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Declined N3T's Moderator Application

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Dec 19, 2022


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? No

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? No

Have you read the guide on how to apply? Yes


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
► Flux.TF | Jailbreak ◄

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I’ve been noticing that there have been a lot freekillers recently in the server and there’s no mod/admin online when we need them, so I decided to apply for moderator to prevent those who try to freekill non rebelling reds.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

When are you usually available to play?
I'm available to play at the weekends

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
1st: Warning
2nd: Slay
3rd: 2 Hour ban
4th: 4 Hour ban
5th: 6 hour ban
6th: 1 day ban
7th: 3 day ban
8th: 5 day ban
9th: 1 week ban
10th: 3 week ban
11th: Permanent ban

1st: Warning (Telling them to retreat from spawn area)
2nd: slay
3rd: 30 minute ban
4th: 1 hour ban
5th: 2 hour ban
6th: 4 hour ban
7th: 6 hour ban
8th: 1 day ban
9th: 3 day ban
10th: 5 day ban

Racism and Bigotry:
1st: Warning
2nd: 3 hour gag/mute
3rd: 5 hour gag/mute
4th: 6 hour gag/mute
5th: 1 day gag/mute
6th: 3 day gag/mute
7th: 1 week gag/mute
8th: 3 week gag/mute
9th: Permanently if required

1st: Warning
2nd: 3 hour ban
3rd: 5 hour ban
4th: 7 hour ban
5th: 1 day
6th: 3 day
7th: 1 week
8th: 2 week ban
9th: 1 month ban

Abusing the !calladmin:
1st: Warning
2nd: 1 hour ban
3rd: 3 hour ban
4th: 5 hour ban
5th: 7 hour ban
6th: 1 day ban
7th: 3 day ban
8th: 5 day ban
9th: 1 week ban
10th: 2 week ban
11th: 4 week ban
12th: Permanent ban

Speaking a Language Other than English:
1st: Warning
2nd: 2 hour mute
3rd: 3 hour mute
4th: 5 hour mute
5th: 7 hour mute
6th: 1 day mute
7th: 3 day mute
8th: 4 day mute
9th: 1 week mute
10th: 2 week mute
11th: 4 week mute
12th: Permanent ban

Admin Impersonation:
1st: Warning (By telling them to change their avatar or name)
2nd: Kick reason provided
3rd: 4 hour ban
4th: 8 hour ban
5th: 1 day ban
6th: 3 day ban
7th: 1 week ban

Voice/Chat Spam:
1st: Warning
2nd: 1 hour gag/mute
3rd: 3 hour gag/mute
4th: 5 hour gag/mute
5th: 7 hour gag/mute
6th: 2 days gag/mute
7th: 4 days gag/mute
8th: 1 week gag/mute
9th: 2 weeks gag/mute
10th: 4 weeks gag/mute
11th: Permanent gag/mute

Revealing/Exposing Undercover Admin
1st: Warning
2nd: 3 hour gag/mute
3rd: 5 hour gag/mute
4th: 7 hour gag/mute
5th: 1 day gag/mute
6th: 3 day gag/mute
7th: 5 day gag/mute
8th: 1 week gag/mute
9th: 3 week gag/mute
10th: 1 month gag/mute
11th: Permanent gag/mute

Advertising Hacks:
(Take screenshots or chat logs for proof), Permanent ban.

AFK User:
Force to spectators

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I'm very active on forums and on discord.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Spanish


Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
Declined, you still do not have at least 3 days (72 hours) of playtime on our servers which you can check on this page. You also applied earlier this month, with a different name and Forum account. You cannot reapply after a previous app before 90 days have passed, but I forgot to tell you that when declining you before, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt. You can reapply after 90 days have passed after this app (March 18th, 2023). But next time you apply, or preferably right now, you have to answer this:

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I'm very active on forums and on discord.
The Discord ID you listed, Leisa#6443, has absolutely no chat logs or history on the Discord server. Your last application had StillYou#5470 listed as your Discord ID which also had no logs or history. I noticed that you wrote the same exact thing for your Blackwonder mod app about a week before this one though, which makes me think that you're just mass applying to a bunch of community servers, considering that you listed a Pandacommunity IP as the server you want to moderate on your last application. Can you explain this?
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