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Recent content by prk

  1. prk

    Resolved prk's Ban appeal

  2. prk

    Resolved prk's Ban appeal

  3. prk

    Resolved prk's Ban appeal

  4. prk

    Resolved prk's Ban appeal

    Username: What is your type of punishment? Ban Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:634571383 Who has punished you? kringu Why were you punished? "cheating" Why should we revoke your punishment? a huge troll. was it worth it? yes. also two guys...
  5. prk

    Remove mge random crits

    you dont play mge thats why your answer is skill issue. if you did then you would prolly know. this behaviour will be noted for future experience. Thanks .
  6. prk

    Remove mge random crits

    it doesn't have to be a poll coz mge servers aren't supposed to have random crits at all
  7. prk

    Remove mge random crits

    Title is pretty self explanatory. having random crits on an mge server is ridiculous
  8. prk

    Declined prk's Moderator Application

    Username prk Your Age 18 Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers? Yes Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record? No Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No Do you have a microphone? Yes...
  9. prk


  10. prk


  11. prk


  12. prk

    Declined Report against Mrcrounchy (orange crits)

    Username: Who are you reporting? Mrcrounchy What server game mode is the report concerned with? orange crits What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:142926688] What is the reason of the report? possible WallHacks(ESP)...
  13. prk

    Resolved Report against boogie (JB)

    dude, could you make your demos way shorter than that. its way too long
  14. prk

    Resolved Report against chickenfring99 (jb)

    at tick 113804 slow down the demo then you will see it https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dxzhs54tggfb9kgu6wfe1/2023-08-02_17-59-45-1.dem?rlkey=kb1opde85038rc660gs4xz6l7&dl=0
  15. prk

    Resolved Report against chickenfring99 (jb)

    Username: Who are you reporting? chickenfring99 What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:1574142088] What is the reason of the report? cheating Files you have as proof File(s) attached Any other proof you have...