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Accepted Zak[DZ]'s Moderator Application

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Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
User name: Zak[DZ]


Your Age

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Algeria , North Africa

Your SteamID

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
I would like to moderate on dodgeball server because of the lack of admins or active admins i guess , given the fact that i've reported rule breakers 3 times but none came ( two cases were for blocking and one for suspicious flickering)

Why would you like to become a moderator?
The reason as to why i'm applying to moderate the dodgeball server is besides encountering many rule breaking players and getting annoyed by them but not getting any response after reporting ; i also have a lot of free time specially that my country forces a 12 hour lockdown and school returns on october and given the fact i only sleep 6 hours , and have literally nothing to do in the 18 left , i browse Hulu content , i explore programs and the rest is tf2 playing , and lately i've been enjoying dodgeball specially on flux due to the delivered ping ;therefore i guess i'll be a great admin due to the wide gap of time i'm having and the commitment i'm ready to show once i'm an admin.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

When are you usually available to play?
From 12 in the morning to 12 pm ( midnight) i stay awake for late hours in the day but i prefer not to play as i can not focus but that's not 24/7 straight

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate

the server forces death upon two followed attempts of stealing so i guess i have nothing else to do

Will be delivered a permanent ban with video proof
-Mic Spamming:
1st: A Warning
2nd : 1 hour mute
3rd : 2 hours mute
4th : 3 hours mute
5th: 4 hours mute
6th : 8 hours mute
7th : 1 day mute
8th : 4 days mute
as i do not see the purpose of mic spamming 5 times back-to-back therefore i don't think there would be any need for a 4 hours mute , thus if it's not back-to-back meaning the doer spams the mic on different occasions and its his fifth time being reported for mic spamming i guess longer mutes should be applied but all of this is theoretically speaking ; i am ready to punish players just as i'm instructed to if i do get instructed to : or if i'm supposed to free-handle such things on my own i would say it depends on the level of disobedience displayed by the doer and how mature/immature he is , for example say someone who sounds 15 or above with a deep voice spams his mic for the sixth time (not back-to-back of-course) i wouldn't see the need of not applying strict long term mutes and in comparison say the same thing is done by a 12 years old kid i wouldn't apply the same long term mute as before thus it would still be a 5 hours mute ; but now that i've said that i'm starting to think what if the doer can not be distinguished through his voice as he spams music or any other audible in that case i guess i'll just proceed with longer mutes perhaps doubling each time still though i can't imagine one having an urge to mic spam for the fifth time with mutes previously being applied on him ; and once again i'd be just as happy to punish players according to ladders applied by other mods.
-Chat Spamming:
1st : Warning
2nd : an hour gag
3rd: 2 hours gag
4th : 4 hours gag
5th : 6 hours gag
6th : 24 hours gag
7th : 48 hours gag
- Rasicm:
it pretty much depends on how its done whether orally or through chat : ( orally : gag ; mic : mute ; both simultaneously : silence )
1st : A Warning
2nd : 1 hour gag/mute
3rd : 2 hours gag/mute
4th: 4 hours gag/mute
5th : 6 hours gag/mute
6th : 12 hours gag/mute
7th : 1 day gag/ mute
8th : 2 days gag/mute
-Inappropriate Sprays :
1st : A Warning and the spray get removed
2nd : 1 Hour Spray-ban
3rd : Permanent Spray-Ban
-Non English Speaking : ( the delivered punishment depends on whether its done through the mic or chat meaning a gag for chat and a mute for mic and a silence if both )
1st : Will be warned
2nd : Will face a 30 mn ( for such things i don't think the minimum should be an hour )
3rd : 1 hour
4th : 2 hours
5th : 4 hours
6th : 12 hours
7th: 1 day
-Afk : Will be moved to spectator
-Admin Impersonating : Totally intolerable by me and will lead to a :
1st : 24 hour ban
2nd : Permanent
-Blocking : Such behavior is widely demonstrated by players , attempting to stick close to the enemy or teammate to block/intervene to any incoming/outcoming projectile , the doer will face :
1st : A Warning
2nd : A slay followed
3rd : 15 mn ban
4th : 1 hour
5th : 2 hours
6th : 3 hours
and if such behavior continues to persist i will not hesitate to force strict punishments.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I've been playing tf2 since 2014 on multiple accounts before i bought this one ( this account is 16 years old just as me , if i'm not mistaking it was created 2004) and needless to say it's a very very enjoyable game , whether through casual or community delivered gameplay but most of the time you run into rule-breakers/Cheaters which totally ruins the experience and i would definitely like to maintain enjoyable gameplays for everyone , and i might not have so many hours on flux servers as on others communities such as panda or blackwonder but that's only because i can't find other mods i enjoy such as slender or classwars on flux
I've also wanted to add that i know i badly managed/handled my free time but i like spending in it in a totally random way
and lastly i wanted to add that despite the toxicity i've displayed in the previous years which can be found on other communities logs , i usually i'm a nice guy , i'm not rude and i approach people in a friendly way and i do not have any excuse for probably what's there on the records of other communities because that's just me and i'm saying this because i do recall times when i acted extremely toxic and raged but who didn't and getting judged based on times i've acted toxic or might have cursed/harassed other players is definitely not who i am (i've been banned three times on harpoon trading server due to me spamming the demoman charge at a wall causing huge earapes but whats the point of purchasing donor if i cant do that , i also recall getting banned on blackwonder trading for "convincing some players that by suiciding they would receive items" which caused mass suicides xD ) what i'm trying to say is that i"m a friendly guy now and besides this unique experience of getting to be an admin i also get to maintain enjoyable gameplay experiences denying any attempt of breaking the rules , and I Hope I'll Be Capable Of The Expected Responsibility of Any Moderator.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Arabic is my mother language and french is the second official language in my country and even though i score high grades in it in school i surely face problems whilst trying to communicate using it but i definitely am able to read/understand/reply to french speakers
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Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Hi ZakDZ,

