- Name: JanKonesCZ
- Age: 16
- Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx)
- Specify your timezone and rough playtimes~
CEST +1:00
Any time between 5PM to 8PM
- Have you been an admin before and where?
I have been admin on few "RP" servers for game "unturned", most of them are gone and others didnt had names..
- What servers are you primarily applying for?
All of them are dead anyway.. so no one really cares
- Which admins (if any) do you know?
Lord gaben, Biggest and smartest Dad AinsleyH, sum normie called Jim ( i heard he likes to succ tonks)
- Are you familiar with the admin role and commands? ie - what is expected of you
Yes, as admin in minecraft servers
uuHHH.. i can do "quit" and "unbind all" in cosole
- Why would you be a good addition to the servers as an administrator?
bEcAuSe i sAyS sO
- Give us a brief rundown of punishments you'd give out to users breaking different rules.
tHeRe aRe pUnIsHmEnTs fOr bReAkIng rULeS?
- Anything else you'd like to add - maybe a bit about yourself, ie - interests, hobbies, education, etc etc
My peepee is 6.5 inches long when it hard
uhhh johny johny yes papa

- Age: 16
- Steam name + ID: (Both the name and the STEAM_0:xxxxx)
- Specify your timezone and rough playtimes~
CEST +1:00
Any time between 5PM to 8PM
- Have you been an admin before and where?
I have been admin on few "RP" servers for game "unturned", most of them are gone and others didnt had names..
- What servers are you primarily applying for?
All of them are dead anyway.. so no one really cares

- Which admins (if any) do you know?
Lord gaben, Biggest and smartest Dad AinsleyH, sum normie called Jim ( i heard he likes to succ tonks)
- Are you familiar with the admin role and commands? ie - what is expected of you
Yes, as admin in minecraft servers

uuHHH.. i can do "quit" and "unbind all" in cosole
- Why would you be a good addition to the servers as an administrator?
bEcAuSe i sAyS sO
- Give us a brief rundown of punishments you'd give out to users breaking different rules.
tHeRe aRe pUnIsHmEnTs fOr bReAkIng rULeS?

- Anything else you'd like to add - maybe a bit about yourself, ie - interests, hobbies, education, etc etc
My peepee is 6.5 inches long when it hard
uhhh johny johny yes papa