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Declined Opinion Poll: Bunnyhop on Jailbreak

What do you think about bunnyhop on Jailbreak?

  • It would not affect my enjoyment either way if it were disabled or kept enabled.

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • I would enjoy Flux Jailbreak more if bunnyhop was kept enabled.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • I would enjoy Flux Jailbreak more if bunnyhop was disabled.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I would prefer to play on other Jailbreak servers if bunnyhop were to be disabled on Flux.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • I would only enjoy bunnyhop being disabled if other changes were made (Please explain).

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
Vote with your honest opinion, poll will be closed by the end of the week. Feel free to discuss everything about bunnyhopping on Jailbreak in this thread. Votes are anonymous but if you would like to tell us what you voted for, go ahead! If you choose option 5, let us know what you had in mind. Try to keep the discussion civilized. Disagreement and debate are fine, but be polite and don't flame people for having an opinion.


Mar 5, 2021
What the fuck was the point because this started from a forum for someone wanting to get Scout to have double jump which we've had disabled for like 3 years and now its a huge problem if your gonna actually gonna take away bhop so rebellers would not have a chance of getting away on any map. And like I said each map has short ass fences . Oh yeah when he said about like Warden can say "scouts no double jumping" we all know scouts cannot refrain from pressing their space bar twice.
May 1, 2022
What the fuck was the point because this started from a forum for someone wanting to get Scout to have double jump which we've had disabled for like 3 years and now its a huge problem if your gonna actually gonna take away bhop so rebellers would not have a chance of getting away on any map. And like I said each map has short ass fences .
It's just a survey man 😰 It's not a post for Bhop removal but to get a feel for how the community would respond if Bhop was removed


Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
What the fuck was the point because this started from a forum for someone wanting to get Scout to have double jump which we've had disabled for like 3 years and now its a huge problem if your gonna actually gonna take away bhop so rebellers would not have a chance of getting away on any map. And like I said each map has short ass fences .
As Kai said already, this poll on it's own isn't going to be grounds for changes. Personally I've been asking about the possibility for Bhop to be removed since November last year, but I stopped pursuing it because it seems Bhop is very popular, based on previous polls. The player base has changed since then a little bit, so it would be nice to have a new poll, especially with all the recent discussion about changes. It's likely that this poll will not lead to any changes on its own, so try to keep an open mind and try to be civilized with people who have differing opinions.

Also, let's not talk about Scout's double jump, or any other topic, unless it's related to the bunnyhop plugin, or unless it has to do with an explanation for choosing option #5.


Jul 30, 2022
i would LOVE for it to be disabled
the bhop assist is on default enabled for every player
it makes obby harder to do for me because it makes you slide when you land after jumping
personally i type !bhop every time i join the server so it's off
every other jb server i feel like it took skill to fool the guards in some way and escape
on flux it's literally just bhop with all of them seeing you yet you get away anyways
there is no incentive to actually listen to the warden and play along
if every single red just started bhopping and ran off there is nothing the guards can do
the bhop assist is a crutch for players incapable of escaping on their own by using their brain or movement skills
i honestly don't understand why anyone would introduce a skilless mechanic into a skill based gamemode


Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
First, my explanation for choosing #5: I do not like bhop, because it rewards degenerate gameplay in my opinion, is not fun to play with or against as either prisoner or guard, and can even be cheesed by binding +jump to MWHEELDOWN or MWHEELUP, which only works because the plugin allows for jump commands to count as a bhop even after you hit the ground.
However, I also believe that if bunnyhop is removed, it would be extremely hard for prisoners to rebel if nothing else was changed, and not fun for people who only play Jailbreak for the thrill of rebelling. Therefore I think that guards should be nerfed: they should have their 1.5x damage boost removed to keep it balanced.

Second, I will also state that I think that Bhop has a bigger advantage for prisoners than guards.

Here is an example situation: Let's say there are maybe 3 guards, and 12 prisoners. All prisoners are within a marker. One of the prisoners, let's say a Sniper, manages to Bhop in circles with enough speed that they can start jumping away from the group, taking some damage from the guards, gaining even more speed. A guard starts their hunt towards that rebeller and Bhops the way the rebeller initially went, but doesn't know for sure where they went after that initial direction. Often, especially on huge maps like Alcatraz, it can take some time to find the rebeller, especially Let's say it's the usual case of the rebeller being able to get away, as they usually are on huge maps.

In the meantime, in the main group, we now only have 2 guards and 11 prisoners. The warden and guard need to stay at range to avoid being easily overpowered by the prisoners; even at mid-range, a shotgun will not do reliably do enough damage to kill 4-5 prisoners running at you if you're a guard, especially if the ones that get shot once move to the back of the "train" coming towards you. So reasonably, the warden and the guard keep their distance.

The issue now presents itself: if about 4-5 of these prisoners start to Bhop in circles, and then Bhop at mach speeds away, there is only an extremely slim chance that the guard will reach and kill all of them, unless the guard was also in a high-speed Bhop already. Remember that warden cannot chase and must stay with the non-rebelling group of prisoners.