Please review this guide to better assist your application. For punishing players we use the punishment ladder. The guide explains this.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
Hello CashPrizes :)
I've already read both of the guides before creating my application as i also read some of the samples of accepted and declined applications but here i am with a classy mistake hehe
Herewith are my punishments perhaps modified and rearranged (please note that these punishments only apply to dodgeball servers and might be lacking other kinds of unaccepted behaviors that can be carried through out other servers such as jailbreak or any other servers) ( i've made the changes to my application post)


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Hi ZakDZ,

Just a couple of things to review and modify concerning your punishments:

-Aimboting/Hacking : i definitely do not tolerate such behavior and it will lead to:
1st: A Kick accompanied with a warning
2nd: Hour ban
3rd : Permanent ban

Any use of third-party software automatically warrants a permanent ban. No warnings required. We do not want these players coming back on our servers.

-Mic Spamming/Chat Spamming :
1st : A Warning
2nd : 30 mn mute
3rd: hour followed by 4 and if such behavior continues to persist a 24 hour ban will be applied.

-Racism :
1st : A Warning
2nd : Silence for an hour
3rd : Two hours of silence and if the doer continues to disobey longer punishments will be applied

For mic spamming you would issue a mute. The minimum time starts at 1 hour and then progressively increases. How would you handle the 4th or 5th infraction?

Chatspam you would issue a gag. Once again, how you handle a repeat offender who comes back and repeats the behaviour X times?

Racism, depending on if it was orally spoken or written does not always require a silence. Silencing a player disables voice + chat. What if the player only typed racist marks or slurs? How would you address it.

I would go back and review your punishment ladder and make the necessary changes. Keep in mind that punishments should progressively lengthen. Review the mod example that was posted to collect your thoughts.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
Hello CashPrizes :) , I've modified the punishments ladder again , hopefully it now fulfills the needs


Truly Feared
Jul 2, 2017
Cash has already addressed what is wrong with the punishments, however, nothing was horribly wrong anyway. We can't expect every new applicant to just know exactly how we do things 100%., but your willingness to fix the application and accept criticism shows that you are open to learning and taking advice. We definitely could use more active admins, especially for dodgeball, since I personally know very little about dodgeball. Your application is very detailed and I can tell that you took your time on it and didn't just rush it. Although I have never seen you in-game (because I don't join dodgeball servers), what I have seen of your chatlogs are clean and you seem to be very friendly to other players. I can't really find anything negative to say about you.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
Cash has already addressed what is wrong with the punishments, however, nothing was horribly wrong anyway. We can't expect every new applicant to just know exactly how we do things 100%., but your willingness to fix the application and accept criticism shows that you are open to learning and taking advice. We definitely could use more active admins, especially for dodgeball, since I personally know very little about dodgeball. Your application is very detailed and I can tell that you took your time on it and didn't just rush it. Although I have never seen you in-game (because I don't join dodgeball servers), what I have seen of your chatlogs are clean and you seem to be very friendly to other players. I can't really find anything negative to say about you.
Thank you <3


