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  1. kringu

    Resolved Report against BigBoiGames (MGE)

    For the record: all the evidence provided in this report was faked. The comms ban has been reversed.
  2. kringu

    Resolved TK2002's Ban appeal

    Sorry for the delay. The staff team concluded that the evidence provided was not sufficient to constitute a ban, so you will be unbanned.
  3. kringu

    Declined PerSoNizing's Moderator Application

    Just my questions.
  4. kringu

    Resolved TK2002's Ban appeal

    Other staff members will take a look at the demo.
  5. kringu

    Resolved TK2002's Ban appeal

    There was enough proof beyond doubt for me to ban you. At least three times in the demo recording that is attached to your ban we can see that you are air strafing forward without changing your viewangle (moving your mouse, joystick). Saying that you use a controller does not help your case as...
  6. kringu

    Declined PerSoNizing's Moderator Application

    The VAC ban was half a year ago, was the account sharing before that or? How would you not remember why you shared your account?
  7. kringu

    Declined PerSoNizing's Moderator Application

    Why did you let someone use your steam account?
  8. kringu

    Declined PerSoNizing's Moderator Application

    Can you post the steamID of your main account?
  9. kringu

    Resolved prk's Ban appeal

    Also, a sidenote, connecting to the server using an alternate account after you've been banned is a permanently bannable offense on its own and you know that. Going to let this one slide since I already said I would unban you before checking that you did that.
  10. kringu

    Resolved prk's Ban appeal

    Okay, the staff team had a discussion and it's been decided that this first time will be a warning. Next time this happens the ban will have to remain.
  11. kringu

    Resolved prk's Ban appeal

    In the past when people have meticulously and deliberately tried to get themselves banned just for an "Aha!" moment and to waste the staff's time, the ban has not been lifted. That's the current precedent to my knowledge. Going to let another staff member take care of this one because I have...
  12. kringu

    Declined kilz_549's Ban appeal

    Sent you instructions on your Discord ticket please take a look at that
  13. kringu

    Declined kilz_549's Moderator Application

    First thing I don't think you're ready yet to be a moderator, that seems to be pretty clear to the staff team. Going to be closing this application. Secondly, please never post your address online. I've deleted that from your original post.
  14. kringu

    Declined hey

    Couldn't find your name on Flux Stats or Sourcebans, so I'm just going to close this post, don't really feel like dealing with it.
  15. kringu

    Declined hey

    What is your username?
  16. kringu

    Declined Arkoman2000's Moderator Application

    According to https://flux.tfstats.tf/players/4423764, you have not played for an accumulative amount of 3 days (72 hours) on our servers. Instead it says so far you have played for about 7 hours total. Does that sound about right or am I missing something? In the former case, you can only...
  17. kringu

    Resolved Tiktoker's Ban appeal

    Alright, the staff team decided you should be unbanned. You're on a short leash though and will be permanently gagged if you say anything that breaks the rules, and will not be unteambanned on Jailbreak.
  18. kringu

    Resolved Tiktoker's Ban appeal

    Do you have any other Steam accounts?
  19. kringu

    JB: Add New LR Gamemode ( Zombie survival )

    Probably just spam, but I have the urge to answer regardless. Often South American servers are not actually based in South America. Another problem would be how many jumps your connection makes when trying to route to the server. Physical equipment of the server hoster could be an issue too but...