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Recent content by SolarSocks

  1. SolarSocks

    Declined Banned for no reason

    declined, if you wish to appeal please use the appeal template instead of screaming at all the staff replying to the thread. in most cases cheating bans are non-negotiable also.
  2. SolarSocks

    Resolved I was Perma-banned

    apologies for the inconvenience, the anticheat in the MVM server has been having issues for a good while now. you've been unbanned
  3. SolarSocks

    Imagine talking about lack of respect while accusing someone for cheating

    @kringu has already provided clear reasons to suspect you here. as we've stated multiple times you were not manually banned and were detected by the anticheat, then tried using an alt account. your ban will remain, and whining about it is not getting you anywhere. please stop making threads...
  4. SolarSocks

    Get new admins/staffs here

    saying stuff like this is exactly how NOT to convince staff to unban you. if you handled this in a calmer way instead of throwing a hissy fit, there would at least be a degree of respect to get back from us. but you reap what you sow locking the thread now to prevent any further arguments. fun...
  5. SolarSocks

    Declined LightBurn's Ban appeal

    its very clear you knew what would happen going into this and trying to deliberately trigger the anticheat. after discussing it with other staff they also told me you have also pretended to cheat before, to which it was said you wouldn’t have another chance to appeal afterwards. do not appeal...
  6. SolarSocks

    Invalid Make the server have less lag for people, and make the hitscan better they are soo broken.

    you should expect this by playing on an eu-hosted server in america
  7. SolarSocks

    The Flux List of unfortunate People.

    whoever that hellyoshi bozo was he was right, all the admins stink except me
  8. SolarSocks

    Declined 41q's Moderator Application

    i havent personally seen you on the servers much so i cant comment on that, although its likely due to my inactivity (another staff member could probably help your case). as for everything else about your application, i recommend expanding your punishment ladder. we dont usually hand out...
  9. SolarSocks

    Declined Remove spectating list

    i can vouch for this change, the spec list seems like a totally unneccessary addition and you detailed why nicely
  10. SolarSocks

    Declined ruddy ban appeal

    short answer: no slightly less short answer: follow the appeal template and make an attempt to actually sound convincing
  11. SolarSocks

    Declined Fix the halloween dance taunt randomly overriding default taunts

    the thriller taunt is a part of halloween mode. disabling it means having to disable the entirety of halloween mode as well (which means no soul collecting, weapon spells or restricted cosmetics). theres no way to disable the taunt outright other than simply not default taunting or using weapons...
  12. SolarSocks

    Roast the person above You

    the person above me is a jpg
  13. SolarSocks

    Resolved Ban Appeal

    Matt went on a huge random ban spree. Not sure why, but a few staff believe he was compromised, me included. If he wasn’t, it’s unfortunate, but this seems extremely out of character for him. We’re looking to resolve it soon, hopefully. Whatevs said he removed every false ban, so I’ll mark this...
  14. SolarSocks


    extremely cringe miss u jerry :(