Day 82 of Monkys Daily Facts. Ketchup was used as Medicine once. It was used for people who needed help with digestion.,form%20of%20'tomato%20pills'.
Day 80 Of Monkys Daily Facts. The 2nd Post on the flux forums was by you.
Day 76 of Monkys Daily Facts. The Eiffel tower was supposedly supposed to be in Barcelona. But Barcelona turned down the offer and Gustave Eiffel went to France and there it is now.
Day 70 Of Monkys Daily Facts. Queen Elizabeth was a trainer mechanic. When she was 16, the Queen joined the British employment agency at the Labour Exchange and learned the basics of truck repair. Apparently, she can repair tires and repair engines.
Day 69 of Monkys daily facts, thats a funny number. The Bosnian National anthem has no real words in it, another countries without any words in it is, Spain, Kosovo, And San Marino
Day 68 Of Monkys Daily Facts. Even though Pele is dead after Neymar broke his record of goals from the brazillian national team, the record was changed again from 78 goals to 83 goals, this has not happened for the first time...