Name: Jonathan
- Age: 15
- Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx)
Steam name: Mr.
ID: STEAM_0:1:60721249
- Have you been an admin before and where?
- What servers do you usually play?
Jailbreak servers
- Are you familiar with the admin role and commands? ie - what is expected of you
I am familiar with the basic but have not mastered the commands yet. However, I am very open minded and willing to learn. In addition, I know all Jailbreak rules and the consequences for players when they do not concur with the rules (ex. freekillers, spammers)
- Why would you be a good addition to the servers as an administrator?
Personally, I have experienced being freekilled and almost annoyed to death by spammers numerous times. I want to be that "hero" to punish all rule breakers and to bring harmony and peace to the server. Also, I have nearly 800 hours in Team Fortress 2 and almost half of them contain Jailbreak. Adding to that, I have flawless leadership and the ability to stay calm in stressful situations.
- Anything else you'd like to add - maybe a bit about yourself, ie - interests, hobbies, education, etc etc
I am currently in high school. I play basketball, violin, and piano.
P.S. adamx may recognize me from a recent jailbreak server.
Thank you for acknowledging my application and giving me the opportunity to apply for your community.
- Age: 15
- Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx)
Steam name: Mr.
ID: STEAM_0:1:60721249
- Have you been an admin before and where?
- What servers do you usually play?
Jailbreak servers
- Are you familiar with the admin role and commands? ie - what is expected of you
I am familiar with the basic but have not mastered the commands yet. However, I am very open minded and willing to learn. In addition, I know all Jailbreak rules and the consequences for players when they do not concur with the rules (ex. freekillers, spammers)
- Why would you be a good addition to the servers as an administrator?
Personally, I have experienced being freekilled and almost annoyed to death by spammers numerous times. I want to be that "hero" to punish all rule breakers and to bring harmony and peace to the server. Also, I have nearly 800 hours in Team Fortress 2 and almost half of them contain Jailbreak. Adding to that, I have flawless leadership and the ability to stay calm in stressful situations.
- Anything else you'd like to add - maybe a bit about yourself, ie - interests, hobbies, education, etc etc
I am currently in high school. I play basketball, violin, and piano.
P.S. adamx may recognize me from a recent jailbreak server.

Thank you for acknowledging my application and giving me the opportunity to apply for your community.
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