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Search results

  1. SolarSocks

    Flux.TF Movie Night: WEEK 2

    The poll has concluded! Inception won by a landslide, and will be streamed on Saturday. Thank you for voting, I hope to see you there!
  2. SolarSocks

    Flux.TF Movie Night: WEEK 2

    Hey all, another movie night will be planned for this weekend! Same time as the last movie: Saturday, April 17th at 8:30PM BST. There's not much to talk about with this one, however if you're planning to stop by in future I definitely recommend suggesting something on the Suggestion Thread...
  3. SolarSocks

    Flux.TF Movie Night: SUGGESTION THREAD!

    Thought it would be a good idea to let people submit movies through forum posts, so that's exactly what I'm going to do! Leave any movies you recommend for us to watch here! If you see an already-suggested film you like, give it a thumbs up; I'm more likely to look into the more positively voted...
  4. SolarSocks

    Flux.tf Movie Night 2.0!

    Thank you all for voting and joining Movie Night! And a VERY special thanks to @Dova who let me borrow £2 to rent it last-minute (thanks to Netflix not liking good movies). I plan to make Movie Nights a biweekly thing, so don't worry if you missed this one. I'll try and get a thread sorted to...
  5. SolarSocks

    Flux.tf Movie Night 2.0!

    The poll has concluded! John Wick 3 has won the vote, and will be streamed tomorrow evening. Hot Fuzz, the runner up, will be included as a "redemption" vote for the next poll. Thank you for voting, and I hope to see you soon!
  6. SolarSocks

    Flux.tf Movie Night 2.0!

    Yes, don't let the similar post from 2017 fool you, we're having a real movie night! I plan to stream a movie in the Discord, at 8:30 pm BST (UK time) on Saturday, April 3rd. What movie are we watching, you may ask? That's where the poll above comes into play: vote from one of the four choices...
  7. SolarSocks

    Whats a pet peeve you have

    i dont fall into this category because i sing what im listening to on itunes >: )
  8. SolarSocks

    Make an assumption on the person above based on their profile pic

    the person above has a bad opinion extra: the person below will call me a furry
  9. SolarSocks

    Accepted Flux Movie Night?

    Got this idea a few hours ago. To run down: every week, a vote would be held on the forums to watch a movie, with 3-4 options every week. The film with the most votes would be streamed in Discord on said week. Staff would be able to submit films to add to the vote, depending on the film's...
  10. SolarSocks

    joined green gang

    joined green gang
  11. SolarSocks

    Accepted Discord activity roles

    Mee6's levelling system allows you to only count messages sent every one or two minutes to give you XP, in order to prevent spam. If this is implemented I can see it being a good thing.
  12. SolarSocks

    Declined PROPLAYEN's teamban Appeal

    Appeal has been seemingly abandoned by OP. Locked, moved.
  13. SolarSocks

    Declined PROPLAYEN's teamban Appeal

    Hi PROPLAYEN, I was the one that teambanned you, around the end of November. If you have a mic, you're more than welcome to schedule with me or another staff member to meet you ingame for you to verify your mic. I'll leave this thread open for you to arrange further.
  14. SolarSocks


  15. SolarSocks

    Accepted Trust Day/Meat Grinder

    Should be changed around depending on player count. Allow it for LRs. Otherwise, yes
  16. SolarSocks

    Declined Remove "Jail Night Dynf" from the map rotation

    IMO the map is too big and open. Sometimes it's not a bad thing, but this map is quite literally a flat piece of ground with no terrain variation, which not only makes the map sniper heaven, but also makes moving between minigames a complete chore, as well as sneaking away to rebel near...
  17. SolarSocks

    Declined Guardbanned

    Appeal has been abandoned. Declined.
  18. SolarSocks

    Accepted Remove the order "Guards are no longer allowed to bait."

    I don't think the order should be flat out banned, as there are situations where a guard has to get in reds melee range (motivating in dr/obby, checking cells, moving through tight spaces with lots of reds, etc). However the order is also able to be abused quite heavily, although I haven't seen...
  19. SolarSocks

    Declined Guardbanned

    I'm fairly certain I was the one you banned you; for not having a mic. I can't act on this appeal if you can't confirm you've got a mic. I'll leave this thread open if you want to arrange with me, or any other staff member, a time to meet in game and confirm you have a mic. You're also free to...
  20. SolarSocks

    Let the cowmangler use the main fire when on red team

    Because all of those weapons don't have ammo. Therefore they can't be recharged with ammo packs. I'm not a scripting genius, but there might be a workaround to it that can be implemented. If not, it can't be done.