finally a perm guardban

for being afk they will be switched to spectator

for ghosting id give a warning then 1h gag, 2h gag, 1d gag and then a perm gag

for exploiting first a warning then 1h ban, 1d ban, 1w ban and then a perm ban (until they appeal ofc)

If somebody is exposing undercover staff id give them a 1h mute then 2h mute, 1d mute, 1w mute, 2w mute and then a perm mute/gag
Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? I know Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian They are all pretty similar languages and they have barely any words changed
Last edited:


Apr 21, 2020


Aug 27, 2020
If i were to be cheating id be using a vm also I dont know why i was banned there even tho i barely play wonderland


Harpreet <3
Staff Member
May 30, 2020
You state that you’d like to moderate the Jailbreak server, so one basic thing I’d like to see is how you’d punish players for basic rulebreaking on Jailbreak. Just list out some rules and put up a general punishment ladder you’d use on a player who broke that rule. So far, the only Jailbreak rule you’ve got is a no mic guard, which would lead to straight to a permanent teamban unless the guard gets a mic, so feel free to fix that.

You are also not in our Discord. Please go on ahead and join, as there’s a tab on the forums that’ll provide the invite.

The SteamID you’ve provided us doesn’t actually belong to any account.

Please use this post as feedback for your application and improve on the listed points.


Harpreet <3
Staff Member
May 30, 2020
From a quick glance at your chatlogs, there’s nothing coherently terrible, but I get the impression that you’re not exactly the most mature player when communicating. I haven’t played with you, so this is purely just my approximation. As for time on our servers, you’ve only got less than 6 hours on our servers.
Apologies if the photo in the spoiler isn’t a great size, I’m on mobile currently
This is including all servers you’ve played on, which is Hightower and Jailbreak. If we’re discussing your Jailbreak time alone, since that’s the server you’re applying for, it adds up to a measly 2 hours and 32 minutes. This is nowhere near the amount of time I’d expect from an applicant, and not enough time to fully understand the ruleset in my opinion. For the reasons listed above, I believe that you’re currently not ready for the task of being a moderator. If you get your server time up, and control yourself more in chat (even though it’s not terrible, but your chatlogs can be improved), then I believe you’ll have a greater chance.


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
There's several things that strike out to me while I did a little digging:

First off, care to explain why you were VAC banned back on April 15th? Having that history is a nasty burden to carry and not the direction I want any Staff to have.

I also identified that you are notorious for having a few alt accounts to bypass punishments. Seems like you cannot learn from previous mistakes.

Keep this type of behaviour elsewhere. Please do not reapply for Moderator, ever.
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