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Declined beefbrain's spectacular staff application (aka boolProp, vin, dogs**t)

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Scarcely Lethal
Jul 11, 2020
Personal Info:
beefbrain (aliases include: dogs**t , boolProp , vin - I might cycle between these names or entirely new ones occasionally)
Age: 21
London, United Kingdom (Timezone is GMT+00)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:32642854
Discord ID:

Previous Experience:
The following is a list of times I have been staff on a server and when:

-2013/2014: I was an admin on a TF2 trade server, where I was expected to keep chat clean of trolling and harassment, I was also tasked with banning people who were cheating, defrauding traders on the server, or breaking any other rules that there were.
-2014/2015: I was a moderator on a Garry's Mod RP server, my job was to enforce stricter rules than my previous position on a TF2 Trade Server, and personally I don't feel I was cut out for that position as I was not really a fan of the community surrounding that server or the other staffmembers.

Since the 2015 position I have not been an admin on any servers other than my own Minecraft servers that I have hosted with friends and on behalf of a friend of mine who streams, however the rules on those servers were more 'laissez-faire'.

Familiarity with Admin Commands:
As a person who is already a lifetime donor to Flux.TF, I am already familiar with the use of the "SM Menu" in console, as I have used it before to initiate voteteambans, votemutes, votegags, votekicks .etc, and I am aware that there are commands for completing these actions without voting only available to administrators and moderators on the server.

Servers I would like to Moderate:
The main server that I currently play on is Flux.TF Jailbreak (, however I would be open to writing a new application for other servers such as Deathrun and/or VSH should those servers become more active and populated.

Why I would like to join the Staff:
I have been playing on Flux.TF Jailbreak for about a year now, and It has become my regular community server when I play TF2. I also tend to get along with other staff members and feel I could help them keep the servers safe, fun and unspoiled by trolls/cheaters/freekillers.etc in order to help nurture a healthier and more communal atmosphere.
I also play on Jailbreak alot, so I would be able to put in alot of hours monitoring the server.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members?:
Yes, here is a list:

-The Funny

*key - Green (I talk to them on a regular basis and they know me or know of me) / Amber (I have talked to them in the past and have chat transcripts over discord / steam with them) / Red (I have seen and talked to them on the server before, but am doubtful of them remembering me - atleast by name)

Time Availability:
I am usually available to play after standard 9-5 work hours weekdays (5:30pm - 10:00pm) and more flexibly Friday-Sunday.

How I believe players should be sanctioned for breaching server rules:
I believe context matters alot in deciding the severity of a ban, reading the room can be very important if a known regular is clearly upset or depressed and appears to be taking their anger out in an irresponsible way; if i found this to be the case I would proceed with a ban but ensure I discussed it with other staffmembers in order to escalate it to someone more senior. However, in terms of more black and white instances I have picked up a rough idea of how to respond:

1 time - Verbal warning / Slay if necessary
2 times - Immediate Slay / Guardban if necessary
3 times / Mass Freekill - Immediate Teamban / General ban from the server if they are disruptive on account of the sanction or conspire to repeat their action.
LTAP (Leaving to Avoid Punishment) - Find their steam profile / ID through recently played with list and ensure they are teambanned before they rejoin.

This honestly depends on what the person is micspamming, if it is offensive content I would take it upon myself to mute them immediately and indefinitely so as to preserve some level of sanctity on the server and especially for people who might have been offended. If it is just music or memes, I would first provide them with a warning, followed by the standard escalations of mute durations if they continue to ignore my verdict.

1 time / Occasional slip-ups - Verbal Warning
2-3 times / Consistent ignorance - Temporary gag
Constant Ignorance - Gag, and informing the staff of their consistent rule ignoring / breaking.

Warden Forcing / Illegal FF / Illegal Minigames / General Abuse of the Guard Team Privelleges:
1 time / rare slip-ups - Warning and Slay if necessary
2-4 times / occasional slip ups - Temporary Guard Ban
Constant Ignorance of Rules - Guard Ban Immediately and escalate the issue to other staff.
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Scarcely Lethal
Jul 11, 2020
In my defence, those instances were all in 2020.
Also, if a ban or mute is meant to be equitable punishment for a wrongful action, haven't I already served my time for those mistakes?


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
When you are able to create a half-decent punishment ladder you can reapply. I purposely left this open longer to see if you'd make any changes to your application and you haven't.

There are resources available on the forums. You may reapply after 60 days.
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