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Search results

  1. HoneyBadger

    Resolved Suggestion to improve donors in flux.tf

    Hi, as a current donor, I feel that some perks/commands can be added to improve the quality of the game. !votesprayban | sm_votesprayban- when there is a controversial/ pornographic spray in game. !votetmute | sm_votetmute - if warden says the command ; "blues / reds of mic", donor can tmute...
  2. HoneyBadger

    Declined Apple Pie's Moderator Application

    User name: Apple Pie™ Name Apple Pie™ Your Age 17 Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No Do you have a microphone? Yes Location Singapore Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:30888020 Your DiscordID Apple Pie™#0433 Have you managed...