Sufficiently Lethal
Aug 30, 2017
In agreement with Kat here. I personally haven't seen you in game mostly because I do not play dodgeball. Your application seems well thought out and your chatlogs are clean. You have shown to be responsive to feedback as outlined by your edits above. I'll be supporting your application, best of luck.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
In agreement with Kat here. I personally haven't seen you in game mostly because I do not play dodgeball. Your application seems well thought out and your chatlogs are clean. You have shown to be responsive to feedback as outlined by your edits above. I'll be supporting your application, best of luck.
Thank You Sir <3 Hopefully I'll Be As Good As Expected


Happily Animating
Aug 13, 2017
Hey Zak[DZ], good to see you made an application.
It's great to see that you improved from your previous behavior in 2017, yet I would recommend to try and get that Harpoon Gaming ban appealed, considering you were banned again. I've seen you a few times in dodgeball, and I haven't noticed anything too bad to mention(That actually reminds me that I need to hop on more often). Overall, with the right guidance, I think you'll make a good moderator for Flux.tf.
Good luck with your application!


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
Hey Zak[DZ], good to see you made an application.
It's great to see that you improved from your previous behavior in 2017, yet I would recommend to try and get that Harpoon Gaming ban appealed, considering you were banned again. I've seen you a few times in dodgeball, and I haven't noticed anything too bad to mention(That actually reminds me that I need to hop on more often). Overall, with the right guidance, I think you'll make a good moderator for Flux.tf.
Good luck with your application!
Appreciate It @Jampoint <3 ; i appealed the ban twice or thrice i really don't remember xd but they can keep it i'm not really bothered by it plus i don't trade nomore and if i decide to i can easily join other trading servers hehe


