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Search results

  1. oofy_the_duck

    Count to 1000 without breaking the chain

    1 ah sheit
  2. oofy_the_duck

    Declined mute command for warden

    no i think its dead maybe im not sure
  3. oofy_the_duck

    Count to 1000 without breaking the chain

    11 spanish
  4. oofy_the_duck

    Accepted Remove the Map Nomination Cooldown

    yes so i can vote burger king map
  5. oofy_the_duck

    Count to 1000 without breaking the chain

    11 wait do i continue because festive said 10 but the funny said 10 in whatever that is im confused
  6. oofy_the_duck

    Count to 1000 without breaking the chain

    thank 100000000000000000000000000000000
  7. oofy_the_duck

    Count to 1000 without breaking the chain

  8. oofy_the_duck

    Accepted Flux Gaming Night?

  9. oofy_the_duck

    Accepted Flux Gaming Night?

  10. oofy_the_duck

    Count to 1000 without breaking the chain

    i am no nerd i am dumb not a nerd get it right 10
  11. oofy_the_duck

    Accepted Flux Gaming Night?

    i suck at every class
  12. oofy_the_duck

    Count to 1000 without breaking the chain

    not today 999