Most often I see that this guard is able to kill one or two of the rebellers, and maybe chase another for a long time. Meanwhile the rest of the rebellers are extremely far away and could have gone completely different directions. Now the warden is alone, and by now, the Sniper that got away has got ammo, is off the radar of the first guard, and can freely kill the Warden, who has to deal with the pressure of dealing with the group of prisoners who can turn on him at any time. Doesn't sound fun at all for Warden, and maybe even the guards, who could be searching for the entire round. This is why I believe that Bhop is a bigger advantage for prisoners than guards.​
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Jul 30, 2022
First, my explanation for choosing #5: I do not like bhop, because it rewards degenerate gameplay in my opinion, is not fun to play with or against as either prisoner or guard, and can even be cheesed by binding +jump to MWHEELDOWN or MWHEELUP, which only works because the plugin allows for jump commands to count as a bhop even after you hit the ground.
However, I also believe that if bunnyhop is removed, it would be extremely hard for prisoners to rebel if nothing else was changed, and not fun for people who only play Jailbreak for the thrill of rebelling. Therefore I think that guards should be nerfed: they should have their 1.5x damage boost removed to keep it balanced.

Second, I will also state that I think that Bhop has a bigger advantage for prisoners than guards.

Here is an example situation: Let's say there are maybe 3 guards, and 12 prisoners. All prisoners are within a marker. One of the prisoners, let's say a Sniper, manages to Bhop in circles with enough speed that they can start jumping away from the group, taking some damage from the guards, gaining even more speed. A guard starts their hunt towards that rebeller and Bhops the way the rebeller initially went, but doesn't know for sure where they went after that initial direction. Often, especially on huge maps like Alcatraz, it can take some time to find the rebeller, especially Let's say it's the usual case of the rebeller being able to get away, as they usually are on huge maps.

In the meantime, in the main group, we now only have 2 guards and 11 prisoners. The warden and guard need to stay at range to avoid being easily overpowered by the prisoners; even at mid-range, a shotgun will not do reliably do enough damage to kill 4-5 prisoners running at you if you're a guard, especially if the ones that get shot once move to the back of the "train" coming towards you. So reasonably, the warden and the guard keep their distance.

The issue now presents itself: if about 4-5 of these prisoners start to Bhop in circles, and then Bhop at mach speeds away, there is only an extremely slim chance that the guard will reach and kill all of them, unless the guard was also in a high-speed Bhop already. Remember that warden cannot chase and must stay with the non-rebelling group of prisoners.

Most often I see that this guard is able to kill one or two of the rebellers, and maybe chase another for a long time. Meanwhile the rest of the rebellers are extremely far away and could have gone completely different directions. Now the warden is alone, and by now, the Sniper that got away has got ammo, is off the radar of the first guard, and can freely kill the Warden, who has to deal with the pressure of dealing with the group of prisoners who can turn on him at any time. Doesn't sound fun at all for Warden, and maybe even the guards, who could be searching for the entire round. This is why I believe that Bhop is a bigger advantage for prisoners than guards.​
i agree with this fully except for one thing, i can get away from the guards without bhop without any issue
you literally just have to pick the right time
the bhop people who rebel i see them just run away at a random time
there is no thought that goes into it and the guards can rarely do anything about it

as for the guards bhop thing
it's horrible to have a rocket jumper soldier with a shotgun run around at ridiculous speeds 1 shotting all the people he runs into as last guard
bhop is horribly unbalanced and shouldn't be on
the bhop doesn't encourage the players to use their brains to rebel they can just mindlessly jump away with no consequence


Jul 28, 2022
I dont get why its in a "Jailbreak" server at all in the first place. For it to be in orange or tdm or whatever makes more sense, but in jb? nah. Remove that and the 1,5x


Jul 30, 2022
Something I don't understand about this poll is the option that you would look for other servers to play on because bhop is disabled.
What other server has bhop?
There are literally 0 other options.


Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
Something I don't understand about this poll is the option that you would look for other servers to play on because bhop is disabled.
What other server has bhop?
There are literally 0 other options.
Some people only play on Flux because Bhop is enough to make them keep playing here, as you can see so far 3 people have chose that. That isn't to say that Bhop is the only thing keeping them at Flux, but a big part of it.

Example: Maybe I'm someone who likes Bhop a lot, and it's my favorite gameplay plugin, but I don't like some of Flux's rules or low player count at times. If Bhop was removed, I might prefer Pandacommunity, it has more players at all times and I like the rules better, Flux has no Bhop for me to actually like it.


Jul 30, 2022
Some people only play on Flux because Bhop is enough to make them keep playing here, as you can see so far 3 people have chose that. That isn't to say that Bhop is the only thing keeping them at Flux, but a big part of it.

Example: Maybe I'm someone who likes Bhop a lot, and it's my favorite gameplay plugin, but I don't like some of Flux's rules or low player count at times. If Bhop was removed, I might prefer Pandacommunity, it has more players at all times and I like the rules better, Flux has no Bhop for me to actually like it.
Lol what kind of dude plays only for the skillless part of the server?


Jul 27, 2022
Lol what kind of dude plays only for the skillless part of the server?
That's the direction of jailbreak on flux.

If you don't like it, try other servers. I'll do the same if proper changes won't be made.


Jul 27, 2022
That's why removing Bhop from Flux is a big deal for some people. There's no other server I can think of that has BHop in Jb.
Another option could be to tone down the bhop effectiveness/speed if possible.

Bhop seems to be the root of a problem here. Some community members tying it in with damage multipliers. That somehow "One can't be removed without having the other removed as well." And classes also being restricted thanks to it, like scout not being able to double-jump. And others getting way stronger, soldier for example getting max bhop speed in one rocket jump.

I personally would accept whatever change to get guard damage multipliers removed. Even if that would mean the removal of bhop.


Lv.85 Ball Inspector
Aug 1, 2021
So, it looks like most people would prefer Bhop to be on, and it gives a good amount of people a reason to play on Flux. That's what I pretty much expected, was fun to see some discussion about it.
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