Happily Animating
Aug 13, 2017
Hey Zak[DZ], got a concern.
Earlier today, I was playing dodgeball with you and some other members, and I noticed that you stole the rocket multiple times. I wasn't able to hear you very well, and I wanted to ask about what you were saying. The recommendation is that players do not steal altogether, yet we know you may occasionally make a mistake or two. You do seem to make the mistake a lot, however.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
Hey Zak[DZ], got a concern.
Earlier today, I was playing dodgeball with you and some other members, and I noticed that you stole the rocket multiple times. I wasn't able to hear you very well, and I wanted to ask about what you were saying. The recommendation is that players do not steal altogether, yet we know you may occasionally make a mistake or two. You do seem to make the mistake a lot, however.
Hey hey jam , what i said was that the rules were "not to steal actively " meaning not everytime or so often right? Plus sometimes the rocket floats nearby me or above me and i cannot help but reflect it especially when its on high speeds as my intention in that case is to stay alive but hehe in other occasions i do reflect other players's rockets cuz its kinda fun ; dodgeball without at least one steal is lacking fun don't you think plus most of the time i do only steal when the targeted enemy is really good ; and to add up i would actually suggest making it legal or if the word doesn't fit , making it not against the rules to steal because if you got your rocket stolen you wouldn't be mad at all because there will be another rocket and at the same time it's a tricky strategy to pull ; though i do understand that from another perspective it can be considered as if you took someone else's shot or fun , it isn't at all i've actually played on servers where stealing wasn't against the rules and none actually complained ; in fact it actually had added up a whole other different way of playing dodgeball where you can trick the enemy or spook him with a reflect he wasn't ready for ; plus , the servers forces a slay upon two successful attempts of stealing , i do find that very sufficient.
Edit : It actually states " do not continuously steal the rocket " and i try to not steal it more than twice or thrice at each match ; saying it that way made it sound like i steal it each round but i don't its just that the server had so many players and rockets where flying nearby me specially in that map and once out of every say 5 times each match i was not able to hold my inner urge to actually steal that rocket ; but i don't do that on daily basis though , say for example when the server has 6 players i do keep a distance from other teammates and i do not get rockets flying nearby me so often so i rarely steal ; Let me know what you think Jam
Edit0.1a: upon re-reading i discovered that i wrote twice or thrice whil in reality you can't steal thrice ; twice would get you slayed (why can't i focus when im staying up late *insert emoji that i can't insert cuz everytime i do i get the error message* )
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Happily Animating
Aug 13, 2017
Hey hey jam , what i said was that the rules were "not to steal actively " meaning not everytime or so often right? Plus sometimes the rocket floats nearby me or above me and i cannot help but reflect it especially when its on high speeds as my intention in that case is to stay alive but hehe in other occasions i do reflect other players's rockets cuz its kinda fun ; dodgeball without at least one steal is lacking fun don't you think plus most of the time i do only steal when the targeted enemy is really good ; and to add up i would actually suggest making it legal or if the word doesn't fit , making it not against the rules to steal because if you got your rocket stolen you wouldn't be mad at all because there will be another rocket and at the same time it's a tricky strategy to pull ; though i do understand that from another perspective it can be considered as if you took someone else's shot or fun , it isn't at all i've actually played on servers where stealing wasn't against the rules and none actually complained ; in fact it actually had added up a whole other different way of playing dodgeball where you can trick the enemy or spook him with a reflect he wasn't ready for ; plus , the servers forces a slay upon two successful attempts of stealing , i do find that very sufficient.
Edit : It actually states " do not continuously steal the rocket " and i try to not steal it more than twice or thrice at each match ; saying it that way made it sound like i steal it each round but i don't its just that the server had so many players and rockets where flying nearby me specially in that map and once out of every say 5 times each match i was not able to hold my inner urge to actually steal that rocket ; but i don't do that on daily basis though , say for example when the server has 6 players i do keep a distance from other teammates and i do not get rockets flying nearby me so often so i rarely steal ; Let me know what you think Jam
Edit0.1a: upon re-reading i discovered that i wrote twice or thrice whil in reality you can't steal thrice ; twice would get you slayed (why can't i focus when im staying up late *insert emoji that i can't insert cuz everytime i do i get the error message* )
I really do not like this reply, since you admitted to breaking the rule intentionally and that you wish to remove/loophole the rule. What we mean by continuously means not doing it so much per map rotation. I can understand if you accidentally do it once or twice, but just because the rule has a different choice of words doesn't mean you should actively steal. Just because it's normal in other communities and that some players don't complain about stealing doesn't excuse you from breaking that rule on our dodgeball server. As a moderator, we may have discussions about changing, adding, and removing rules, however, whatever the rule may be, whether you agree or disagree, you must enforce it and make sure you don't break it. This makes me unsure if I can stand by your application.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
I really do not like this reply, since you admitted to breaking the rule intentionally and that you wish to remove/loophole the rule. What we mean by continuously means not doing it so much per map rotation. I can understand if you accidentally do it once or twice, but just because the rule has a different choice of words doesn't mean you should actively steal. Just because it's normal in other communities and that some players don't complain about stealing doesn't excuse you from breaking that rule on our dodgeball server. As a moderator, we may have discussions about changing, adding, and removing rules, however, whatever the rule may be, whether you agree or disagree, you must enforce it and make sure you don't break it. This makes me unsure if I can stand by your application.
Apologies for the inconvenience ; i thought continuously meant per match not per map rotation ; will try my best not to steal and i wasn't using other players being fine with stealing in other communities as an excuse to break the rules it was there to support the idea of making it not against the rules ; and the occasions where i stole the rocket today or speaking of when u were in the server most of which were when rockets flew by nearby me though i do not deny the fact that i might have intervened the direction of some rockets twice or thrice on purpose i'm saying that most of which were stolen because they flew nearby me and i just couldn't resist the urge of flickering my mouse towards them and hitting m2 though i promise to try to overcome this habit as i will be trying my best not to reflect rockets passing by.


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Hi ZakDZ,

Sorry about the delay. I would like to welcome you to the team. You will officially be moderating our Dodgeball server. I will be sending you a message on Discord shortly with additional information.


Wicked Nasty
May 18, 2020
Hi ZakDZ,

Sorry about the delay. I would like to welcome you to the team. You will officially be moderating our Dodgeball server. I will be sending you a message on Discord shortly with additional information.
More than just happy and honored to be on the team
Hopefully I'll Be As Good As Expected
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