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Search results

  1. NeonKiller

    Declined Application Re-Do

    (Wont b rushed this time) Name : Rhys Age : 11 (Yes I'm young). Steam Name + ID : *NeonKiller STEAM_0:1:103573908 Timezone and rough playtimes : GMT, atleast 3-5 times a week. Have you been an admin before and where : Not really anywhere intresting, just some discord servers. That doesn't mean...
  2. NeonKiller

    Possible Warday Server?

    Check mine for more detail, check it out in SUGGESTIONS
  3. NeonKiller

    War Day Server

    Yes but your loadout stays the same.
  4. NeonKiller


    Didn't see the change.
  5. NeonKiller

    War Day Server

    Map secrets will ALREADY be added in map creation.
  6. NeonKiller

    War Day Server

    It'll be random as a class so you could range from scout to spy. You may or may not get a sniper.
  7. NeonKiller

    War Day Server

    That'd be cool but I need to get people to develop some code and I'd need to make a map. I'll keep in contact, okay?
  8. NeonKiller

    War Day Server

    Yes I am thinking of adding 'traps' which are randomly selected on the map. After the 2 minutes those traps affect the BLU'S not the RED'S.
  9. NeonKiller

    War Day Server

    They don't have inf ammo. I do get the crits so that will be removed and the speed doesn't really make sense. Idk about the ammo though.
  10. NeonKiller

    War Day Server

    JB Warday altered slightly ALL : Have 8 minutes to kill each other. Can go everywhere in the map after 2 minutes in defense room. Stalemate after 8 minutes Randomly Selected Class. CAN'T RESPAWN Blu DEFENDERS : Randomly Selected DEFENSE room Cannot leave defense area for 2 minutes CRITS Have...
  11. NeonKiller

    Accepted Swiggy the JB Badmin.

    Thank you.
  12. NeonKiller

    Age set to 17 to bypass restriction.

    Age set to 17 to bypass restriction.
  13. NeonKiller

    Accepted Swiggy the JB Badmin.

    Bronze I'm going to get some. I'll get both pic and rec. Maybe both.
  14. NeonKiller

    Accepted Swiggy the JB Badmin.

    What does SWIGGY do? Lets go over the positives first. -Good with freekillers -I really don't know what else. Then the negatives. -Slays for baiting -Slays people 'accidentally' -Doesn't respawn the freekilled -Doesn't actually enforce the rules well. Ask a lot of people as they will say this...
  15. NeonKiller

    Declined Application for Admin - NeonKiller

    Like I said, I forgot my username.
  16. NeonKiller

    Declined Application for Admin - NeonKiller

    Reason why I joined today because my old FLUX.TF account's username is forgotten. I just thought that I might just use a new account. I had to lie about my age so I could make an account.
  17. NeonKiller

    Declined Application for Admin - NeonKiller

    I don't actually know my steam ID properly
  18. NeonKiller

    Declined Application for Admin - NeonKiller

    The admins I know are : Engie, ZBlock, GreGre.
  19. NeonKiller

    Declined Application for Admin - NeonKiller

    My Admin Application Name : Rhys Age : 11 (Little young but still) ID : NeonKiller/76561198167413545/ I've been an admin around Discord Server's and technically not admin but trying to help out on Xeri's Berries, a deathrun server. I mostly play Deathrun - Xeri's, Jailbreak - Mostly Flux and...
  20. NeonKiller

    mario kart server?

    We need a mariokart server because most of them are ded and empty.