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Recent content by pootis oh ya

  1. pootis oh ya

    Monkys Daily Facts

    your still dragging this like the lowtaper fade meme
  2. pootis oh ya

    Resolved pootis oh ya's Mute appeal

    Username: What is your type of punishment? Mute Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:52252447 Who has punished you? Festive God Why were you punished? mic spam, talking over warden, disrespect Why should we revoke your punishment? I just wanna be...
  3. pootis oh ya

    Will I get banned if I keep mic spamming?

    i will never get muted
  4. pootis oh ya

    Declined Add a !voterevive for donors.

    pls add ;)
  5. pootis oh ya

    The Flux List of unfortunate People.

    yes, i really agree
  6. pootis oh ya

    Declined pootis oh ya's Mute appeal

    Username: a wild pootis What is your type of punishment? Mute Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:52252447 Who has punished you? Festive God Why were you punished? mic spam, talking over warden, disrespect Why should we revoke your punishment? I was not...
  7. pootis oh ya


    very funny
  8. pootis oh ya

    Suggest a game.

    Play BioShock infinite.
  9. pootis oh ya

    The Spanish Spy - HydRo

    Oh and you made a nother account to say "Free my homeboy he ain't doin nothing"?
  10. pootis oh ya

    The Spanish Spy - HydRo

    Did you make this so they would think that you are just a sweat and not a aimbotter so you could get unbanned?
  11. pootis oh ya

    Returning, not on jb tho

    png is coming back? no babybarking
  12. pootis oh ya

    Returning, not on jb tho

  13. pootis oh ya

    Declined Update jail_snowballz suggestion

    i love climb add this
  14. pootis oh ya

    Declined pootis oh ya's Mute appeal

    Username: What is your type of punishment? Mute Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064770623/ Who has punished you? Apple Pie Why were you punished? for saying monky Why should we revoke your punishment? I said monky as a...